My kiss last forever

My kiss last forever 's avatar

Birthday: 05/04


Hey there you know what I know a lot about the babes I love the crazy ones who try to treat me like the b***h lol I feel like i have to tame them if I dont well that never happens so. I love lots of hot girls never could really pick I aint emo but when i see them girls man to I get hard! Well I try to teach girls from what guys are doing i am like a knight I save them from monster who will destroy them if you wanna know the 5 rules to getting the babe you want please pm me I like to share my info.

I have been thinking about this very cute girl lately. She is so perfect excpet the fact she is a b***h lol. I will get her she like the new video game or the candy you want befor you leave I cant even discribe her prettyness. Her name I love to I never met anyone with that name if you think you can top her good luck. Just she blocked me sooner or later she will come to her sense I just wish she cn see what I wrote sad

I have no problem with them loser ******** ups I can help you with any promblem I just want to be friends
My best friend is Nick medal he is such a babe magnet but I am way hotter
My babes are Cindy hoff, Alice, and pretty Jamie thoese girls are hott s**t and mine!

I live with my mom never met my dad he lives in Washington so idk I called him once he said sorry I was like whatever I almost started crying

Wish List


I am going to tie up grunnys

I drew this!

I love a babe with excotic hair color
blue bright eyes
sexy kissing lips
long black eye lashes
a cute button nose
a babe who
knows what she wants
plays hard to get
is a cutiee
loves to dance (lap dance)
She has to
have a cute name
a cute look
be fun
be a girl
be shy
like me
want me
cause I want her so bad and I think I found her

Smoke by day drink by night
kiss by day ******** by night
light my weed suck my d**k