MysticAricia's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/26

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[[ In the process of making. ^_^ Don't worry. I'll get something up soon, I hope. If my classes don't keep me busy. If you want to know more about my muse, scroll down to see her profile. Thanks for your patience. ]]

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[[ Aricia's Bio ]]

♆ Full name: Aricia Nereis Palaios

♆ Nickname: Ari
Don’t be afraid to call her this.

♆ Personification of: Atlantis

♆ Gender: Female

♆ Human Age: 18

♆ Real Age: Unknown [Though it dates back to over 1,000,000 years ago.]

♆ Birthday: February 26
Also known as, Tell a Fairy Tale Day.

♆ Speaks: English, on occasion Greek, and languages long since forgotten.

♆ Skin Tone: Fair
Usually burns if out in the sun for way too long.

♆ Height: 5’1” (154.9 cm)

♆ Weight: 110 lbs. (50 kg)

♆ Eye Color: Hazel/Green
Green near the edges, brown near the pupil.

♆ Hair Color/Style: Dark Chocolate Brown. Her hair style is a little complicated; Normally, it looks short with a slight wave, but has two braids underneath the back of her hair, near the nape of her neck. When these braids are undone, her hair looks long, with stray hairs sticking out every now and then near the top, and ends mid-thigh. At the end of where her hair parts at the back of her head is a stray hair three inches long and ends in a 'double curl' or ahoge, which flows down with her hair.
(Short story behind her hair style. Just ask if you want to know.)

♆ Scars: She has three on her back that represent the three catastrophes that ended her rein above the water's surface. One goes from the middle of her right shoulder and trails diagonally-straight down to curl slightly around her left hip. It is larger in size near her right shoulder blade and thins out the farther down it goes. A second jagged scar starts at her left shoulder blade and ends shortly after crossing the first scar, fairly even in size throughout. The last, smaller and thinner, scar can be seen horizontally across both of the other two scars in a straight line near the middle of her back, like it was meant to be there. Her scars are sensitive, but they're NOT an e-zone.

♆ Clothes: If she’s feeling traditional she would wear a Greek styled boys tunic (easier to move around in) with or without sandals. Some modern clothes she would wear are shorts and a tank top. Underneath all clothing she has adapted to wearing a bathing suit in case she wants to go swimming. Which brings me to when she’s a mermaid; she wears a bathing suit top with it and sometimes a sarong around her tail if she feels like it.

♆ Weapons: Swords, Bow & Arrow, Spears/Polearms, Explosives, and Magic.
Favors to use a Trident she named Amphitrite which is made out of orichalcum (which I have a headcanon of being a metallic blue color).
About her magic: Just know that when she uses it, it takes up energy which can be refilled by eating, sleeping, or both. (Using up too much energy can endanger her life in the AUs where she's human, but since she's a nation it would be like slipping into a coma.)


♆ Personality:
Aricia is a generally happy girl, but her mood is easily influenced, meaning she could be happy, confused, and annoyed all within a couple of minutes. She will ask loads of questions, whether she’s confused about something or just purely curious. The girl likes to help people, feels she’ll be remembered that way. She’s stubborn to admit to things like getting sick, being hungry, or being lonely, although she does tend to get lonely rather easily. She likes to tease and joke with those closer to her, not with a complete stranger. Aricia is the kind of girl to notice things about others, but when it comes to her, she gets rather oblivious. A huge example of this would be her love life. If someone were to hit on her, she wouldn’t get it.

♆ Quirks:
- When speaking, she will not use contractions. (Examples: “Don’t” becomes “Do not”, “Can’t” becomes “Cannot”, “I’ll” becomes “I will”, ect.)
- Can barely play any other instruments besides a harp or a lyre.
- Easily falls asleep, though sometimes it’s easy to wake her and at other times it’s hard.
- When she falls asleep, she likes hugging a pillow as she lays her head on it.
- Has a fondness for things that sparkle and/or gleam.
- If she gets confused, most of the time she will either blink, tilt her head a little to the side, or both.
- She has a very hard time recalling memories of what went down when she has been completely drunk/wasted/hammered, whichever you'd like to call it.

♆ Fears:
- Athazagoraphobia: The fear of being forgotten by others. Because, as a nation, she is older than she looks and fears that everyone will eventually forget who she was, which would make her feel like she never truly excited in the first place.
- Monophobia: The fear of being alone. In her case, she fears being alone by herself forever (meaning she would have no friends, family, or lover). She hates the idea of being by herself for long periods of time and gets a little fidgety when it happens. Usually then she sings to drive the loneness away and calms down. Either that or she surrounds herself by animals.
- She has an irrational fear of lightning (which does not include thunder). Lightning is the symbol of Zeus and is afraid that if she sees one it means Zeus is mad at her again. [Because I have a headcannon about how she thinks Zeus is the one responsible for sinking her because she was gaining too much power as a nation.]

♆ Likes:
- Singing (Very good)
- Dancing (Well enough)
- Learning
- Swimming (Loves this)
- The ocean
- Polishing her fighting skills.
- Spending time in nature and with animals.

♆ Dislikes:
- People underestimating her. (This includes someone she barely knows petting her head. She sees it as being treated like a youngling.)
- Teasing her size.
- Cigarettes and the smoke that comes from it.
- People hurting themselves.
- Pollution
- Gravity (Finds it annoying after spending so much time being weightless underwater.)

♆ Favorite ____:
[To add here]


.:∞:. Relationships .:∞:.

♆ Relationship Status:

♆ Relationship History:
None so far.

♆ Family:
- Gaea [Mother Earth]: Grandmother-like figure, though whether she is actually related or not is a mystery. Though couldn't you say all nations are related to her? -personal opinion-

♆ Other Relations:

♆ Other:
- When she’s in a relationship all other romantic/smut rps are AU.
- Aricia is seke. (Although she usually doesn’t make the first move, being oblivious in that area.)
- Erogenous Zones: Her ears, curl, and inner thighs.
- I am willing to rp any pairing!


.:∞:. Other Forms .:∞:.

♆ Mermaid Form:
It all started when she sunk to the bottom of the sea, she used her magic to transform anyone left in her country into a mermaid so they could survive. Because so much time passed, the spell became attached to her body. It’s now become like a curse and she has no control over it. Once she becomes drenched her legs disappear and are replaced with light green scales. She gets her legs back when she’s dry. As for her clothes, her shorts (or anything else she’s wearing on the bottom half of her body) disappear when she turns into a mermaid and reappear when she's dry. Another part of the curse; Ari has to be in mermaid form and in water at least once a day, if not she will start to suffocate.

♆ More Fun Forms:
[To add here]


'Atlantis is the name of a legendary island first mentioned in Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias. In Plato's account, Atlantis, lying "beyond the pillars of Heracles", was a naval power that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9,500 BC. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune."'

.:∞:. Atlantean History .:∞:.

[More to come, but please be very patient with me...]


.:∞:. RP Rules .:∞:.

♆ Literate:
I love lit and can type up a few sentences to a paragraph and/or two.

♆ Advanced Literate:
To me Adv. Lit is three paragraphs or more and I will try this if I feel like it, but replies will take longer than usual.

♆ Script:
I like, up to a point.

Actions: -skips around in circles-
OOC: (( I love pandas! )) or [[ I love pandas! ]] or {{ I love pandas! }}
I will use emoticons OOC, but I’m iffy about using them IC.

✔ Will RP:
Het ♥♥
Romance ♥♥♥ (-hopeless romantic-)
Fluff ♥
AU ♥
Crossovers (If I know the series.)
Smut (Due to rules this will always fade-to-black.)
Most Kinks (Which cannot be rped here due to rules)
~The list goes on~

✘ Will NOT RP:

♆ I love plot twists! That is all.

♆ Please don’t text talk while in character! (Unless you are a troll from Homestuck, then that’s a different story.)

♆ Being quite the forgetful person, I don't mind being reminded to reply to a roleplay. Go ahead, bother me, or at least poke me.


♓ About the Admin ♑

Hi there! I am the Admin of Aricia/Arion. Please call me Cursty, until we get to know each other more and I might tell you my real name.
- I live in the US (mind the time zones).
- If you want to talk OOC, I’m good with that; I’m told I’m a good listener. Just use these "(( -words- ))" when talking.
- Most of the time I'm shy and a bit of an awkward turtle.
- I’m always updating this bio, so check in occasionally.
- If you have any questions or comments about Ari, don't be afraid to ask/tell me.

Last updated: 9/22/12

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