
hello i am an eleven year old boy the size of a Rhino i am proficeint in martial arts and have my own blade


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Captain lelouch

Report | 12/04/2010 11:30 am

Captain lelouch

copy/paste this to ten profiles and log offin and ckeck
your money and you'll get 100,000 it really

Report | 03/22/2008 4:44 pm



Report | 03/11/2008 9:47 pm


Minazuki (????)

Wielder: Unohana Retsu, 4th div. Captain

First Shikai: Chapter 154, vol 18, The God of Flash

First Bankai: I don't ...think we've seen it.


Minazuki's normal form is slightly different than your average zanpaku-to and not really what you'd expect the nice, polite, motherly Captain Unohana to be toting around. A huge, curved no-datchi (the Japanese idea of a claymore), Minazuki is almost as long as Captain Unohana is tall. She normally carries it around in her hands, or slung purse-like over her shoulder with a long strap.


I think this is Minazuki's Shikai, anyway. She's used it a few times too often for it to be her Bankai. However, Kubotite has yet to show us how Captain Unohana summons it, so I don't know what phrase or word she uses to trigger the Shikai. The Shikai itself is hard to miss. It's a giant, stingray-like... thing. The body looks mainly like a stingray, but instead of a small mouth on the bottom, the entire front edge of the thing is it's mouth. One round, lid-less eye pokes up from the middle part of the front of the thing so it can see. It also has two cariacature-like, skinny, three-pronged feet under each of it's "wings". Of course, those feet are way to tiny to move the huge creature (it's big enough for Captain Unohana and maybe a dozen other people to sit on it's back comfortably), so it gets around by flying.You'd think this would be some sort of vicious attack beast, until you remember that Captain Unohana is the highest-ranked *healer* in Soul Society. Instead of eating you, Minazuki *heals* you in its stomach. Of course, you do still get covered with sticky goo and it still has to vomit you out, so it's something I'd rather do when unconscious.

Report | 03/11/2008 9:45 pm


Wielder: Kotetsu Isane, 4th div. Vice-captain

First Shikai: Chapter 152, vol. 18, The Speed Phantom

First Bankai: None, yet. She's only a vice-captain after all.


It shouldn't surprise you when I say Itegumo's normal form is just like any other katana, and that Isane keeps it tucked in her obi, just like almost every other Shinigami out there. However, the blade's crossguard is a neat one; a hexagon with a short prong sticking off of each point, making it look a little like a snowflake.


Up to this point, we've only gotten a short glimpse at Itegumo's Shikai form. Isane shouts the word "Hashire" (Run!), and Itegumo's blade splits into three, one vertical and two coming out of the hilt at 45-degree angles. What Itegumo can do is as of yet unknown.

Report | 03/11/2008 9:41 pm


Benihime (Crimson Princess)

Wielder: Urahara Kisuke, Racketeer
Former 12th Division, Captain

First Shikai: Chapter 65, vol. 8, Collisions

First Bankai: None, yet.


Benihime gets kudos for being one of the more unusual normal-form zanpaku-to; Urahara totes her around as a cane-sword. She also has the flaming skull sigil, which means Urahara can use her to separate souls from bodies.


Benihime doesn't look too much different in Shikai form. Her hilt is a little on the longer side, mostly because the last two or three inches are bent at an angle. A cute little tassel dangles off the end. Instead of a crossguard, there is a decorative string wrapped thrice around the hilt, with a three-loop bow on one side and a folded paper decoration on the other. An almost skirt-like decoration covers the first three or four inches of blade, with a flower petal design right as it meets the string-crossguard. Benihime's blade is straight and slim, though somewhat short, with the tip ending in a slanted razor-like edge instead of being tapered to a point. Urahara triggers the change to Shikai with the word "okiro" (awaken). Not much in the way of Benihime's powers have been shown off yet, but Urahara has given us a glance at one; "Chigasumi no Tate" (Blood-mist Shield). Requiring a little of Urahara's blood and the word "nake" (cry), Benihime can make a thick, red block of a shield in front of Urahara strong enough to hold off one of Zangetsu's Getsuga Tenshou strikes.

Report | 03/11/2008 9:40 pm


shisogi Jizou (Legshredder Priest)

Wielder: Kurotsuchi Mayuri, 12th Div. Captain

First Shikai: Chapter 122, vol. 14, Don't Lose Your Grip On

First Bankai: Chapter 125, vol. 15, Insanity and Genius


In it's plain form, Ashisogi Jizou looks mostly like a normal katana. However, in place of the crossguard are some randomly jutting spikes and a haphazardly wrapped cloth. Captain Kurotsuchi keeps it in a loose, blobby-looking light colored sheath hung from the very front of his belt, dangling from his belly button down to between his knees.


Ashisogi Jizou has one of the freakiest Shikai forms. The blade's hilt is normal, but that's about it. In place of the crossguard are the randomly jutting spikes, but they're longer and have gained trailing cloths. Above the crossguard is the weirdest part: a huge, round, bronze face that looks like a bald, bulging-eyed cross between your typical Area 51 alien and a baby. The thing is at least as big as Kurotsuchi-taicho's own head. The blade itself splits into three wavy prongs that come out at angles from the top and sides of the baby/alien's head, like some crazy set of horns, with the middle prong being the longest. As an ability, Ashisogi Jizou paralyzes the motor nerves of whatever living thing it hits. It doesn't matter what part of the body is struck, the paralysis moves through the body like a poison until the victim is completely immobile. Sadistically, the same poison also amplifies things for the victim's pain receptors, so even the slightest cut hurts like all hell. Captain Kurotsuchi brings about the bizzare change to Shikai with the phrase "kakimushire" (pluck and scratch)



In Bankai, the weird face on Ashisogi's Shikai gets a gargantuan body... of a sort. The head now looks way more alien-like than it does baby-ish, and it has a huge golden hoop with dangling bells circling it like an oversized halo. The body itself is shrouded in a ragged, grayish cloak that makes it look like a floating ghost. Underneath the cloak is a fat, pasty-pale caterpillar-like torso. Mist constantly streams from the corners of its little, pursed mouth. The most dangerous part of the Bankai, that mist is a specialized poison Konjiki Ashisogi Jizou makes from Captain Kurotsuchi's blood. One good lungful of the stuff is lethal to any living thing within almost two hundred yards of him. Captain Kurotsuchi himself is unaffected, of course. If that doesn't get you, it can sprout a forest of swordblades from it's "neck" area and rumble right over you.

Report | 03/11/2008 9:39 pm


Fujikujaku (Wysteria Peacock)

Wielder: Ayasegawa Yumichika, 11th div, 5th Seat

First Shikai: Chapter 147, vol. 17, Countdown to the End 3: [Blind Light, Deaf Beat]

First Bankai: Yumichika is only a 5th-seat, so he is incapable of Bankai.


Fujikujaku is one of the few zanpaku-to which has an unusual normal-form; a sicle. Actually, it's a four-bladed sicle, each blade atop the other and pinned the base of the hilt so that they can slide out into a sharp fan with a flick of Yumichika's wrist. Though, somehow Yumichika manages to carry it around in a normal-looking sword sheath. Hmm... ;>.> Anyway, Fujikujaku's crossguard is more of a fat cross than a regular rectangle, and it has some intricate etchings of peacock feathers on it.


We get a very quick glimpse of Fujikujaku's Shikai form, but not a very good one. What it looks like I don't know, but it does have the nasty ability to leech off its opponent's spiritual pressure and feed that to Yumichika. So you end up exhausted and Yumichika ends up hyper in a very short amount of time.

Report | 02/19/2008 9:18 pm


i need gold

Report | 06/11/2007 12:46 pm


dude, y r u never on?!?!?! god.


> <
