About the hacker ;D (Girl)

Umm, this isn't my account. I just play on it when I'm bored. For some reason the user of this account told her password when I was on Hollywood. o.o So then I tried it and it worked. ;D The user of this account never came back though after that day. I got her some money and didn't even change her password. I guess she's kind of new, and doesn't have anything valuable yet. ( Or I would of stolen it already. Jk) *Looks at Gaia age.* o- o It's over 400 days. xD That's longer than my account. (That I left for some reason & I still have more money .) It's alright you have a life, and don't spend too much time on Gaia. Umm, well let's see. This is your kind, awesome hacker, that you have no clue of. I don't think you'll ever read this though, cause I don't think you're ever coming back. ; w ; But oh well, I fixed your profile for you though kiddo.

Leave this weird hacker a comment. ;D
I'm only 15, so yer, you might be older than me. But I love people Kiddo, so IDGAF. ;D