
Nannis's avatar

Last Login: 07/07/2010 6:51 pm

Registered: 04/07/2004

Gender: Female

Location: Sweden


Remind me to update my interests.



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My name is Anna and I suppose you know me from the chatterbox...
Haven't been there in a while though. ^-^

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I believe in God!

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~Bleh! n.n


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JSU_Angelfox Report | 11/23/2010 11:29 am
Stalking oldbies. heart

Remember me? X3
-Mariah- Report | 03/21/2010 5:56 am
CONGRATULATIONS! That's such great news biggrin
-Mariah- Report | 09/06/2009 3:19 am
*gasp* Daaarling biggrin
Life is pretty good. Having some money trouble, but who isn't, right? Other than that all is well with me and Marco smile
And how are you?
snuff709 Report | 04/19/2009 9:41 am
hey there.....
Bone-Goat Report | 09/26/2008 2:24 pm
tjena User Image
Ryoushen Finari Report | 09/22/2008 2:25 pm
Life is good, just stressful sometimes. I'm engaged so I'm never without something to do or a headache hehe.
Bone-Goat Report | 09/20/2008 3:04 pm
tjenna läget User Image nu är jag med här hehe
Mr.Pilip Report | 09/20/2008 12:40 pm
beror nog på hur mycket och till vilket ändamål...
Mr.Pilip Report | 09/20/2008 12:39 pm
beror nog på hur mycket och till vilket ändamål...
Mr.Pilip Report | 09/20/2008 12:38 pm
beror nog på hur mycket och till vilket ändamål...


This is me ---User Image
Sister to: E-nog, Cal and Raven!
I'm allso Kuroneko's kitteh!
heart And most of all my boyfriend Malex!!! : heart :

hejko the Platypusdragon
Hippoes Rock My Arse
Juanth Ternock

Oh noh!I'm kidnapped!!!

Hageffna!! What am I here for? O.O;

I'm the poking-gnome! Fear meh! ^^

Oh meh goch! It's Meh Sis! O.o