

This is my profile. Welcome to it.


You may call me Panz if you wish.

Some things:

-My avi's gender matches my own.
-Look to the left under my birthday and figure out my age.
-I live in the US.
-I am shy, but I do not mind chatting with people. Just don't expect me to say a whole lot at first.
-I won't bite, unless you irritate me or if I'm just in a really bad mood. I am generally a nice person. Don't be afraid to talk to me.
-I hate chatspeak, but I enjoy making fun of it.
-I make grammatical and spelling errors. I am not perfect. Therefore, I am not picky about how others type. I'm not going to yell at anyone for every "i" that should have been capitalized or any other typing or spelling mishap. If I can get the gist of what you are saying, then you're fine.
-I can have really stupid moments. They are usually caused by me not being awake 100% or me just not thinking. So forgive me.
-I donate to people who are QUESTING. Not to people who beg.
-You will most likely find me in the CB.

User Image

And some more things:

-I am one of the short people.
-I look younger than I actually am and it makes me angry, but later in life, I'll probably appriciate it.
-I have a slight anger and anxiety problem.
-I will laugh at random moments for reasons that only I understand.
-My favorite color is blue.
-I am weird. I might disturb or confuse you you.
-I am sarcastic.
-I will act immature at times.
-I hate the smell of peppermint.
-I hate gum.
-I love the sound of rain.
-I am terrified of spiders.
-I love holding kittens.
-I draw things, but not very well. I draw either on my sketch pad or MS paint when I am bored. I'll like a drawing for about 2 days, then I'll hate it with a passion because it sucks.
-I enjoy writing as well. My feelings toward my writing are the same as they are toward my art. I'll love it one minute, then I'll think it's stupid.

User Image

I has one IRL
Just thought I'd share that.


Random friend requests - No

I must either:
A. Know you IRL
B. Have talked with you long enough
If I do accept, talk to me or you'll be removed.

PMs - Yes

Feel free.
Talk to me.
Just don't beg me for stuff, please.

Comments - Yes

Comments make me happy.
Give me some.
I will usually comment back.

Guild Invites- Depends

I am currently in a couple of guilds
I will not join your Bumping or Poll Whoring guild.
I can do that in the CB.
Your guild must be related to my interests.
Even then, I may still choose to decline.

This is me.
User Image
I am insane.





Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/16/2009 2:33 pm


This may seem a bit creepy... but I read your profile and you seem like a fricking awesome person!
Lavender Twinkle Toes

Report | 02/08/2009 7:22 pm

Lavender Twinkle Toes

thanks 4 buying
Drop Fawcking Dead

Report | 02/07/2009 8:28 am

Drop Fawcking Dead

Drop Fawcking Dead

Report | 02/07/2009 7:39 am

Drop Fawcking Dead

Hello, NanPanz!

User Image

I would just like to say thank you so much!

You really made my day!

User Image

So once more, thank you!


Report | 02/03/2009 1:00 pm


TOTALLY grabbed your booty maam
Cheer For Revenge

Report | 11/22/2008 8:12 pm

Cheer For Revenge

Yay for correct spelling/grammer!
illusion fox

Report | 11/16/2008 6:49 pm

illusion fox

hey, i like drawing too......

Report | 10/04/2008 1:37 pm



Thanks for commenting in my thread. User Image I absolutely love your avi outfit! It's soo cute! <3

- Sarah

Report | 09/24/2008 6:29 pm


I saw your avi at chatterbox, is very cute! And it matches so well!

Report | 09/18/2008 6:12 pm


I have to say I like BK better. Only because I like their fries and burgers better and they have onion rings. And McDonalds also has good chicken strips and BBQ sauce. And BK has better milkshakes.


PM me or something.
