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About Moi

Hi my names Ashley and I live in Moreno Valley the worse place on the planet. I've been told I'm the nicest person in the world by some people. I've also been told I'm b***h, and a whore. But my bestie Jordan only calls me a whore because well thats what we call each other. A lot of people try to classify me. I've been told I'm going punk, but most of my friends say I'm preppy. I don't really listen to them though.

I'm totally addicted to taking pictures of my friends, my niece, myself, and my stuffed animals.

I have two older brothers and thats it for siblings.

I fall in love with a different singer to a rock group or rapper almost every month. This month it's between Forest Kline and William Beckett. Both so very sexy >////<.

Lastly, what you should know about me is I LOOOOVE anime X3. Like most people on here probably do. The funny thing is though i started watching it when I was like 4. I loved Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z((and the other ones lol)). I used to watch them everyday. Until they took it of air ;; and I got super sad. I even wrote a letter to DIC trying to get it back on XD. But yea anime addict here <- n.n. So yea nice to meet you. Hope to become good friends :]. Add me or message me sometime kk.


Little stuff from ppl

View All Comments

OMG Wafflez Report | 10/14/2007 10:44 am
OMG Wafflez
i like buttered toast
OMG Wafflez Report | 09/23/2007 7:44 pm
OMG Wafflez
um im a hoe that doesnt know :]
OMG Wafflez Report | 08/26/2007 8:32 pm
OMG Wafflez
o m g

toast is good x]
Eureka7fan1 Report | 08/25/2007 1:36 pm
I'm always here for you if you need any help
sailorgemscout Report | 06/13/2007 3:13 pm
thanx ....nuthin much
sailorgemscout Report | 06/13/2007 12:53 pm
Hey!....good u
666soul666keeper666 Report | 06/12/2007 5:30 pm
sailorgemscout Report | 06/11/2007 4:27 pm
"I like this show" =3
sailorgemscout Report | 06/11/2007 3:56 pm
Gir is soo funny!!
sailorgemscout Report | 06/11/2007 2:25 pm
Invader Zim ROX!