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Who Knew Zombies Could Think?

it's all in the eyes of a dreamer

Example - "Won't Go Quietly"

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Everything you need to know about Necro...

Alright, hello, I'm Necro. Only special people get to learn my real name. I'm a 28yr old female. I reside within Florida. My favorite color is rainbow. Rainbow is too a color. At least in this little world of mine it is. Necro has rainbow hair too. Always.
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So yah. Necro likes girls and boys and all those in between.Claim has apparently been staked upon me. I fell hard for a carny. Necro likes zombies a lot. Feeeed the zombies. She also likes movies and music. Music that strikes my fancy and floats my boat. Do not sink the boat. Thank you. Movies with lots of gore and Asian people too. Necro hearts her asian movies. Necro is also a gore whore. Yay for Gore Whores.

Necro has a mega short attention span and tends to trail off pretty bad. She does tend to disappear away from the computer while talking to people. It's a bad bad habit she's trying to break. One I have apparently not broken as now I do it to people at the bar... Obsessions come and go with me. I get completely infatuated with something or someone pretty fast and lose interest just as quickly. Another majorly bad habit. Necro has a lot of those...

Necro loves to sit in the park and blow bubbles. I love to go window shopping. Necro loves to play dress up in department stores. Red skittles are the best. Necro loves to wear fairy wings and cat ears. Stockings are sexy. I love to go with Mark to the porn store when he's had a few drinks. He makes it fun. I love to drive around and listen to music screaming the lyrics at the top of my lungs along with friends..also add a couple drinks and the license plate game becomes the ruler of the evening. I spend a LOT of time at the pub/club. Way more than I should as I call that my home away from home. Think I may have an issue with alcohol..and that being said, it's that I'm not consuming enough. I. Like. To. Drink in my old age.

Recently I've become a raging alcoholic whom dances to her own beat. Go me.

Necro has a lot of useless information she likes to give out. Most of it, is probably bad. Not bad like wrong bad, but bad like "eww that's gross". I love torture devices. Learning about cannibals, necrophiles, freaks of nature, serial killers, and those along the lines are a pretty big hobby of mine. Which I guess is a good thing I live near Bradford, PA as I'm pretty sure they are single handily trying to bring back the sideshow. I escaped!

Necro keeps odd pets. She loves tarantulas and snakes, quite fond of lizards.

Random PMs are welcome! Necro loves to meet new people! Which is why I hug and talk to everyone in the pub. Don't make eye contact if you don't wish to speak.

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Alex made this. And he sucks. I hate him. <3
Though I miss him and do sincerely apologize for helping him wreck his car.... but at least we now have a story to tell.. which by the way... DON'T tell the cops that you met on the internet when in a car accident with someone.And that being said.. I really miss that kid.

Necro loves to make signs for people. If something about you strikes my fancy I'll probably send you a stupid sign.. and I do mean stupid.

Always remember: There's nothing finer than havin' a vagina.

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Necro adores signs.. and demands you make her one.
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Give Necro avi art! Necro loves avi art!
Avi Art: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
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Actually now I'm looking for art of the lollipop guild. As I have some friends whom barely reach 4'8 and plan to move in together. They need a door sign or wall poster. If you have skill and talent, hit me up. I'm good at working payment options out.

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My body rocks a rhythm. You beat my drum hard

Comments, PMs, Items = <33


What they have to say about me...

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staranime Report | 01/06/2015 7:20 pm
Its been a while emotion_yatta
Th3_Grunny Report | 07/19/2014 9:36 am
heart heart
l3 A l3 Y D O L L Report | 02/18/2013 4:08 pm
l3 A l3 Y D O L L
I know how that is. XD ;
On my old account, I had the same 'about me' section for like, three years.
Laziness, ftw.
l3 A l3 Y D O L L Report | 02/18/2013 3:58 pm
l3 A l3 Y D O L L
You are quite adorable and very fascinating. 4laugh
zombie_Beatles_Babe Report | 12/25/2012 8:27 pm
Your hair is amazing!
Happy Christmas!!
shadow summoner ally Report | 12/25/2012 3:38 pm
shadow summoner ally
thanks for the gift and Merry Christmas whee
urcat Report | 12/25/2012 10:26 am
yw, and ty heart
urcat Report | 12/25/2012 10:21 am
hi cool avi, and i like your picture your hair is wicked.
merry Christmas
Ripley_Toronto Report | 03/30/2012 6:11 am
I honestly can't choose between the two. The public health-major side of me loves the idea of simply evolving into zombies or zombie-virus outbreaks. The other side of me loves the idea of people coming back from the dead just to eat brains, no rhyme or reason to it.
Ripley_Toronto Report | 03/18/2012 12:30 pm
I love your avatar, very well done! What are your favorite zombies...slow ones, fast ones, etc.?