N-I-C-O-L-E. Six letter word. Two syllables. And, takes about 2 seconds to say. If you don't like it then, I honestly don't care. September Twelfth, Nineteen Ninety-Six was the day I was born.Thirteen years have passed since then. I'm Asian, and there's no doubt about it. I'm Taiwanese, Cantonese, and Australian (people say i look Korean though); born in Bloomington, Indiana; raised in California.I'm pretty tall for my age; 5'5. Currently a eight grader at Ybarra Academy. I can forget things that happened yesterday, but I'll remember things that happened seven years ago. I'm mature enough to realize not to follow kids who do stupid things. But, I'm a kid deep down, and occasionally I fool around. Bad luck seems to follow me everywhere I go sometimes. I learned piano for a long time, but I quit. Self-taught on the guitar, but I'm horrible on it. Music is my anti-drug. Make me stop listening to it, I'll just kill myself. If you like to know exactly what kind of music I like, well, it's Asian and alternative music. I absolutely love tennis, badminton, swimming, basket ball, running, and so much more. Of course, I procrastinate too! I mean, what kid hasn't? My Best Friends in this WHOLE UNIVERSE is: Jocelyn Yang, Jennifer Huynh, Cindy Chung, Becca Ueng, George To, and...hmm...yea. pretty much it :] Joanna Chen is the only person who helps me get through my moments, past life, and problems. Thank You for all you guys having my back smile <3

J-E-N-N-F-E-R-Z here hacking Neecomaki!!! >D haha so exciting!! XP well i am so lucky to even meet this gurl iv'e known here 4 bout like 2 or 3 years now =) ever since she moved we still keep in contact ;] n like hang out yah XP haha well me n her r like PB n J haha XP not that way -__- She's taken alritey PUNK! wen ur bored u can always talk to her or even bug her she wont get mad haha XP U can always count on her she can keep secrets <3 :] Mess with her ur gonna get it! D< never mess wit her!! She very sensitive...... Nicole u r my bestie forever n ever! ily <3
P.S. her bf has a 6 pak surprised haha so yeah dont mess wit her or else me n him will find u