Nefas Fatum

Nefas Fatum's avatar

Registered: 07/11/2007


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Liberate TuTeme Ex Inferis



The picture on the right is of Cat, who forgot that cars are dangerous and passed away on 4th May, 2011. She was with us for 8 years and survived 2 previous encounters with cars, though came dangerously close to not surviving 2 years ago.. what is it with winter and Cat being dumb?

I write for fun and have no intentions of ever getting published.

My ideas for what I write are almost all rp inspired. The universe I work within certainly is.

I'm open to suggestions of all kind, and am trying (desperately at times) to improve my writings.

The work which I think is ok to read can be found here and if you're after pictures of the characters mentioned, those can be found here. Please note that the characters there are NOT just my own but belong to a group of friends.


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Short.. bits of.. uh.. writing

All bits and pieces of writing I'm doing for fun or contests of sorts will be displayed here. If anyone feels like criticizing, please do, I'm trying to improve.


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LadyNaena Report | 05/18/2011 10:11 pm
GASP! Really?! heart Covered in edits is better than nothing, you know. Does this mean I'll get to read new material soon?

My writing is actually coming along quite well. When I restarted Kaeden the last time I had 48, 984 words. The new version now has 49,442 words, most of which is new material. The 50k mark is in sight! I'm proud of myself at least. If you'd like, I could send along the new version. I won't be posting it on fictionpress. I've heard some horror stories about theft and plagiarism as the years have worn on.
LadyNaena Report | 05/05/2011 11:13 pm
Haha! Well thank you, that is incredibly reassuring.

Ability? I hope you mean time constraints and life getting it the way, because from what I've read of your work, the ability to write is nothing you need worry about not having. You're my favorite writer on all of fictionpress (though it's not hard to do, these days, the site has fallen so far in quality emo ).
LadyNaena Report | 05/05/2011 10:57 pm
Well if the character demands it, the writer must submit. That's the way it's supposed to work, isn't it smile ? It's funny. Kaeden was originally born as an RP character. Granted, his name was Jordan Rivers back then and instead of meeting a fallen angel, he met a banshee, but that's beside the point. The moral of the story is you never know where this character may lead. Lol, maybe your muse got drunk for Cinqo de Mayo and became confused. But hey, inspiration is a rare and infuriating gift; writers can't be picky. I say if you're inspired to write lyrics, by all means go for it. Murphy's Law dictates that after this, your muse will pass out into a drunk stupor and then you'll be on your own with your work. Or maybe that's just my muse. Useless old hag >.<.

And I've got no choice but to try to finish something. I realized recently that there's very little else I like to do besides write and that's scarcely conducive to a steady paycheck when you're just starting. I need to get something published before I get my degree and end up having to take on a career I hate. On the bright side, this sort of mindset is really motivational! Nothing gets your writing muscles in gear like the thought of starvation and unapaid bills smile .

Indeed. Here's hoping Kaeden will win their affections... but not necessarily in the creepy way that Edward Cullen has stolen the souls of millions of teenage girls and middle aged women around the world smile .

Speaking of finishing works, do you by any chance have any intentions of finishing the Joe Chronicles? They were the first thing I read by you, I feel so attached to them.
LadyNaena Report | 05/05/2011 10:34 pm
Lol, indeed. I'll pm you my email, if you like.

And I'm glad. Beaches are nice and all until the ocean starts trying to drown whole landmasses. It's almost enough to make a person start believing in all this end-of-the-world nonsense. Almost smile .

Hmm... A character... But no story... stare . Lol, I'm joking mostly. Characters with issues are my favorites and progress is progress, regardless. Any idea what you'll do with said character? Huh? Lyrics, really? You never really struck me as the lyrical sort, no offense. Prose always seemed more you. Well that's fun, what brought that on?

In regards to my inspiration, I say what inspiration, lol. At this point, I'm just plowing forward, trying to finish something. I work on the second version of Shard of Anima mostly, and I must admit it's coming along (45000 words so far), but I fear my heart just isn't in it anymore. I find the fact that in bookstores, there are now whole displays made up solely around teen vampire novels with that travesty of true vampirism (read:t Twilight) front and center rather discouraging. I'd hate for readers to see the book and think, "Oh God, another one of them." If that makes any sense at all.
LadyNaena Report | 05/05/2011 9:29 pm
It's just as well; I haven't been on so much myself as of late. Life has recently presented me with a few unforeseen complications that I am not wholly prepared to deal with. But whatever. How have you been (hint: the answer should be "inspired and productive biggrin ). I can't remember, have we spoken since the earthquakes and tsunamis began? Did you and yours make out ok? I heard Australia had a bit of a nasty time with it.
LadyNaena Report | 01/09/2011 11:56 am
As well as the opportunity to spit in the face of the Mayan calendar User Image . Sounds like fun, I wish you the best of luck^^.

Eh, writing is going okay. I don't remember if I told you or not, but I scrapped what I had of Shard of Anima and started over because I didn't like it anymore. I felt it needed more character development and a greater sense of urgency. The new version is going alright though a little slower than I'd like. And you? Is it just the Joe Chronicles you've been stuck on or have you literally written nothing gonk ?
LadyNaena Report | 12/30/2010 6:37 pm
Hmm? The real world hasn't been treating you very well lately?

And awesome! I'll be looking forward to it. There a date yet?
LadyNaena Report | 12/28/2010 7:07 pm
Uncreative, hmm? That's disappointing. And here I was hoping to finally learn what happened next in the Joe Chronicles. Well, like you said, here's hoping the New Year will wax creative.

The western hemisphere is treating its inhabitants alright, I suppose. Though I've gotta say that being out in "the real world" isn't very conducive to doing a lot of writing, regardless. Though neither is married life, I'd wager ^_~.
LadyNaena Report | 12/27/2010 10:33 am

Fatum!!!!!!!!!! *glomps* Happy Christmas to you too^^! I didn't think I'd ever hear from you again, a notion which vexed me significantly, I might add. How have you been?
LadyNaena Report | 06/18/2010 9:40 pm
Hmm... if you were to die irl, I'd be quite sad except for the fact that I'd have no idea it happened smile . How are you?