My pretty house!!!!

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What i'm wearing ^.^



I'm Neka^^

Neka Anya's avatar

Last Login: 11/30/2011 11:38 pm

Registered: 07/09/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Home

Occupation: i guess fighter?

Its me =^.^=

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Me ^^

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Kaos the Demon Soldier Report | 11/16/2010 4:20 pm
Kaos the Demon Soldier
hello neka
xXSakura_ShadeXx Report | 06/25/2010 7:15 am
Sakura smiled," yea...I just learned that I'm pregnant with my first child." Rhen her eyes saddened,"Sadly, My husband passed away a few months ago so he won't see our child be born."
Takeda Kenshin Report | 06/23/2010 8:05 am
Takeda Kenshin
-Minato used the tip of his tongue to roll the cigarette across his lips a bit, his white hair shifting in the wind. The night revealing some of the shadows creeping from beneath the band that covered his eye.- ....She's gotten bigger....
Takeda Kenshin Report | 06/22/2010 3:07 am
Takeda Kenshin
-Minato struck a cigarette, his deep red eye keeping a constant watch on Neka.- .....
xXSakura_ShadeXx Report | 06/21/2010 3:50 pm
Sakura frowned," You look so...different...from when I last saw you." Her gaze fluttered over to a photograph of her and Neka at the park
xXSakura_ShadeXx Report | 06/12/2010 6:01 am
Sakura's eyes widened and she blinked twice ,"N-Neka Chan?" she rubbed them," Is that really you?" Sakura was now a beautiful 23-year-old young woman with a shapely body.
Kaos the Demon Soldier Report | 06/08/2010 12:50 am
Kaos the Demon Soldier
-get up- where you going?
Takeda Kenshin Report | 06/03/2010 2:46 pm
Takeda Kenshin
-The smoke radiated from the tip of his cigarette as he watched Neka's house from a distance. Standing atop a large shadow fiend, arms crossed.-
Kaos the Demon Soldier Report | 06/01/2010 11:36 pm
Kaos the Demon Soldier
-just drags her down neka... silence... and sleep... -snores as he holds her close-
xXSakura_ShadeXx Report | 05/18/2010 1:11 pm
*appears in sparkles* Neka chan?