
Neko9's avatar

Last Login: 08/26/2012 12:37 pm

Registered: 02/18/2006

Gender: Male

Location: NY, US, North America

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Hey and welcome! Feel free to look around. PM me if you like. i might just even lower some prices.


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Sophnet Report | 03/28/2009 2:43 pm
You quit?
CrazyGoatLady Report | 10/08/2008 5:42 am
angeljerseygirl Report | 06/29/2008 3:21 pm
still on?
CrazyGoatLady Report | 03/28/2008 5:37 am
Marcie-San Report | 03/07/2008 4:39 pm
megapaw Report | 02/22/2008 5:17 am
thanks for shopping
Yellow Potato Report | 02/21/2008 11:49 am
Your using it already thanks for buying!!
Katzentatzen Report | 02/21/2008 8:19 am
Enjoy your purchase!
xladyOpheliacx Report | 02/19/2008 10:58 am
...nice skirt. lol User Image

posting for gold. lol

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angeljerseygirl Report | 02/07/2008 1:52 pm
neko neko

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The Basics
Gaia Screen Name: Neko9
Name: Matt
Age: 16
Birthdate: April-23-1991
Family: Parents,Step-Parents, Little Brothers and Sister
Pets: 1 dog
# of Nicknames: only Neko for now
Sign: Tauras

Right now

What are you listening to?: Never Too Late 3DG
Who is around you?: siblings
What is on your mind (specifically)?: my love and my sanity
What do you see?: this
What are you doing (OTHER than this)?: thinking of the 14th
What are your short term plans?: Hanging out and passing school
What are you long term plans?: loving my girlfriend, colledge
How long have you been awake?: since about 5am
What are you wearing?: average apparel
What are you eating?: nothing, no appetite (weird)
Drinking?: thirsty too


How many friends do you have?: enough to keep me happy
Are the majority male or female?: girls for some reason
How many do you consider 'best' friends?: at least two
Who (if any) do you trust implicitly?: a very select few
Who are you closest to?: they should know and that's all that matters to me
Do you lie to friends?: only for their benefit and that still is rare
Of your friends, who is/are:
-Funniest: all of them
-Sweetest: depends
-Cutest: ...sure as hell ain't me!
-Most Honest: we all try
-Most Kind: i try
-Most Trustworthy:dunno, all uf us i guess or at least for eachother
-Best Listener: depends on who has add or adhd (wouldn't be me then)
-Most Open-Minded: i try, it works usually
-Most Secretive: dunno, i'll see
-The one(s) you'd like to know more: all
-The one(s) you think you know TOO well: none
-Smartest: depends on the subject
-Quirkiest: wazzat?

The Sexes

Do you think size matters to guys?: personally i'm a little selfconcious
To girls?: not as much as guys, but maybe a little

What kind of smell do you like to wear?:appearently my own
Why?: people seem to like it... a LOT
What kind do you like on the opposite sex?: doesn't matter to me
Why?: cuz i don't really think it matters that much

What physical traits do you notice in the opposite sex?: eyes
What personality traits do you look for?: someone who cares about me and my feelings
What do you notice in the opposite sex first?: personality
What don't you like to see in the opposite sex?: being overly immature, snobby, stuck-up, and bitchy(that one depends)
What do you think the opposite sex notices/likes about your looks?: i think that there is nothing to notice that separates me from anyone else
Personality?: i'm too soft and weak
What don't they like?:i don't know.
Are men and women equal?: well, close to equal, but women tend to have the upper hand
Who should take the initiative? Men or Women?: men should, but i'm a little shy whith that
Do guys like girls to ask them out?: i wouldn't know
Do girls like guys to ask them out?: yes, i guess so
Why?: it's traditionally how it goes, right?

What sex act, if any, is a taboo to you?: i'll have to get back to you on that, i wouldn't know yet
Straight, gay, or bi?: Straight
Sweetest thing that can be done for you?: holding eachother in their arms (cuddling)

Favorite Girl's Name?: normal one's i guess
Favorite Boy's Name?: same as above
Favorite of your nicknames?: the only one
Favorite Song?:Given up- Linkin Park
Color?: Black or Red
Era (like 60's, 70's, etc.)?: Today
Medicine?: does AMP count?
Comic Character?:don't know
Manga Character?: dunno that either
Holiday?: any that get people together.
Solo Musician?: dunno
Band?: Linkin Park
Music Genre?: i'm flexable (mainly techno with major bass)
Animal?: Wolf
Pet?: Mouse or cat, or a Chinchilla
Fantasy?: i'll keep that to myself
Kind of sex?: sorry, still a virgin
Bodypart of the opposite sex?: eyes of course
Food?: a few different kinds, but not a lot lately for some reason
Quote?: "They say time heals all wounds, but my heart is still bleeding."
Belief?: variable
Kind of movie?: same as music (flexible)
Emotion?: confidential
Relative?: the only ones i actually care about and that care about me as well
Action Movie?: 300!!!!!!!
School Movie?: Van Wilder
Martial Arts Movie?: Fearless
Comedy?: Superbad
Drama?: dunno
Animated Movie?: many
Anime?: many Miyazaki movies (spirited away, princess mononoke, ect..)
Horror?: ones that can actually scare me and make me jump more than once
'Teen' Movie?: like Not Another Teen Movie?
Romance/romantic comedy?: don't quite know

Yes or No

Are you honest?: for the most part yes
Are you single?: not any more, sorry ladies (lol, j/k)
Are you happy?: when i'm with my love
Do you have a crush?: no
Do you love anyone?: yes, why wouldn't i?
Are you 'in love'?: it's a possibility
You ever think about skydiving?: yeah, i want to di it some time
Scuba diving?:same as skydiving
Bunjee Jumping?: not as much as the others, but i still would like to do it at least once
Have you ever done any of them?: not yet
Been to a foreign country?: not yet
Live more than 3 places?: yes
More than 6?: no
12?: no
If so, military?: no
Do you like philosophy?: depends on what the message is
Have you or will you lie anywhere on this?: no, there's no reason for me to do so now is there?
Do you think you're attractive?: no, people say i am, b ut i really don't think so
Were you teased in Elementary School?: not as much teased as it was bullied, stepped on, pushed around, but you get the just
High School?: same as elementary more or less
Have you ever done drugs?: kinda
Pot?: co-workers tried to get me high 3 times, but it never worked (haha co-workers)
Cocaine?: no
Crack?: Nope
Acid?: No
Do you drink?: only have a few times, but never got actually drunk
Do you smoke (cigarettes)?: no
Are you bias?: what's that?
Did you dream last night?: no
Do you have secrets from your parents?: what teenager doesn't? i mean seriously!
Are you a good kisser?: dunno, i think i can do a lot better at it though
Have you been in more than 5 relationships?: no,only 3 so far, but one doesn't reall count if you think about it...
Do you want to be loved?: yes, ofcourse i do, it's one of the most important things i live for
Are you loved?: i'm pretty sure that i am, and i like it
By family?: no, all but like 3 members of all forms of family hate my guts
By friends?: some friends more than others, and soem in more than just a "friendly" way, but i guess it's alright as long as i can keep tabs on myself (doing good sofar)
By others?: i don't think so
Do you trust easily?: no
Do you lose trust easily?: depends on how much i trust you in the first place
Do you want to be alone?: sometimes depending on my mood
Do you miss grade school?: No
Were you a bully?: No
Were you an outcast?: well, kinda
Were you part of the 'In' crowd?: Never
Did you play sports?: not on a team
Do you now?: only when i want to have some fun at the park or something
Do you diet?: no
Do you exercise?: i try
Do you suck (figuratively, ya sicko lol)?: yes, nuff said
Are you a player?: i hope not, i really don't want to live that life
Are you the jealous type?: jealous? i'd like to think not, but i probably am more than i think

The Past

What's your oldest memory?: going to one of those "big sister's" houses and then going to my current place of employment. it was the best time i ever had with anyone, and i loved the place ever since then
What kind of child were you?: i'd like to say curious and mischievious
What was your first pet?: cats, about 6
What was your first school?: first school was McGraw, but it never grew on me
Who was your first teacher?: i don't remember
Did your parents (either of them) have a reglar nickname for you?: no, i've been the castaway since about 4 or 5 years old
What teacher had the greatest impact?: i kinda hate to say it, but it would probably be Mr. Williams
What did you/do you hate about your youth?: toomany things that i don't want to remember...
Where were you born?: Cortland, New York Memorial Hospital
What was your first kiss like?: i can't really remember, sorry...
What did you do when you were little that you'd prefer not known?: the question kinda tells the answer now doesn't it?

Choices Choices

Photography or Painting?: Photo
Singing or Dancing?: neither because i can't do eather
Beer or Wine?: beer
Soda or Juice?: soda
Meat or Veggies?: meat
Tape or CD?: CD
Summer or Winter?: winter
Spring or Fall?: Fall, it's kindof my perfect season
Life or Death?: right now, life
Madness or Sanity?: not madness, but insanity
Company or Lonliness?: depends on who the company is now doesn't it?
Up or Down?: Down
Playing or Watching?: Playing
Give or Recieve?: Giving! ^.^
Work or Spoil?: i'd rather work for what i want
Love or Hate?: Love
Love or Lust?: personally i don't care for lust a lot, but love is a completely different story

Short or Long Essay
What do you want?: to love and be loved in return
In a partner?: something you can't replace (it's what's on the inside tht counts)
In a relationship?: something meaningful
From life?: a reason to keep it (i have a few right now so it's all good)
What's your worst memory?: there are a few i try to block out
What's your best memory?: a dream i had
If you could change anything in your past, what would it be?: too many things, but i guess it's no use trying to change the past
If you could have ANY power, what would it be?: to be able to read people's thoughts so taht i can see what they're thinging or find out what's wrong so i can help people