
This is ME.

I'm pretty muchh one of the most complex people you will ever meet.
And that's the way I like it. I won't change for you. And I refuse to feel sorry for myself anyone because I'm not good enough for you. Because I make my mistakes but I get up again and dust myself off because I know that Jesus forgives me. It is others I feel sorry for; the ones who don't know the love of God. Because a life without God is really no life at all. So at this point in my life, I'm done playing games. I'm looking for real people, and if you can't be real then find another friend to use as a doormat. I can't stand it when people think my life is perfect.I am a real person with real emotions and sometimes I feel weak and worthless, just like you. I am generally an optimistic person but I think everyoneneeds a good cry now and then.Because struggles make us stronger.I have strong opinions.And I'll speak my mind. Get over it and realize I don't mean to offend you. i love it when you make me laugh. Laughter is THE BEST medicine. Writing is my art. I love words and the way they fit together and bow they can mean everything or nothing.I'm proud to be Italian. I like having a heritage besides "American." I go to church a lot;;It's my choice, and yeah, I like it.I know what it means to be broken before God. If I could wish for just one, simple thing,it would be to sing like an angel. I am one of those kids who actually believes in teenage love, but I'm not one who is naiive to the fact that you will probably get hurt. I'm just willing to take that risk because I know I have God to fix it if I get hurt. I believe in equality and that we all deserve to be loved. Revenge is not sweet. Reality is what you you make happen, not what happens to you.And "every moment affects a thousand after it."(Natasha) There are few people who know the real me or even care.
You could be one if you wanted to.



Gina's Journal

This is a view of my life, a look on my side, how it feels to be me. My life is scrambled in here all into one book. Boys, family, friends, emotions, and even simple things, such as my life on Gaia, are all created into writing.



Viewing 10 of 13 comments.

Big Limit

Report | 05/30/2007 1:06 pm

Big Limit


Report | 03/20/2007 10:43 am




i love you

Report | 03/19/2007 8:50 pm



Report | 03/15/2007 9:46 pm


i comment you

i love you

Report | 02/28/2007 5:54 pm


-random comment-

Report | 11/25/2006 5:56 pm


Thank yew for buying something at my shop. :3 ;-;''' I should make a banner for this... o_o''' Ok.. I WILL! :]
nemo says rawr!

Report | 11/10/2006 1:54 am

nemo says rawr!

@Manda: ooooh, blueness!

@ Sext_Top_Model: Thanks, I like yours too

@Nakixtate: lol thanks

Report | 08/21/2006 10:34 pm


hope i dont sound lesbian..O_O

but you're cute =D

Report | 07/15/2006 1:41 am


hi, cool page
~Manda a.k.a Inny~

Report | 07/05/2006 12:24 am

~Manda a.k.a Inny~

What do you think of the new layout

I changed it because the other one was messing up the comments
