
My name is Jessie

I'm a 22 (almost 23) and a college Junior studying Media Arts & Animation emotion_awesome

I assure you I'm not actually a nightmare emotion_yatta
Though my main avatar is a Demon I'm actually a very nice person emotion_hug

I have very mixed interests and I'm accepting of any one for being themselves emotion_c8
You are who you are for a reason
Ill be kind to you as long as you do the same for me
This account is pretty new to me But I've been on Gaia since 05'! emotion_brofist

I have an amazing son named Asher who is my life. I don't know where I'd be with out him. 4laugh

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My heart is taken by the best man I could have, my boyfriend & son's father, my one true love. heart
We grow closer and wiser every day, working together to raise our son the best we can.
I will always love him.

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