
nicefrien's avatar

Last Login: 02/08/2019 7:16 pm

Registered: 02/08/2006

Gender: Female

Location: at my house!!

Birthday: 06/12/1990


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My friends/ girlies/guys

Karin- Do you know how long weve know each other?? it seems Forever! and you've always been there for me ..... even when i wasen't for you sad I love you girl you are like ......... i dunno my SISTER lol I'll always be here for you. weve had so much fun! of course!

Sarah- don't get me started! no just kidding lol you are such a NERD somtimes lol but i love you and if you ever wanna talk YOU KNOW I'M HERE i jus wish you told me bout your mom sooner... well i love you so much your my second sister (even though i got like 500 in my family damn i got a big family lol) (my favorite numbers 7777777 lol were so funny!)

Jackie- you've been so much fun to talk to honestly you've kept me so ... not as board lately ha it's been so fun sitting there talking about you and connor .. im glad i can help though like i said anytime I'm here for you we should so hang sommetime .... who cares bout conor ya know? jk he's such a loser though! but he's my brother so.. i love you so much girlie ! and i look in the sky and i see NO pigs fly ! im pretty sure you've lost it crazy person ! im here for you anytime especially when connors being a jerk! you can always call me luv ya hun <3

Connor- I'm sorry me and Jackie have gotton you mad lately and i'm sorry if you guys have gotton in any fights bout me and her talkin all the time. she jus wants to spend more time with you and dont worry i haven't said anything bad bout you .... yet just kidding for 1 i wouldn't do that to you for 2 there's not anything THAT bad to say i guess. but thanks for the rides and stuff we'll try not to make you as mad but we can't jus stop talking period . which i know you understand. love you. dont crash!! please. omg thats really scarry i told you to not get into a crash then a week later you did!!I'm glad your okay though and I'm sorry because i know it wasen't your fault ... not just about the crash but about any of it. i really hope you do decide to stop by my party with jackie ....
miss you you should come see me this week somtime if you get a car that is.. luv ya
i really think you should take me to t-bell again but you buy of coarse! ha jk ill pay this time but you should let me drive sometime cause if i can do it from the passanger seat im sure i can do it from the drivers ! your such a dork! i love you dont get in any more trouble listen to your girlfriend shes only trying to help and stop beating her up you jerk!

Madi i love you so much b44 !! you've always been there for me yeah we've hard are hard times oh yeah but we got through them and we always will smile i love staying on the phone with you all night and being a retarded dork sitting next to you instant messaging or getting lost in your building i swear we get wasted without the alchol lol !

Jeremy{2} i don't even know where to begin with you hun .... i mean you mean the absoutle world to me and i get so scarred sometimes because i know you and i don't know what i would do if anything ever happened to you... i love our long nights on the phone or how we call each other up randomly in the middle of the day just so we can take a nap hehe your the only one that can make me smile like this you've been through alot and so have i and lately we've both been through more then we were able to handle but we said like madi said "i did my best to fix her but all i have is the duct tape jeremy has the super glue" <-i love that quote ! but it's true honey idk what i would do without you i love you sweetie ! ♥

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My favorite Quotes

-Just missing the times when fun was playing tag with out a care in the world
-I used to be normal until i met those losers called best friends
-Unlike barbie me and my girls are not sold separtely
-Rip my jeans not my heart
-I'm not random i just have many thoughts
-My knight and shinning armer turned out to be a loser in aluminun foil
-Be a dork it makes life fun!!
-I'm not dumb i just have usless info.
-Three things in life should never be broken: Friendships, Hearts, and promises
-Welcome to the darkside: here's cookies
-When life hands you a lemon throw it at someone
-You've never really ilived 'till you've found someone worth dieing for.
-When it hurts to look back, and your scared to look ahead, look beside you and your best friend will be there
-God made us best friends cause he knew our mom wouldn't be able to handle us as sisters
-If you ibreak her heart, I'll break you nose = best friends
-There the type of friends that if my house was burning down, they'd be making smores and hitting on the firemen
-When i cry your there for me, When I'm sad you cheer me up, I asked you why and you said that's what a best friend does
-Best friends are aware of how stupid we are but choose to still be seen with us in public
-People say I've changed. here's the truth i grew up
-ha ha ... wait what??
-If gossip were Beer our whole school would be wasted
-If barbie is so popular why do you have to buy her friends
-Have you ever tripped up the stairs??
-It's funny when guys try to think
-Good friends will bail you out of jail, best friends will be sitting in the cell next to you saying that was awesome
-My friends have my heart
-Friends knock on your door ...Best friends barge right in and say I'm home
-Your like the skittles to my rainbow
-Life needs a delete button
-The only place i wanna be is in your arms
-My friendds are dorks but your my dorks!! <3
-Laugh 'till your body is aching, Love 'till your heart is breaking, Cry 'till your hands are shaking, Live for the sake of living
-A stranger stabs you in the front , a boyfriend stabs you in the heart, a friend stabs you in the heart, but best friends poke eachother with bendy straws
-We laugh for absoutly no reason, we cry over dumb movies and boys, we dance for the well of it, cause were best friends.
-I'm so gangsta i carry a squirt gun
-He watched her take off her make and he wondered why she ever put it on
-Were the kind of friends who get hit by parked cars
we eat coco puffs in the ghetto

R.I.P. brittany jo

brittany i didn't know you that well but in a way i did cause all of my friends from WBL were friends with you and it's not like i didn't hear about you plenty plus we also hung out a couple of times before there was know more but i miss you and i barely knew you so i can't imagin what jackie had to go through watching it happen to you ...
why did god have to take you so young only 15, haden't even begun to start living and it's already over everyone keeps asking why brittany ? but know one really knows but in a way we all do at the same time .. because he takes the best first and he wanted you to himself .
everyone misses you every day and alot of people lost a part of them on may 7 ,2007 i know i did and i didn't really know you that well either but i think about you every day and your sisters and parents and friends all miss you dearly heart .. i just wish you could have made it but we know you fought and held on as long as you could but let jackie know this was not her fault cause you know she still belives it is crying


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i love lego land ♥

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i love her !!

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strawberry shortcake rocks okay !!
{care bears are still better though }

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i love them both ... at times

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ummm ....

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i love my daddy smile

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me ...

i love hangin out with my friends thier the best you could ask for.
If your a person with drama in your life dont give it to me i have enough without already
I'm not a whore, slut etc.
if your gonna be a biatch dont bother talkin to me.
to much already pm me if you want to be my friend!

boy meets world is the best show there is and will be
this makes me cry

the last six minutes of boy meets world ever


View All Comments

l Surge Report | 06/11/2010 5:14 am
Happy Birthday 3nodding
Can-Dee-Corn Report | 08/08/2009 11:01 am
hey!!! omg i havnt been on this for like a year!!!
nicefrien Report | 02/04/2009 9:24 pm
i'm adding myself a comment =D
-blue-bears- Report | 07/09/2008 1:08 pm
Idoia Report | 06/12/2008 4:10 pm
Happy B-day! (:
-blue-bears- Report | 06/12/2008 1:11 pm
Rainbow Pearls Report | 03/22/2008 11:10 pm
lulz i wants gold
Rainbow Pearls Report | 03/22/2008 12:14 am
I ahm on the phone with you.
skatrokout Report | 12/11/2007 4:20 pm
Hey long time no i looked at ur pics.....ur pretty
l Surge Report | 12/05/2007 7:38 pm
Aaa so many pictures User Image


we miss you britt
your loved and remembered every day and your always in our hearts[/color:7d45e8e198]

Abnormal!Sock `

A stranger stabs you in the front, a boy friend stabs you in the heart, a friend stabs you in the back, but best friends just poke each other with bendy straws!!