
Hello there.

Just for future reference, I go by Nick. Call me Nicholai and I may hurt you. Unless I give you permission, of course. I associate it with being in trouble... I blame my parents. Except they always included my middle name.

Anyway, enough of that rambling. I am a vampire, and I hail from a tiny vampiric village in Romania that no one has ever heard of. Trust me, if I told you the name, you'd just scratch your head. But I moved to America in the 18th century, and I currently reside in St. Louis, MO. I'm 773 years old, though I only look in my early 20s. God bless eternal youth!

I'm not goth, per se. I just look better in dark clothes. I tried on some lighter colors once, and I just didn't look right. Maybe it's the pale skin... I have no idea. I stick with a darker palate, and I look good in it.

Well, I'd add more but I'm running low on sustenance... I'll try and add more later. And to the ladies... I don't object to attention *wink*


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Snipers Angel

Report | 06/10/2008 10:25 am

Snipers Angel

Ah, Poor your friend and me lol. Maybe we should be friends. XD I'd laugh if it still managed to happen. What an odd world to live in.
Snipers Angel

Report | 06/09/2008 3:06 pm

Snipers Angel

Yeah sadly. Which blows, the new people I have been meeting as of lately soon turn out to be something of a pain. *sighs* What horrid luck.
Snipers Angel

Report | 06/08/2008 5:47 pm

Snipers Angel

Really? I'm not so sure. I don't hardly see that. I think through the years I have been going to them I only met one real perv and that was at the ACEN convention in May. The guy was fine when I met him but then I started talking on aim and sadly enough he's...I suppose you can say he seems like a sex fiend to me. -_-
Snipers Angel

Report | 06/08/2008 9:36 am

Snipers Angel

*laughs* I know it can, and I figured it wouldn't to men. But still none the less, I don't want my parents drilling fear in my brain of something I would love to do. Besides, I'd never go by myself. I'd bring a few male friends of mine I know would watch over me.
Snipers Angel

Report | 06/07/2008 5:49 am

Snipers Angel

That is very sweet. The most of that I'm able to do is at anime conventions, going to the raves they have there. I only went to one so far when I went to Anime Boston.

It was kick a** none the less, I got some sweet pics from it. Other than that if I bring up such things my parents go on about all the bad things that can happen and pretty much try to install fear into my brain. -_-

Report | 06/06/2008 2:35 pm


I'm sure... but thanks for caring... *smooch*
Snipers Angel

Report | 06/05/2008 6:12 pm

Snipers Angel

Would what do you enjoy doing be a better question of conversation?

Report | 06/04/2008 8:01 pm


It was one of my friends bugging me... I'm fine.

Report | 06/04/2008 3:56 pm


Snipers Angel

Report | 06/03/2008 12:47 pm

Snipers Angel

So Nick, what kind of things are you into? If you don't mind me asking. Or if you wish I to leave you be and end the conversation that is fine. ^^