
nick05312's avatar

Birthday: 02/28


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hey, some things to know bout me...

1. im protective of those dear to me.
2. im a totall a*****e sometimes
3. i only am friends withthose who i can trust
4. i have some issues. (wont say what)
5. i hate the "flow"
6. dont mess with me less were like good friends.
7. im not good with names.
8. beauty is in the eye of the beholder
9. if you hurt one of my friends you better run for the hills because i will hunt you down and make you pay...


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my thoughts and feelings.

take a step into my life...


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crosscountry2305 Report | 11/07/2009 8:27 am
i like the bottom of your page its really cool! send me a shout some time
noooooo000000 Report | 09/04/2009 10:39 am
Pfft, I don't know. It looked cool? XD
XxLost_And_LovedXx Report | 08/13/2009 1:40 am
srry ive been busy! so how have you been?
radiou Report | 08/04/2009 10:35 am
rlly like ur profile playlist
Gaara_Fallen_Angel Report | 07/17/2009 11:16 am
GAlA Site Assistance 16 Report | 07/13/2009 5:20 pm
GAlA Site Assistance 16
And If your heart stops beating,
I'll be here wondering...

[[ Currently Questing For..]]
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Donations? <33
Thank you for purchasing from my store! Have a nice day!

Did you get what you deserve?
If your life won't wait, your heart can't take it! You're dead!

Love; Lady Ki-chan! <33
P.S.; If you roleplay, send me a PM! I love new Roleplays! <3
iMonsho no Nazo Report | 07/01/2009 5:27 pm
iMonsho no Nazo
Okay, never mind. I just got it.
iMonsho no Nazo Report | 07/01/2009 5:20 pm
iMonsho no Nazo
That works. I think. But I don't think I ever got your txt.
iMonsho no Nazo Report | 07/01/2009 5:12 pm
iMonsho no Nazo
Who else will be the assassin in our group? Vikki's busy taking over the world and I'm too nice. Until it comes to VGs.
iMonsho no Nazo Report | 07/01/2009 5:09 pm
iMonsho no Nazo
I see. Well of course part of me hopes he does, while part of me hopes you can stay.

Btw you never gave me your FC for Brawl.


s**t happens...


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iMonsho no Nazo
Crazy Awesome Amazing
June Berrry

to all emos: sure life can suck sometimes but you cant just look at the bad stuff and cry, life has a way of fixing itself. if you dont believe me, shoot yourself in the foot.

"What breaks but dosent fall and wat falls but dosent break?"- Ryan yu - answer... day break and night fall.

bottom of page!!!

that vampire's a poser...

seriously, if you hurt one of my friends i will hunt you down and odds r u will... DIE

and give my jornal a look, it might scare u...who knows, it might.

no matter how many reasons there are to die theres always atleast one reason to live

will darkness ever turn to light?

ever been running with the shadows of the night? i have been... the 1st time it scared me but like everything else it gets easyer with time...

ther are so many great songs... but i wonder, thers a message in music, but how do these artits realize it? do they have some sorta special conection to another world?...

failures not an option... its sucseed or "die' trying. "" because actual death might not bethe case...

when theres an opritunity to make yours or someone elses live better, take it...

plan, and achive.

trying to be someone your not is lying, and lying is wrong... no matter what the case.

no one lives fore ever. somethings bound to happen. dont fret over these things... live the moment...

"promise me that no matter what happens we'll be friends fore ever."

as our lives change our friends and sometimes our family change, its life.

if you love someone truly, let it be known. care for that person and make sure you fufill the need of love... without love theres no life, and without life, theres no love. they need each other.

what is love?

i belive love is in a deeper meaning that i cant begin to put into words, other than its a strong longing or want to be with another person, willing to be able to give up anything for them, or willing to change for them. thats what i think love is in short terms...

if you could live in your favorite manga series, would you? do u think u could give up so much to gain the unknown? i think i could. but then again, until im hit with the choice, i'll never know.

as far as im concered the only things that matter in life are the necessities. love, friendship, and a will (reason) to live.

as a hero you have a choice. "die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villan"

if you live forever, wats there worth living for?... A LOT

you realy dont know what you've got till its gone...

who do you think the greatest hero is? who is your heroic idol, someone who you wish you could be?

you wont live forever, live the moment

treat each day like its ur last cause you never know...

why? its a quistion to comonly asked. in our world we need reason for something. life would flow more smoothly if we didnt need why so badly

dont look back, only to the future. past destions cloud one judgements. in the end. . . what is there that matters?

trust is hard to gain, easy to lose. like many other things in life.

if there is a plan for life, death, why cant we see it? whats so wrong of us knowing the reason for our best friend's or maybe a family members death. why. why not me?

"dont let the fear of loosing keep u from playing the game" -sexyrinoa

"with great power comes great responsibility" and responibility comes with rules, and rules come with punishment, and punishment with pain, and pain with death.

pain is a sign of weakness leaving the body

not to be doing wrong to others bu its said in the beatitudes that the meak will inhearit the earth. wat does that mean? who are these... meak?

it takes both rain and sunshine to make a rain bow.

i live for few, but i could die for many.

I loved you, you made me, hate me. You gave me hate see? It saved me and these tears are deadly. You feel that? I rip back, every time you tried to steal that. You feel bad? You feel sad? Im sorry hell no ******** that! It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife. This strife it dies, this life and these lies. These lungs have sung this song for too long, and its true I hurt to remember I loved you I've lost it all fell today its all the same I'm sorry oh (I'm sorry) I'm sorry no (no) I've been abused, I feel so used, because of you i'm sorry oh (I'm sorry) I'm sorry no (no) I wish I could have quit you I wish I never missed you and told you that I loved you every time I ******** you The future that we both drew and all the s**t we've been through Obsessed with the thought of you the pain just grew and grew! How could you do this too me Look at what I made for you it never was enough and the world is what I gave you I used to be love struck and now I'm just ******** up Pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts!I've lost it all fell today its all the same I'm sorry oh (I'm sorry) I'm sorry no (no) I've been abused, I feel so used, because of you i'm sorry oh (I'm sorry) I'm sorry no (no) Seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest. And your tears are dried up now, you just lay without a sound. Seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest. And my fears are over now, I can leave with my head I've lost it all fell today its all the same I'm sorry oh (I'm sorry) I'm sorry no (no) I've been abused, I feel so used, because of you i'm sorry oh (I'm sorry) I'm sorry no (no)

s**t happens, its what you do about it that says who you truly are.

nothing is easy.

Helpless, my eyes are bleeding from the fear that's inside, You sealed your demise when you took what was mine. Dont try and stop me from avenging this world, No voice to be heard. Waking the Demon, Where'd ya run to. Walking in shadows, Watch the blood flow. Theres not much longer so dont try and fight, Your bodies weakening so walk to the light. All those painfull times so alone so ashamed, I'm not coming back there's nothing to gain. Caution, there's just no limits to the boundaries you push, I've warned you but still you just ******** with my mind. There's no escape from this rage that i feel, Nothing is real. Waking the Demon, Where'd ya run to. Walking in shadows, Watch the blood flow. Theres not much longer so dont try and fight, Your bodies weakening so walk to the light. All those painfull times so alone so ashamed, I'm not coming back there's nothing to gain. Breath for me, Don't wake me from this slumber. Stay with me, Possession taking over X2 Breath for me, Don't wake me from this slumber. Stay with me, Possession taking over X2 Waking the Demon

"lollipops turn into cigarettes. the innocent ones turn into sluts. homework goes into the trash. mobile phones are being used in the class. detention becomes suspension. soda becomes vodka. bikes become cars. kisses become sex. remember when getting high meant swinging high on the playground? when protection meant wearing a helmet? when the worst thing u could get from boys was cooties? dad's shoulders were the highest place in the world and mom was the hero? your worst enemies were your siblings. race issues were about who ran the fastest. war was only a card game. and the only drug you knew was cough medicine. when wearing a skirt didnt mean you were a slut. the most pain you felt was when you skinned your knees and goodbye only meant until tomorrow? and we couldnt wait to GROW UP!?!?!?"

my best friends