
Hello there my name is Nicole. So I guess I'm going to be talking about myself in a non conceited way. Okay well I play water polo which is pretty tough and tiring but the people are amazing. *cough cough the assistant coach is my #2 husband cough* My #1 husband is Robert Downey Jr. sorry but he is almost perfect and belongs to me and Susan Downey. She is the only person I will ever share my husband with. Ummm....my favorite color is blue like 80% of Americans. I know a bunch of random facts like you burn more calories sleeping than watching t.v. or walking the full length of a football field will burn off the amount of calories in one m&m. I love my friends family, and God of course. I'm part of the Crazy Daisies which is just this group of friends that consist of me, xXTheReadySammXx (sammy whammy), Lesley_97 (lelo), and Makenzie!!! I like listening to music I think the best music years would probably be the 80s but my playlist doesn't reflect that. Well I really don't like people wH0 tLk Lyk DiS so if you are going to talk to me please type normally so I can understand otherwise I will completely ignore that comment or message and not reply to you at all. Oh yeah I forgot to say I'm Asian like a good 75% of all gaians are. I'm Filipino with some Chinese and please don't think I'm Blasian because of my poofy hair and tan skin. Not like there is anything wrong with that I just like being called the right thing. I have a bunch of random cuts on my hands and arms from who-knows-what I'll just wake up or look at my hands and then I will have a cut or see blood. I am not emo or scene like most people now and days I'm just the nerdy person and most people think so too when I talk to them. It's not my fault okay yeah I guess it is my fault for acting so nerdy but "you can't hide what's inside." Well actually you can that quote is BS but I felt like using it. Well this "about me" thing really doesn't flow well at all I should work more on my organization skills. Speaking of organizing, some people think I might have OCD because everything I do has to be perfect or at least really close to it and I really hate germs but just to make it clear I don't have OCD but I might joke about having it which really isn't nice of me because it is a serious thing to people. Oh and I like tanning, not that tanning bed crap just normal tanning that you get from swimming a lot smile yeah being tan is great and polo really gives me that tan but the bad part is my tanlines are so bad right now that they might never go away sad Umm I like eating fish and sushi so I guess I'm at a high risk of getting mercury poisoning but oh well it tastes too good haha. I like drinking tea though that's my second favorite drink, first is always water. And well I could say a lot more stuff right now but I think this is getting a bit too long so I hope you enjoyed this and message me or comment if you want to know more or if you just want to chat.
