
Heya. My name is Nikoletta, but feel free to call me Niko. I prefer it if you call me that anyway. Not much to say about myself really. I love hanging out with my friends Mawuli, Draumis, and Kimiko. We sometimes goes outside the school grounds hat we live on and play our famous games of hide and seek. The school that I attend is a very special one, if you couldn't have guessed from the fact that I live there. It's a school for peole, such as myself, with special abilities. My friends and I, along with everyone else who attends, have special abilities that we are learning how to control. Lucky me, I can control fire! It can be both good and bad though. Great because I am never cold, but bad when I lose my temper and just explode in a firey rage of hate... Anywho, I best be getting back to my school work now. Feel free to comment and send me a friend request!


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My Diary...

I hope Kimiko never finds this.... She'll never stop with the teasing!

