
Hi, I'm Horio Satoshi. What? You've never heard of me before? Let me tell you just how awesome I am, then, because I have two years of being awesome experience! I'm a freshman at Seishun Academy and I love to play tennis, and I'm definitely better at it than that Echizen Ryoma. He thinks he's so good. Well, he is a little good, I suppose, but nowhere near as good as me! Someday, I will be the captain of the Seishun Tennis Club once the regulars graduate. Aren't you impressed?

I tend to get into trouble a lot because of my tennis skills, but most people are just jealous and try to pick fights with me, like the time before we had to face St. Rudolph. I could've easily taken that kid on, but I decided to spare him and let Echizen play instead, which was my mistake because he got me in trouble when he's the one who ruined Kaidoh's jersey. I'm nowhere near as fond of bragging as everybody says, can't you tell? I'd say I'm very knowledgeable about things and I usually, wait, no, always know what I'm talking about. Anyways, I can't think of anything else to type up for my awesome profile, so I'll write more about myself later when I think of more cool things to say!
