Ninja TenTen_Hyuuga

Ninja TenTen_Hyuuga's avatar

Birthday: 03/26


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The ship was finally out of the storm and it was sunny outside and Xem was still at the helm steering the ship. It was a nice day and he was happily wearing a smile.
During that, LittleWolf's dream would've lasted for an hour,but the scent of the calm sea made it end with all blackness.LittleWolf nose began to twitch & so did her ears. She began sensing no rainstorms. Slowly, she crawled out of her bed & took a look for herself. When she notice it was true she began to stare out at the cloudless sky. There was only a few seagulls soaring & crying out.Maybe I can hunt the skies & then the waters she thought with an exscaping smile spreading across her face.Feeling alot better of that idea,she ran back inside for bow & arrow.
"Oh, your up." Xem said after seeing her for the second time. He leaned over and broke a bar from the railing with his left hand and used it to lock the wheel. Then he slowly started to make his way down the steps to the left side of the ship. "Whats that for?" He asked well pointing to the bow.
He does not know what this weapon is? LittleWolf asked in her mind. Her eyes caught her weapon & then back at Xem.
''THis is my arrow,''she explained while raising up her sack of arrows a little & then raised her bow a little higher over her head,''...& this is my bow.Together, I can hunt the sky & lands with them.''
Showing another explaination, she pulled out an arrow from the arrow-sack & then loaded it into the bow. She raised it up to the loaded bow while pulling the string down. THWAK! LittleWolf released her fire sending it soaring up into the air of the sky like a shooting star. Staring up in the air with confidence, LittleWolf hoped her demonstration will pay off as the arrow headed to sea-gull.
Without the bird to notice, her arrow strike it making it cry out one last shriek before falling down. The bird was dead by the time it landed head-first on the ship.
Xem's eyes turned yellow after she explained waht it was. He had already know what it was. But he didn't know she was going to use it to hunt. "Oooh, so thats what it is..." Xem sounded like a child learning something new for the first time. "It just looked so rough. I couldn't tell it was one of these." Suddenly he reached up and put his hand elbow deep into his own head, like it was an open bag. Then he pulled out a full metal arrow, it was a silvery colour with a shap design.
LittleWolf grinned to herself of another success,but when turned to look back at Xem,her eyes suddently caught the strange,but beautiful, arrow.''What is that?'' she asked while her grin disappeared. Like a interested-little girl, deep down she really wants to know ,& then perhaps, use it.
"Oh, this..." He reached in his head and pulled a red long bow from his head. "Let me show you." Xem aimmed for the sky and shot the arrow straight through a seagull. It fell to the deck lifelessly. "Its called an arrow." He told her as his eyes turned blue.
''No,No!,''LittleWolf said,'' I mean that arrow!''
"Oh, that was a arrow from the time before. I have hundreds, there made from metal." Xem explained and used his strange way of telling time again.
Silence had kept LittleWolf for a long while, but ,without losing Xem's patients, she spoke again,'' I understand.Allow me to skin our meat for later.'' Dashing over to the dead sea-birds, LittleWolf got right to work yanking off the arrows & then bringing them to a small storage room.
Xem returned to the helm and started to steer the ship.
Slicing through the thick feathers & the trouble of keeping it clean,LittleWolf was able to make the first bird to go bare. Within the next hour, she had finished the second bird.
It is now finish she thought But should I cook it in a fire or a pot with water?
It was a long moment of silence, fact it turned out be like more than a minute. Licking the birds blood from her finger tips, LittleWolf thought which way would fit well for their meal.
Xem could see land in the distance and was egarly awaiting to get there.
Right before LittleWolf's voting of cook & boiling, her nose twitched. She perked up & glanced around the room,trying to find out where this scent of land was coming from & which way.Finally,it wasn't working enough to stay hidden in underfloor-room & guessing,so she ran up the outside's steps to see & then smell some more.LittleWolf peeked from the sides of the ship,then ran towards the nose of the ship. Balancing very carefully, she strecthed out her neck for her nose to smell more further. I smell land,too she thought happily I smell it. Suddently,the ship bumbed into a wave or perhaps a rock. And then,LittleWolf flipped forward with a yippy cry & fell into the deep blue waters with a medium sized splash.
Oh no! she yelled in thoughts I got to get out!
LittlEwolf did knew how to swim,but when she reach the service, another wave fumbled into her, sinking & drowning her deeper.
Xem walked the the side of the ship she had fell off and then he gave the sea an order. "Spit her out!" A water spout shot LittleWolf thirty feet into the air and Xem caught her. "Its not easy to balance on a moving ship." His tone was a happy one and he was smiling at her.
LittleWolf gripped tight on Xem's cloth never daring to let go until the ship has stopped on some land.Never noticing that she could blush red like a human, LittleWolf looked away of shame. ''Thank you,once again,''she ,finally,answered in a low whisper.
"Stop thanking me." Xem told her well trying to set her down.
''Hmpf!,''LittleWolf respond back, while trying her best hang on tight to him. It was rather foolish to stay too close to Xem,but right now, LittleWolf would rather stay put on dry land. Never again will she go on another ship or boat...
It didn't take Xem long to give up. "Your that afraid of water now? How about we jump to land?" Xem offered her a fast way off the ship.
''It is not water that I fear the most,''she answered sheepihsly,''It is it's strength from the deep...,but ok, I will accept it more if we are on land.'' Even though LittleWolf accepted the offer from Xem, she still can't bare to lose her grip,so she held on like a helpless wet-kitten.
Xem got a better grip on her, set one foot on the railing and lifted himself on. After that he took off in a sprint on the railing and then lept forward. The wind was rushing pass them as the quickly shot through the air.
Squeesing as hard as her fist would grip, LittleWolf fear rushed on her like goosebumps,so she had no choice but to press her head onto Xem's chest.She tried her best to listen to the sound of his heartbeat,but the sound of the rushing wind made it difficult. THis is foolish she scolded at herself in her mind I am starting to become a helpless pup instead of a warrior I was to be!
As the wind blew past her voilently, LittleWolf felt how ashame she was to herself. Is it true that half of herself is fading away as soon she left her home? Is it true that she is becoming weak because of the waters washing them away? Perhaps, she's only homesick.
Xem hit the beach and slid, sending a cloud of sand into the air like a storm. "Finally I'll get to judge the rest of the world." He thought to himself as he slowed to a stop. There was no heart beat in his chest for LittleWolf to hear. Though it had beat long ago, not anymore, it hurt to much to do that now.
Slowly,LittleWolf peeked over her shoulder & then saw how far the ship was.The ship was abanded, a thousand miles away from this shore. Releasing her grip, LittleWolf jumped off of Xem & stared at this new surrounding they've entered in. So this is another land from across these waters? she asked in her thoughts.
"So, which way first?" Xem asked LittleWolf in a eager tone. Unlike her he could feel millions of human lives. The different trees that LittleWolf, nor he had ever seem bore any interest for him.
LittleWolf picked up some dirt & then put it near her nose in order to retrieve a good whiff of it. Still ,without a word, LittleWolf sniffed it more than a second. Even this land's earth is different from its scent she thought as she droped the dirt off her hands before she looked over shoulder to Xem & then 'out there'.
''Lets just have a good look around here as long as we can before the sun falls,''she answered softly,''...but we must stay close.''
Even if the scent smells fine, there's still somthing they may not know whats actually living in this new land they thought.
Xem waited as LittleWolf checked the dirt. But got annoyed at her idea and his eye turned yellow. "We have no need to stay here and your not in any danger well I'm around." He scolded her.
This made LittleWolf grin exscape. ''Thank you,'' she said. Somehow,this feeling well her up real good. There was no point in feeling doughtful against Xem's will, his will was actually a blood promise after all.
Once LittleWolf felt very satisfied, she ran forward, running into the forest.
Xem quickly followed LittleWolf in a high speed walk. "Good, this is what I want to do." His voice was cheerful and his eyes went blue.
LittleWolf,suddently, stopped & looked at him square in the eye. ''Which way do you suppose we should go,then?'' she asked.
Xem smiled with his eyes closed. This time his smile wasn't creepy, like on the boat. His hand shot up and grabbed LittleWolf's shoulders. Then with little force he turned her around so she'd go more to the left. "That way.''
LittleWolf gasped of fright when he grabbed her by the shoulders, but,very quickly after his words,she understood his direction & then went on ahead.
As they ran along, Xem was watching LittleWolfs rear. He didn't mind the veiw either. It was starting to look like he was chasing her rather then follow her.As they ran, LittleWolf kept catching whiffs of different unknown scents. Some smell great & some smelled really bad,but the stranges mystery was that there was no one around the village. The tiny village looked completly abandoned.
''Hey, Xem,''she asked softly as she slowed her running into a complete stop,'' Did you relise how quiet this little village has been? Do think it is too quiet?''
Xem stopped with her. "It's never quiet. What village?" He didn't seem to notice anything and was still busy staring down ward. For whatever reason, he didn't seem to notice a thing.Like a wolf, LittleWolf can hear,but only a mile distance as a human. ''I know that...,''she said,'' but something...else."
She stayed very quiet & wouldn't move a muscle. Suddently,the corner of her eye caught a flash of shine. LittleWolf twisted her head around to the direction of the flash. What is that she asked herself. Just then, her eyes opened when the flash shine rapidily through a dark window of an empty house.
''Get down,'' LittleWolf cried out to Xem before pushing him to the ground with her. THWAK! A knife hit a tree behind them & stood there. THUMPF! LittleWolf landed on top of Xem once they hit the ground. Just as I thought,LittleWolf said in her mind in anger, this abandoned village has not been empty at all...
After LittleWolf landed on Xem, he rolled over on to her and rose up. "LittleWolf, you don't need to save me. If theres someone who can kill m..." He was stopped midsentance by an arrow through his throat. It was in his neck sideways and his voice box was broken. Xem's eyes turned yellow with annoyance.
Trembling in fear, LittleWolf in horror as his blood poured over her face like rain. Not daring to leave her eyes away from his.She wanted to reach out & help the blood from exscaping before crying like a human she is. ''Xem...Xem?,'' she tried to ask.She tried to ask if he was going to be alright, but as the blood drowned her, her voice suddently set off from the shock of her life shedding down on her.
Xem reached up and grabbed both ends of the arrow. In one quick flex he snapped the arrow in half and pulled it out both side. All the blood on his neck soaked into his skin as he cleared his throat. "As I was say...I don't die that easily." This time when Xem finished speaking he was hit by ten arrows in different places. "WOULD YOU KNOCK IT OFF!" He yelled so loud it echoed for a whole minute.
Feeling a little relief,but still trembily, LittleWolf stayed lying on the ground covering her bloody face with her right-hand mumbling in a native american language (you may not know).
"Only one man can kill me and he's asleep." The ground under LittleWolf be came cold and started to shift, twist and turn. Xem sarted to pull the arrows out one by one.
Shivering only just a small bit, LittleWolf peeked through her fingers & stared at him for a short time. She almost forgot that her face was still stain with his own blood. Great spirit she thought Is it true that your children from your world can come & bleed like everyone in this world?
LittleWolf sank down into a shallow hole as white serpents escaped from under her. "One red thorn is all it takes." Xem told her as the snakes slithered away to attack the bandits.
''Ack!,'' LittleWolf cried out as soon as she saw the snakes slither past her. She could've swat at them or kill them,but a snap in her mind remind her that its one his own, so she sat there frozen & silent.
The screams of men came from all around. "Whats wrong? Are you afraid? Does a monster like me scare you?" Xem ask her.
''Not really,'' she answered softly with a blush of shame,'' Things in this world that surprises me get destroyed most of the times.'' LittleWolf slowly got up on fours & stared at the victims he killed. Blood was nearly everywhere. If she was standing, then the victim's blood would've showered her head to toe. As she walked around for something to wash away her blood-stained face, she asked,''Do you anything I can use to soak & wash my face with?''
Xem snapped his fingers. Then a small waterfall started over her head for a second. "Better?" Xem asked the soaked pup before him.
Shivering rapidly,she glanced at him with a glare.
''I meant a cloth at least!,'' she snapped,but suddently cooled her voice,''But thank you.'' LittleWolf could see a trail of blood rushing with the trickled water running past her neck,ankle,&then to the ground. Clutching herself tightly, she never knew her warmth would dissapear that quickly. So she tried swatting down & rocking herself back & forth.
"Oh, your cold." Xem said before she sat down. He cupped his hands around his mouth and let out a warm breath that dried her in an instant. "There."
Hestited, LittleWolf nearly shreik,but instead she sneezed.
Xem leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. "Your not sick are you?" He asked in a bit of a deep tone.
''N-No,'' she answered quickly,''It's just the cold's bitter frost that makes a young wolf's nose itch.''

"That so? Well lets go." Xem pointed to the direct they were travelling.Slowly, LittleWolf got up & headed forward to their direction of traveling. She tucked to her prescious pelt close to her heart as she ran. I nearly forgotten you,pelt of my grandmother wolf's will she thought happily.
Xem ran after her. He had a small smile on his face. It was all so much fun and all was going acording to plan. The trees, soft breeze and earth between his toes will be so much happier when he's done.
Not the fact that LittleWolf began to like this new place as well.There was new forset & new things that she barely even knew. Maybe I am greatful in the end she thought as gripped her presicous pelt. As she ran, she barely get to smell the scents she'd never known, but then she caught one. She had to stop her paste,so she did.It was water.A lake or maybe a pond. The scent of water was as fresh as spring. LittleWolf would love to bathe but she wasn't sure if he'd wanted her to yet. So then, she stood there scratching her leg as Xem came.
Behind Xem was ten serpents from earlier. They were as white as he was and looked liked six foot long horned viper, something LittleWolf would have never seen before. However, the horns started in front of the eyes so it seemed they couldn't see forward or sideways it seemed. Xem caught up with LittleWolf and the snake surrounded them and stopped moving. "What is it now?" He asked, but didn't sound angery.
LittleWolf hesitated, but then glanced over her shoulder & answered back,'' N-nothing, I was just smelling, while I wait for you...'' She looked back at her cloths,then pulled at it & sniffed. The smell is not that bad anyway;she; Soon, we will rest & then I will find a lake to bathe after he is asleep.
"Thats not why you stopped is it?" After Xem asked the snakes began to hiss. LittleWolf was no different from a wolf as Xem was from a snake.
Her face began to burn red. Even though,XEm couldn't see her face she thought that he'll know anyway.''I am fine!'' she spoke with sharp tone around the edges,''Now lets go before night falls upon this land.''
"You sound mad, why?" Rather then agree, he just asked a question. The snakes around they all did strange thing like roll over and rub their faces on the ground. They weren't right at all.
''No, It is nothing,''she said,& then ran off.
Xem took off and was running along side her as the snakes slithered at their heels. "But you sounded mad, why?" He was asking questions like he was a kid.
LittleWolf took a quick look at him & then at back in front view. Finally,she answered again,'' As a female-wolf, I need to bathe in order to keep my skin fresh. Do you think we can stop & make camp?''
"Yes, If you need to stay fresh." Xem answered but it truth thought she ment that she would rot if she didn't. He and the snakes came to an instant stop as if glue stuck them in place.
LittleWolf huffed & puffed of annoyance & embarassment,but she ran off to the find that fresh scent.Suddently she stopped & then glanced over her shoulder with a warning face. ''It would not be nessessary for you to 'guard' me as I bathe,Xem.''
"I know..." He answered well taking his shirt off. "We have the reenay for that." Xem said as half the snakes entered the water.
''R-Reenay?,''LittleWolf choked out,''Wait!Wait! What are you doing? I'm getting in first.'' LittleWolf never felt so human. The type that is spoiled,like the white-humans,but not fact thats there's gonna be snake 'swirming' around in.Part god our or not;she thought; I will not bare having him in this lake with him...!!!
"First? But isn't the lake big enough for more then two?" Xem asked without a single thought as to why she wouldn't want him to join in. He got his shirt off and it turned out he had a tone body...and no nipples or belly button.
''I do not want to be seeked!,'' she shouted as turned away in order of not looking at him. She didn't notice she was blushing until the next second she notice her cheeks were burning her face.
"Seeked?" Xem echoed. "But your right here. Why would I need to look for you?" He sounded very on fused and his eyes had went brown.
''You know what I mean!,''LittleWolf snapped without looking,''Do not mock me!'' She crossed her arms & then her legs before she sat down with back against him.
"No I don't. You sound angery again. What is wrong with you? Are you sick?" Xem asked well tilting his head and taking two steps forward.
LittleWolf hesitated as she sensed his presence,but she still didn't bother looking. Finally she gave feeling angery with him & decided to just give him a chance & then trustworthy. She slowly looked over her shoulder at him & then answered,''Do not peek once I come in to bathe. Or else.''
"Peek?" Xem still sounded confused as he started to remove his pants while she was looking. Oh the great god Xem, vast in power...but lacking all sence of shame. -_-
''Yes,don't,''she looked back to her clothes, then slowly reached out & gripped on the cloth of her cloths before yanking them down. Don't you dare look...don't you dare! she thought while burning beet red as she stripped her shirt off first.
"Peek at what?" A naked Xem asked a foot away. He was very close and very hair you know where.
''M-my skin...,she answered again.LittleWolf didn't want to go further of sheading off her cloths with him staring right back at.=,so she came up with a trick.The type of trick that she wants used when she hunted done a wild caribou in her home of the woods (many years ago). so with glance up to the highest-tree's branches, LittleWolf leaped onto the trunks of the tall trees & then up on to the branches. Up in the highest tree-branches were dark, & LittleWolf stayed hidden while pulling off her pants. As soon as her pants dropped to the earth with a flop, she jumped in a blurish speed & went down into the water behind Xem with a short splash.
Xem watched go up the tree and jump off. The pants on his head were gently set on a bush. Without haste he walked into the cool water and flopped forward after getting knee deep. After he did, the whole lake became hot like a bath.
LittleWolf jumped up into the service after a complete second under water. Breathing steadily, she turned her back against Xem & began scrubbing away while standing on one of his snakes' coils. It was the only use she could make out of them when she's bathing & standing at the same time,but ofcourse her head & shoulders were the only body parts appeared on the service of the waters. Don't come...God or not...don't come! she yelled,nervously,in her thoughts.
Xem rolled over in the water and floated on his back all the way to LittleWolf. He sat up as he floated in front of her and crossed his legs. Now he was sitting on the water without sinking. "Your acting strangely." Xem told her with his legs being just low enough for her to see over. But in the end it really seemed like he was getting worried.LittleWolf didn't dare to look,but she answered quickly,''THere is nothing wrong, I just do not want man to see me as us women bathe.That is all.'' Quickly,she sunk back into the warm water to soak her hair in order to get ready to wash it,too.
He flipped upside down so he could keep talking to LittleWolf. "Brooub grargle ha bubble." To bad he couldn't speak under water though.
LittleWolf's eyes grew wide.She yelped,but didn't risk drowning,so she jumped out to the service with her arms covering her chest.''What was that you say?''she asked.
Xem's white butt was the only thing on the surface, it was rather tone. He flipped over again. "So there is something wrong. Your not feeling well, why?" It didn't seem he was going to let it go.LittleWolf was lucky she blocked hers eyes with her right hand. ''Its nothiing wrong really,''she said,''You should know what I just said.'' She turned around began scrubbing her hair.

Xem sank in the water as he moved in closer. His hand grabbed LittleWolf's ribs and his ear was pressed to her back. If he remembered correctly, he'd hear if there was something wrong in her chest.
''Ee-yah!''LittleWolf cried out,''What are are doing?!''
After a second Xem gasp and was left flabbergasted for a second. "LittleWolf, your hearts beating fast!" Xem sounded paniced like someone had just got seriously hurt. LittleWolf was forced around to a hug that became freezing cold. He dropped his body tempereture to slow her's down. The main worry in his mind was that her heart would explode. But now LittleWolf was locked in a hug.
''What has gotten into?,'' she snapped,'' I am fine! Release me!'' LittleWolf completely humilated in this 'bear hug'. Her chest was way to close to his & she thought she'd turn entirely red from head to toe. As she tried pounding her fist against, she tried yelling out,''There is nothing wrong,ok? It is natural for my heart to beat like that, it is only dancing through the beat!''
Xem let up on the hug and cold. "Dancing, thats a lie. now stop dying!" He had a very upset tone and his eyes were all mixxed up in colours. The gods eyes looked as sad and confused as the rest ofhis face.
CHapter2 (SORRY!)"I am not a god of love!" Xem's voice became inhuman. A low raspy voice like all that was bad and wrong spoke. Just hearing it was enough to make a lesser being feel like they have 1000 icy needles in their heart. Even Xem's eyes lost all humanity, became viper like and went red.
LittleWolf completely froze.She would'nt dare to move a muscle,but she wished her heart stop beating. She also wish she could cry like a helpless human-child, but none seem to come out.Wide eyed, LittleWolf tried to speak ,but no words came out.
"You look scared..." Xem was different from before. "LittleWolf, you never asked what kind of god I am. The role you play is the one that helps me pick how much I kill. I am a god of death and new life. I am fire that purifies." His voice was normal again but still scary.
''I...I just notice how much I understand you,now,''LittleWolf answered. LittleWolf would've thought of just lying on her back as a sign of ''I surrender'' or ''I gave up'',but she in water & she couldn't float.The blush from her cheeks began to fade as cold chills touch her spine making her tremble more. Finally she looked & stared at her reflection again without no words to come out from. I could try attacking with all the strength I have as the wolf ;she thought;No. Somehow he needs me.Is it true that I am really the only thing he haves? Is it true that he is the only thing I have that is unhuman at all like me?
"LittleWolf, LittleWolf..." Xem said as he used his finger to redirect her gaze to him. "You are here to guide me and give me a reason to kill all or leave them be. I can bring you back to life, so you can't kill yourself and you cannot run and you cannot hide. But you can end it right here and now with just a few simple word. Say 'kill everything' and it will all end." He was cold and cool like any monster would be. LittleWolf was left with a choice to travel with Xem and save some people or let everthing in the world die and start a new.
Finally, LittleWolf's eyes began to leak out warm tears.Her voice was cracked & dry,but her tearied-eyes didn't leave Xem's cold ones.For the next minute, her eyes were locked in a gaze as she talk her mind very softlty.Ever since I became a member of my wolf family...;she thought;...I wish for the lands to be in peace & harmony,but it never came true. But perhaps, this boy is my answer. I would love to rule my old land where my people lived, but I do not want fill my heart with greed & hate. Is it true that no one would ever love me again? Is it true that I should die or live own without no one to love me? Great Spirit what has become of me??I guess no man or wolf would never love me. I guess love came way too late for me as I rot in prison deep inside. Yes. BUt the only thing that rremains to me ,inside, is strength.
LittleWolf snapped out of her mind when she picked her answer.The pupils in her eyes went sharp as two black needles. Finally she spoke through the crack of her voice,''You may kill me if I am useless to you,but if not,I can live on running in your path.'' She gripped on her pelt, lowered her head,& closed her eyes as she waited for his response.
"Then its settled." Xem's said as his eyes became human like again. "We leave tomarrow to find other humans." The nightmare for LittleWolf was just starting. The wake of her path would be filled with the bodies of anyone who was unlucky enough to be close to the evil god.
LittleWolf vision began to fade & unfade over & over as her eyes widen. She thought it was only her head that was shaking. No; she thought; No! NO! NO! NO! NOO!!!
LittleWolf shoved him off by using her wolf's strength. She walked a few steps back from him while her breath was unsteady. It was not what I meant; she thought; I could die,but not the world! What have I done?! Great spirit what have I done!? This boy can not be yours you have sent!
Still wide-eyed without leaving her sight on Xem, she clasped her hands against mouth, she began to tremble hard as she backed some more. I get it now; she thought; He is one of them after all. The ones who killed my human-family...!!! I knew it!!!
"Whats wrong? Do you know what killed your family? I was looking for you back then, but you were to young and they all saw me for what I was. So I had to kill them or they'd make you run and hide for years and I'd be left waiting. They kept asking the great spirit to help. But like everyone else, they didn't know how a god is born." Xem told her as he walked forward after her. The reenay began to circle her and LittleWolf would never be able to run far enough.LittleWolf pupils lit up into black needles again & she glared into his eyes. ''Do not come near,''she warned,''I want to kill you before,but not anymore unless you stay back.'' On her left cheek,LittleWolf skin ripped.If this is her last,she could at least pick one last fight. Poor LittleWolf. Deep down she is now more flusterated then confused. Was I actually chosen from the Great Spirit?!;she yelled in her mind; Or I was chosen from evil?!
LittleWolf began to feel dizzy inside after the thought of that,but she regain to stay strong.Even her vision was fading on 'n' off & one of her guts were throbbing with sicking pain,but still, she kept focus.
"Or what?" Xem barked after she said to stay back. "You can't hurt me. Your more then likely trying to figure out why an evil being like me is allowed to walk the earth. Well its simple, how is a god born?" A new secret was going to be given to LittleWolf. The answer to something that no one had an answer to, how is a god created.
''NO!,''LittleWolf screamed,''I do not want to know,nor go farther.'' LittleWolf twisted around & then ripped through the reenay by using her wolf's claws after she grew them in a flash.Quickly,she dash to her cloths. The pants were missing so she tooked her homemaded-shirt & wrapped it around her waist as a skirt.She didn't care for her bare-chest because her long hair was long enough to drape over it.As she ran deeper into the forest, LittleWolf glanced over her shoulder (two or more times).
Xem didn't make a move as LittleWolf ran. As she was running, the first time she looked back afew reenay were following. But the next time she looked back, there were more then she could count. Reenay have no souls and only live to do as Xem commanded. There really was no place for her to run.
LittleWolf stopped her pace & froze. When the reenays slowed their pace & cirlced around her, LittleWolf only smiled.Let us see about that...she thought. She crouched down as her entire skin on her body began to rip.POOF! She was back into her wolf form.As she ran through the smoke of steam,she tore through the reenays trying her best to keep them down.
After she hit the first of the serpents, the rest started to look red. From under the scales of the reenay came red barbs. One scratch from a reenay barb could numb a person for days. The thousands of reenay had enough barbs to numb her to death.
Barbs...LittleWolf thought when she frozed again.She growled,but didn't bother to move.She began questioning herself rather or not she could fight them off.
"LittleWolf, LittleWolf, why do we run..." Xem called from somewhere out of her sight. "When staying and playing is so much more fun." LittleWolf was being taunted now. The reenay made up a field around her and not even the trees were safe.
She growled lower under breath,but then a snicker streched the side of her lips. Heh...heh...;she thought; The skin of this wolf is like my armor. I can not die from the barbs. I can not!
After a savage cry of anger & hate, LittleWolf began to charge on one of the reenays.The reeanays slash a barb at her causing her wolf-skinn to rip.It stung at first,but she kept going until one was done. Again,she dash to another & then another. Trying her best,she kept going.
As she rushed for her next reenay the others attacked. They'd bite on and coil around her and dig in with their barbs. Her eyes, nose, mouth and reer were likely to have thinner skin. The attacking reenay out numbered her 53 to 1. "Foolish LittleWolf, why do you fight?" Xem called from somewhere out of veiw.
Dugging her paws into the soil, LittleWolf answered (in an unsteady echo),''Because...ugh...I am ...a warrior.'' Inside the skin of her wolf-skin, the barbs sunk near enough to kill her.LittleWolf human form is locked inside whenever she transform along with herself (her soul).THe reenays' barbs began to sink more into her & then, LittleWolf lifted herself back up by using all the strength she had left.She didn't want them to kill her from the inside.
"A warrior, you?" Xem laughed at her. "Your not a warrior. Your a animal, nothing more and nothing less." The reenay were trying to get at her eyes. After a few stings or scratches the vicim is rendered unable to move and die of hunger and thirst.
LittleWolf covered her face with her left paw & then, bucked the reenays off her back.The reenays did releaes their grip from their barbs,but each barb left a bloody gash in her wolf-body's flesh. Breathing low & unsteadily, she looked up at his direction & growled.''I am a warrior,''she spoke in a low gurgly voice,''I have been & always will be after my father,my grandfather, & the other great fathers before me!''LittleWolf leaped & ran after Xem through the trees opening her mouth wide to get a good bite out of him. As she kept up her pace, she whispered thoughts in her mind like; This must be all my fault that I must start this whole thing, but it is very good for to know his darkest secret. But what he said the first time was true? Did he really want to see the entire world? Is he one of those things,but is different?Perhaps he is,but then, I must have ruined it & lead him into his darkside...?
"You don't know what what is, do you. Its rape, slaughter and enslavement. I have seen it many times and its always more or less the same." He yelled to LittleWolf Before she shook off the reenay. The reenay venom would stop he movement soon. But before that, LittleWolf got the jump on Xem. As she jumped for him with an open mouth he only had time to spear a hand for her chest. His hand had enough speed to go through her. Xem's eyes looked down into LittleWolf's as he fang neared his throat. In a way he looked happy about the whole thing.
His spear-like hand gushed through her chest in the inside allowing her to cry out in bloody scream.She wasn't sure how many minute will she have before its her time to past on to her death,but she shot out her human arm & hand through her wolf's mouth & reach for his throat. Gripping as hard as she can,LittleWolf whispered harshly,''I know your lying, your filth talk will not allow me to die in vain!''LittleWolf wasn't afraid to die but at least was able o give him a piece of her mind.Slowly, she poked her human-head out through the mouth & glared as she squeesed farther against Xem's throat. She lowered her head next his left ear & croaked out her words into a whisper as her blood appeared through her mouth.''Put me out if you want,''she whispered,''Kill me if you must.I was near to fall in love with you because you were strange,but amusing,as I. But I guess the time has come. I have finally understand that...H'UuUUGH...that you wanted to know the world's land before producing chaos against.Is that right?Then I must hate you & then die...H'UGH! Ugh! But I thank you for letting me go in the end.''
Xem didn't need air, so he wasn't going to die easily. He listened to LittleWolf and then answered. "No, you freed yourself. You are the world and I have seen you." Xem took his handout of LittleWolf's chest and place it on her face. With one mighty shove she was thrown back. As she fell all her pain left, her wounds healed and a flash of white light made everything vanish. LittleWolf was in field back home near her old wolf den. All the evil spirits left the world and the white man left her land. The god who is like was no where to be found. The only thing left was the pelt of grandmother wolf as proof that is wasn't a dream.

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View All Comments

DSDragon star Report | 09/11/2012 1:06 pm
DSDragon star
LOL sorry !!!! Let's go of Ten-Ten . I've missed you !!!!!! heart
Heavens 5th knight Report | 09/03/2012 8:16 am
Heavens 5th knight
we been good just sad that schools going to start on wednesday sad but other then that we're ok 3nodding
Heavens 5th knight Report | 08/27/2012 6:33 am
Heavens 5th knight
yeah same here lol smile
Heavens 5th knight Report | 08/24/2012 10:02 am
Heavens 5th knight
i miss u too HUG so where have u been all this time
Heavens 5th knight Report | 08/22/2012 4:09 pm
Heavens 5th knight
gaia sis when will i get to hear from u again i miss u so much crying
DSDragon star Report | 08/12/2012 6:06 pm
DSDragon star
Oh and thank you . heart (Hugs you to death )
DSDragon star Report | 08/12/2012 6:05 pm
DSDragon star
Your computer is giving you a hassel on ya ?
iBear-Josh Report | 04/05/2012 4:05 pm
Haris_29 Report | 04/05/2012 5:29 am
tenten! biggrin its me nakaroo i just 4got my old login so i made this acc. i hope u beleive me I MISS U WE HAVENT TLKED IN SO.... LONG! if u dont beleive that this is me its fine i totally get it sad
-MelodyYawgLaib- Report | 01/28/2012 9:56 am
You want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!really works!!!!!!!!

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