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What a coincidence, blue is my favorite color, AND I love fire, AND the fire description matches me very well.

This below is a different quiz, i just couldn't get a fire image.

Your dominant element is fire. The ancient Yin-Yang scholars saw fire types as adventure-seekers who like constant change. Do you love a good party--and sometimes getting into a little trouble? Fire people have a way with words and friends enjoy listening to their stories nearly as much as they enjoy telling them.
Fire people get bored easily, but their artistic side helps keep things in flux. The energy and charm of fire types may make it hard not to like them, but look out for those mood swings!

Fire burns with a bright and hot flame and is related to passion and enthusiasm.

Joy is the dominant feature of the elemental energy of fire. Fire helps us see the beauty of life and to enjoy living.

Fire burns brightly and can spring up quickly...but it can burn out just as fast. The fire element gets us excited over things that are worth it but allows us to let go.

Structures with sharp edges and pointed features bring out the best qualities of fire. A hot climate is the best for fire as it helps the flame to burn strong. The color that corresponds to fire is red.

Fire types like to eat bitter food such as grapefruits.

NOTE: Fire types usually have bright eyes, big smiles and mouths that run a mile a minute.


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caramelxapple Report | 08/02/2012 1:32 pm
after years and years and years, i finally got back on this account. and i was looking through my comments and you were on there and so i thought i would drop by and say hi or something , if you still get on . once in a while
Fennikusu-san Report | 09/25/2009 7:32 pm
Ahh XD
Fennikusu-san Report | 09/18/2009 5:01 pm
ummmm use gradual ice magic on myself?!?
If you were serious about it though, I would probably jump in the water or something lol >_<; I dunno.
NinjaTitan Report | 09/14/2009 7:19 pm
lol....ive got a question biggrin Have you ever tasted strawberry shortcake ice cream before? ^^

It is....GENIOUSSSSSSSS ;D it tasted just like the cake xD
NinjaTitan Report | 09/06/2009 3:17 pm
whoops as* lololol
NinjaTitan Report | 09/06/2009 3:17 pm
My neighbor is in the same class a** i am and i heard her mom say, "Work harder and do better than neighbor or I won't let you sleep with me you'll sleep in the garage with no fan.'' but she said it in vietnamese. my mom said to challenge her so i am biggrin
NinjaTitan Report | 09/05/2009 5:52 pm
xD i like 4th grade~ its so easy =D
NinjaTitan Report | 08/31/2009 6:54 pm
how?~~ biggrin
NinjaTitan Report | 08/27/2009 6:54 pm
soooooooo my sister's high school has an ice cream machine biggrin
NinjaTitan Report | 08/26/2009 4:40 pm
lol xD I'm in 4th grade x]

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