

iBe: Russian. In Manhatten. Russian spy... jk <<. 25. A daddeh :3 The Black Sheep Bar owner. A music addict. Slightly on tha short side. SINGLE. Open-minded. Tattooed. Pierced. A boxer. White-haired.

iLike: GLOWSTIX. Randomness. Debates. Animalz. Anime/manga. Otters. Yaoi. Lil things in life. Piercings. Skullz. The name 'Xavier'. Fangz. Rainbows. Snow. Fireworks. Partyin. Alice in Wonderland. t3ChN0. Insanity. Mythies. Harper's Island. Royal Pains. PIZZA. Harry Potter. Smilies. Glitter. Toothpaste. Foxies. Neon stuffs. Tattoos. Ice cream. Beatboxing. History. Havin fun. Humor. Brain-benders. Science. The moon. Strobe lights. Rp. Dying meh hair. Food. Witty quotes/sayings.

iDun Like: Rodents >.< The idea of fate/destiny. Homophobes. Stereotypes. Peppers. Water. Assholes. Poodles. Wearing socks and stepping in a puddle T-T. Bologna...food and figuratively. Pillsbury. Ppl w/ their pants hangin off their asses. Hollister/American Eagle. Wearing neutral colorz. Emo ppl. Facebook/MySpace. Sour stuff. Politics.

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Chronicles of Nitia

Wat goes on. :0



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/14/2017 11:19 pm


It's a little weird for me to do this, but you don't have a facebook or anything so this'll work. Sarah is growing up. She's getting tall and it freaks me out every time I see her now. Swift has been tending to her, and Emi checks in on her when I can't get to. I admit I can't see her as often as I'd like, but we have been in touch. She's taken to your love of chemistry, and has a passion for learning. She knows how to defend herself, though she's still a goofy kid so we're working on distractions and playing around lol. She has pictures of you, and keeps one in her locket. She misses you...a lot. We all do.

Your business is being run smoothly (now), though they had to remove the website you created for it due to the cost. But trust me darlin, they promote the s**t out of it. Your picture is behind the bar counter, along with a lot of other pictures of you with your clients and staff. They also have t-shirts and hoodies and they're pretty cool.

But...it really isn't the same without you Nit. You made things so much easier to deal with, and you kept our group in touch. You still do. There are times I still go to text you about my day to vent or tell you a 'grosser then gross' joke, and I have to catch myself. I miss the s**t out of you. So, so much.

Love you. See ya space cowboy
Uccello di Vittoria

Report | 01/25/2016 7:59 pm

Uccello di Vittoria

I didn't know you nearly as much as I would've liked.
You were the first person to give me a nickname since I was little. "Twinklez."
You were the one to tell me about dragonflies and snakes, chemistry, twinkle twinkle little star, and innumerable other interesting things that I loved to look into. You were also the first person to really try and get to know me, to keep me updated on things, to always let me know when things were going on that I could help with. We worked together to keep our best friend safe. We took a hike, and bonded over it being too goddamn hot outside.

You dropped Suca's sunglasses into the brush and I went and got 'em for you. The look on your face of "Ohshit" was priceless. just whimsically twirlin 'em, then fwip. Gone.

You always got sick of downers. And you handled that s**t every way you knew how to make sure people weren't sad.

I hope you knew I cared, even if we didn't get to talk much. I hope you saw every goofy happy birthday and merry christmas message, and somehow I hope you see this one too.

Uccello di Vittoria

Report | 01/25/2014 6:43 am

Uccello di Vittoria

-smiles- np at all! I thought you'd like 'em.
one hundred nights

Report | 01/13/2014 10:18 pm

one hundred nights


Report | 03/31/2013 11:21 am


Miss you Nit
Uccello di Vittoria

Report | 12/26/2012 3:15 pm

Uccello di Vittoria

I hope you had a very merry christmas, and that you have an EPIC new year.

(check your gaia over. I left a surprise)


Report | 08/17/2012 4:00 pm


idk do i
Uccello di Vittoria

Report | 08/10/2012 11:45 am

Uccello di Vittoria

HI NIT! biggrin I'm glad you made it back alright. How is Sarah?
Aquila di Cartagine

Report | 08/10/2012 11:40 am

Aquila di Cartagine

Oh ok. Well you've got the number e such. Pet misses you/wants to talk to you btw. Let me know how things are
Aquila di Cartagine

Report | 08/10/2012 11:37 am

Aquila di Cartagine

Oh sweet, Hey, wanna talk more on YIM?


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Owner of the
Black Sheep Bar
in Manhattan