
Everything people want to know about you
Let's start with the basics.....
Tell me your name-: lexi chavez
And your age?-: nonya
What country do you live in?: usa
What state do you live in?: MI
Color eyes-: hazel
Color hair-: brown
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: neither
Any piercings?: ears
Any tatoos?: nope
Name of your school-: sasa
Boy or girl-: girl
Straight, bi, lesbian, or gay-: bi
Next series, I call it favorites
Food-: shrimp
Color-: green
TV Show-: Ze Simpsons,american dad family guy
Sport-: sleeping =]
Band-: patd
Singer-: mi cat lol hes hot
Genre of music-: anything but country
Kind of yogurt-: ew
Restaurant-: i dunno
Store at the mall-: hot topic
Thing to do on the weekends-: play with my cat tinx
Song-: the great escape
Movie-: ginger snaps 2
Phrase-: isg yoo lyk =)
Letter-: l(betcha cant guess why)
Number-: 7 5
Series 3: This one or that one
Pepsi or coke?: coke(dat polar bear dude is awesome)
Mcdonalds or Burger King?: burger king
Single dates or group dates?: er idk
Rock or rap?: rock
Cats or dogs?: both =]
Movies or TV?: movies(you can get tv shows on dvd stoopid)
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate
Hot or cold?: hot
Winter or summer?: summer
Do you.....
Like to dance?: yezzir
Like to sing?: mhm
Like to see people in pain?: oh yes
Like animals?: yupperz
Do you like My Chemical Romance?: uh huh
Do you think Gerard Way is hot? surprised h yeh
Do you like labels?: yeah the sticky kind
What do people label you as?: crazy(in a good way of course)
Are you.....
A good friend?: u know it
Currently in a relationship?: nonyas beezwax hombre
In Love?: with candy!!!!!!!
In High school?: no
In middle school?: yes
Have you ever.....
Done drugs-: no
Smoked-: does getting high off a onion count?
Drank alcohol-: yeah
Broken the law-: idk its not like i read what the laws are 2 know that
Had your heart broken?: many times mi friend
Been in love?: maybe
Kissed the opposite sex?: my cat
Licked a stranger's face?: what kinda ? is that?
Danced in the rain?: yeah its fun
Are you currently in a relationship?: yo mamma
If yes, with who?: yo hamster
Are you currently single?: yo daddy
If yes, are you looking?: yo grama
Have you ever been in love?: yo grampa
If yes, with who?: yo chicken
Your first kiss-: yo doo doo terd
Was it special?: yo ice cream
Was it worth it?: yo mamma mamma
Why or why not?: yo giraffe's baby elephant gerbil
Do you like someone right now?: yeah sure
Have you ever had to break up with someone that you still loved?: yeah my candy bar
Has someone ever broken up with you that you really cared about?: no
Ever been cheated on?: no
Ever cheated?: of course not
On the opposite sex.....
Favorite eye color-: idk
Fave hair color-: idk
Short hair or long hair-: in btw
Tall or short-: in btw
Best clothing style-: fresh pimpin
Best personality style-: idk
Looks or personality?: both
Cute or sexy?: sexy
Nice or mean?: nice
Funny or serious?: funny
Drugs?: no
Alcohol?: no
Ciggarettes?: no
Some other stuff
Who was the last person you couldn't stop thinking about?: spongebob
Do you like President Bush?: hell no
Do you think you are attractive?: sometimes
Do you think you are ugly?: sometimes
Do you want to have kids?: i duno
Want to get married?: i duno
Want to go to college?: i duno
Want to be succesful?: i wont get mi hopes up
Did you like this survey?: 2 many questions
*~ Peace ~*


Viewing 7 of 7 friends



w/e is inside cant be good


Viewing 10 of 11 comments.


Report | 08/25/2007 10:03 am



Report | 07/28/2007 2:37 pm


hi! hope you have a fun time!

Report | 07/28/2007 2:31 pm


welcome sweets! have fun here. =)

Report | 07/28/2007 2:30 pm


Hello. Welcome to Gaia!

Report | 07/28/2007 2:29 pm


Hi and welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend!

Report | 07/28/2007 2:19 pm


Monkey D Luffy 2007

Report | 07/28/2007 2:15 pm

Monkey D Luffy 2007

Hi and welcome to gaia^^

Hope you enjoi you time at gaia :3

If you need any help you know were to find me User Image

Report | 07/28/2007 2:01 pm



Report | 07/28/2007 2:01 pm



Report | 07/28/2007 1:58 pm



Welcome to Gaia

Have fun !!!


< LEXI LYK A PUMA!!!! ( i want a panda!!!!) >