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XxShantalxX Report | 07/25/2008 2:49 am

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A rant about my life

Hello there everyone nice to meet you. My name is Lin Aedra Drasko. I'm a guy who loves his family and finds it almost impossible to hate anybody.

I'm bisexual and until recently was dating a very beautiful, wonderful, amazing, woman named Amy. I say recently because last winter she saw fit to try and run me over as well break a mirror over my head. You see I was staying out late because I got an extra job so I could buy her a nice engagement ring. I was going to ask her to marry me but, she thought I was cheating on her and I instead wound up in the hospital for six months when she broke a mirror over my head. The glass in the mirror severed a bunch of muscle as well as part of the main artery in my neck. I was on life support for three months and they thought I would die. Technically I did die though, my heart actually stopped four times.

Amy's in prison right now, but I still love her. I know the whole mirror thing was an accident because she was mad and didn't know her own strength. As for almost running me over, well I doubt she would have really done me in, after all she was the one that called the paramedics and applied pressure to the wound in my neck. She even did CPR when I stopped breathing. She cried so hard when I told her I'd be alright and she hasn't stopped apologizing since. I had NEVER seen her get mad like that before, she was like a demon. I was actually scared of her for a little while but, I'm not anymore.

My favorite bands and composers are, Machinae Supremacy, Stream of Passion, Nightwish, Apoptygma Berzerk, Lacuna coil, The Dresdon Dolls, The Black Mages, System of A Down, Snake River Conspiracy, She Wants Revenge, Fiona Apple, Zeromancer, MAXIMUM THE HORMONE, Yoko Shimomura, and Yoko Kanno.

I love Gaming, BIG fan of all things Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Devil May Cry, Okami, And Atlus.

My favorite anime's include Gankutsuo, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Lupin the third, Furi Curi, Ghost in the shell, Blood the last vampire, The vision of Escaflowne, Macross Plus, Gundam Wing, and Geist. I also love Studio Ghilbi films.

My favorite manga are Devil May Cry, Angel Sanctuary, Chobits, XXXHolic, Bleach, Naruto, and Deathnote.

My favorite authors(including fanfiction)are Anne Ryce("Interview with a Vampire"), Edgar Allen Poe("The Raven"), Orin Drake's("Heart and Soul" is amazing), anything Ayien, and Twig(Definately recommend "A Long Hard Road" to any FFVII fan that is okay with yaoi. I've read This Story at least 37 times and it is still wonderfuly filled with gore and angst).

My favorite movies are Deathnote: The last name, Pirates of the Carribean: The dead mans chest, Hancock, and Anything Tim Burton or Kevin Smith.

I don't watch tv all that much, But I do like, Supernatural, Reaper, Scrubs, and Jericho. Southpark is damn funny too.

I Draw, Beta, and I love yaoi. I'm into yuri just not as much as yaoi. I hate hentai for the main reason that it's usually either incredibly nasty and unrealistic, or it's fluffy. I. Hate. Fluff.

I believe that if you want to say or do something you have the right to. I am usually very soft spoken and gentle but, when you insult my friends or family I'm an a*****e. I am also incredibly vain when it comes to my appearance.

I have long jet black hair that reaches past my a**, and spikes up in funny places on top of my head. My eyes are Silverish Blue, and they give off a glowing effect when the light shines in them. My skin is Geisha pale and my eyelids as well as my lips are a deeper shade than the rest of my face, so it usually looks like I'm wearing makeup. I have a mole under my left eye and I paint my nails black. My canines are longer than normal as well.

I have a nose stud, tounge barbell, lipstud, two eyebrow barbells above my right eye, a bellybutton ring, both of my nipples are pierced, and each of my ears have ten earings. And I will admit that yes, I look like a damn girl. I love to dress in black and leather. Combat boots are a personal favorite in shoewear. I wish I had a damn camera so I could just put up a picture instead of explaining this. *sigh*

I'm Thai, Japanese, and German. Weird combination I know. My father Thome is In the airforce. He was originally from Orange County, California. He met my mother Akiko who was at the time working in a Ramen bar, while he was stationed in japan.

My Grandfather Michelle Is pureblooded german whose parents immigrated to america in 1908, he met my grandmother Sui in a small village(whose name I won't even try to spell) in southern Thailand in the late fifties. My grandfather is a straight up hippee, he smokes copious amounts of weed and marched in many, many protests. He even claims he saw who shot President Kennedy, Note that he is a nutter. But he was there when Martin Luther King was assassinated.

My grandmother Sui is surprisingly a very traditional old woman and the polar opposite of my grandfather. She is strict, loves to cook, sew, and coo over my many siblings and I. She is also incredibly intelligent and probably the only reason my grandfather hasn't accidentally killed himself yet. My dad is 43, Mammy and Pepa are 62 and 68.

My mother grew up in the downtown district of Osaka. She worked in a small Ramen bar her mother owned. I never met my Obaachan Because she died when my mother was only 15. I've heard she was a very beautiful and kind woman from my mother who has said many times that I look and act almost exactly like her. I think her name was Midori. I don't ask about her alot because my mother gets very sad when she thinks about her.

I don't have a grandfather on my mother's side because my mother was born out of wedlock. Which, if you know how the japanese culture goes is a big NONO. My mother and grandmother were harassed constantly. This caused them to grow very close. My mother is 41 she has a beautiful singing voice and loves to read Manga. Both of my parents are goth but, my old man only gets to dress the part when he's on leave.

I have (and here's the kicker) seven brothers whose names and ages are, Agni 23, Adrian 12, Samael 5, Akio 5, Lars 3, Katou 2, and Aori 6 months. Added to that I have four sisters whose names and ages are, Meredith 13, Sakuya 5, Lillin 4, and Tsukiko 2. Katou and Tsukiko are Identical twins not to mention(much to mom's distaste)wall artists and if you see one you always see the other. Akio, Samael, and Sakuya are triplets. Sakuya is very quiet and loves to have Meridith read her stories. Meridith is a bookworm and a damn smart one. Akio and Samael love dirt, lots of dirt and mud. Lars likes to play barbies with Lillin(don't laugh). Adrian loves to hang out with me and do the same stuff that I do. Aori likes to drool and poop, and when you try to change him, Pee on you, giggle, and poop some more.

My brother Agni and I are Identical twins. Which is strange because we don't like eachother very much. In fact if we owned katana I could probably see us trying to kill eachother in a way that would rival Dante and Virgil. No, seriously I hate the b*****d he's an annoying a**, selfish, preppy, b***h! The ******** didn't even come to see me when I was DIEING!!! Dad had to litterally drag his a** to my deathbed!! We shared a uterus for seven months man!!! I'm your Freaking genetic copy for ******** sake!!! And dad had to threaten that he'd make sure you joined me in my grave to get you to donate blood Too!!! WTF!!!

He is such an a** to everyone and he acts like our brothers and sisters are an annoyance. THEY'RE GOOD KIDS DAMNIT!!!! I mean sure they cry alot and they ask alot of questions but, they're only kids. We're their big brothers and they look up to us. They love you man. Not to mention when he's around his stupid friends he pretends that he doesn't know me. He's so imature! WE LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME AGNI!!! EXACTLY!!!! THE!!!!! SAME!!!! Jackass even had the balls back in high school to call our mom a whore behind her back to his friends. Needless to say that I beat the living s**t out of him when I heard about that. You don't do that kinda s**t to your family man! Especially your mother!!! You made mom cry you b*****d!!!! Hope your a** scars from where dad belted you!!! HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!

What...I got bored.