Nohime The Weaver

Nohime The Weaver's avatar

Registered: 03/03/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Parts Unknown

Occupation: Highborn Priestess/Vessel of the Demon Lord Lolth


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Name: Nohime Do'Urden (formally Daermon N'a'shezbaernon)
*Important to note that the name "Noh/Nohime" was given to her upon her first arrival here, by a young human boy she befriended. Unable to pronounce her true name, he gave her one befitting their region and basing it off of a loose translation of her name "The Lady/Princess Who Walks in the Darkness"*

Date of Birth: January 18

Age: Unknown, approximated to be upwards of 200 years

Species: Elf

Race: Drow

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 140 lbs

Sexual Orientation: Hetero, but has been known to mildly engage other females during "group play" (Threesomes/Orgies), and she has been actively involved with another Drow female up until recently.

Appearance: Nohime is just above average height for a Drow, with thick, pure-white floor-length hair, soft skin that resembles polished obsidian, and lilac colored eyes that become red with anger (varying from a slight tint to full blown crimson). Her face is deceptively beautiful, its angles soft and childlike. Her full, sculpted lips are usually twisted into a scowl and adorned with purple, red or black makeup. At rest, it becomes evident that her upper lip is just slightly fuller than its lower counterpart. Her button nose has just the slightest point at its tip, and her small jaws and chin gently angle in to the slightest cleft, much like that of a fairy's. When she smiles, it becomes evident that she has soft dimples in both otherwise smooth cheeks. A tiny mole rests just beside her mouth, in the area between her lower lip and chin. Nohime's nails, just over half an inch in length, are typically polished with crimson hues, but rarely is she seen without gloves. The bulk of her weight lies in her bust, rear, and thighs, with her waist cinching in naturally, and her wide hips creating an exotic flare (a form perfect in the eyes of Lolth for resembling that of a humanoid spider's). Nestled betwixt the feminine curvature is a sculpted body that moves as fluidly as any assassin's. Her toned legs are especially strong, the results of maintaining her distance in combat, and tracking her quarry non-stop for days and sometimes weeks without rest. Lastly, her body is covered from head to foot in tattoos that glow red, black, blue, or purple when she is casting an especially powerful spell (the color changes based upon the spell's type and nature), but otherwise remain unseen.

Attire:Drow have a distinct fascination for all things beautiful, and thus proudly display themselves with dress that most other humanoid races deem to be crude or even downright vulgar. In keeping with this inherent trait, one will often find Noh clad in things scant, sheer, revealing or form-fitting, as she and her sister were considered to be exceptionally beautiful, the results of extremely selective, successful breeding (in their society, any child born with a deficiency or deformity is sacrificed to Lolth, and so all Drow are handsome and beautiful).

Weapons (Commonly Wielded): Kossuth (Flaming whip), Auril (Freezing whip) Akadi (Fan)

Weapons (Favored, rarely used): Scourge of Fangs (Snake-headed whip), Queen's Scourge (Webbed, barbed whip) Lash of Torment (Whip embedded with iron and glass spikes)

Abilities (Lesser): Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Darkness, immunity to magical Sleep, Spell resistance, resistance to Enchantment spells and effects

Abilities(Highborn): Levitate, Detect Good, Detect Magic

Abilites (Divine favor): Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Discern Lie, Dispel Magic, Suggestion

Abilities(House specific): Essence of the Chimera: Immunity to poisons/venom/toxins and the ability to naturally produce and transmit these compounds via bodily fluids, Psionics
(Note: Abilities/spells, weaponry and armor will be further detailed in the journal)

Occupation:(Reformed) Highborn/High Priestess and Vessel of Lolth/Lloth

Bio: Nohime was born several centuries ago in a realm known as the Underdark. As a female member of the Drow race, she has been groomed from the time she was born to believe their race superior to all others, and that her station would always be greater than that of any male's. This belief stems from their religion, which is an imperative part of their society. The city in which Nohime was bred and raised fell under Lolthian rule, and as such, it's inhabitants are required to follow the doctrines of the dark goddess Lolth (known as Lloth, in Noh's native dialect). Females became clerics, while males were made to become soldiers and guards. Nohime began her training early, and through exhibition of exceptional skill and prowess, quickly rose through the ranks as a young priestess of the Spider Queen. Through brutality and dominance, she gained favor with the Demon Spider and attained the rank of Highborn before her flight from the bowels of her native domain.

Nohime was well-suited to life in the Underdark, and would have remained there, had it not been for her younger sister, Nilah. Nilah was born when Nohime was approximately 49, and immediately, the elder could sense a perverse difference in her younger sister. The girl lacked the vicious mentality necessary for survival in the Underdark, particularly in a city of the Demonweb Queen. For some reason unfathomable even to her, Nohime formed a sort of attachment to the young girl, despite the fact that they would inevitably become rivals. Knowing they would both be punished and Nilah sacrificed for her "weakness" (emotional bonds are shunned, being viewed as largely disrespectful to Lolth), Noh jealously guarded their dark secrets for as long as she possibly could. It was during a raid upon the surface that the truth finally came to light, as Nilah did not return immediately with her group. When at last she did come home, it was discovered that she was with child; she'd aided a young man in escaping, and stayed with him to console him for his losses. A night of passion ensued, resulting in what would grow to be her b*****d half-breed. Their mother, in her wroth, forced Nilah to spend her pregnancy under confinement, then subsequently made Nilah sacrifice the boy to the Demonweb Queen. She then sentenced Nilah to live out the rest of her days as a Drider. Outraged, Nohime retaliated by killing their mother, aunts, and uncles, effectively banishing, and marking herself for death.

Despite her tumultuous (though normal, by Drow standards) beginnings, Nohime managed to eke out an existence for herself in the Surface realm, looking over her shoulder and evading her would-be assassins all the while. She even managed to find love, courting and eventually wedding a handsome young gutter waif who later rose to greatness as a Phantom Thief. Though their relationship spanned the course of nearly 2 centuries, their tenure did meet its bitter end (she would never admit to it, but she still carries a torch for her lost love). It took 3 years for her to recover from the loss of her beloved to another, but with the aid of a human family, she found a different form of love.


A year has passed since Nohime came to stay with her adoptive human family in the alien realm her former husband had deserted her in.
During a winter festival, she managed to draw the attention of a young Lapin male.
Tall, handsome, and full of a zest for life, the Drow found herself enraptured by him.
At this point, Nohime was tentatively ready to give love another attempt, though he openly denied his qualifications to make a proper suitor several times over.
With a patient determination, she eventually won him over, and it wasn't long before everyone around saw them as an item.
Now, only time will tell just what the future holds, but one thing is certain, and that is the fact the exiled Royal has never smiled quite as brightly nor looked to the future with quite so much hope as she does whilst standing beside the young man that has captured her heart. . .

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AIamanthea Report | 05/23/2018 10:33 am
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"Keep staring, if you'd like."

How very beautiful. emotion_kiss

"It will make turning you to ash that much easier..."
Princess Annabell Wolfe Report | 03/07/2018 9:34 am
Thank you for Purchasing from my store! Have a great day! Enjoy your new item! biggrin
MrRedSmith Report | 11/03/2017 10:09 am
heart To awesome Drow.
K Byron Report | 10/05/2017 9:20 am
Dont see many drow nowadays
K Byron Report | 10/05/2017 7:35 am
K Byron Report | 10/04/2017 11:42 am
your avi is elegantly beautiful
deathsam Report | 05/01/2017 5:24 am
thanks for buying!!!!
Kobe Tajima Report | 01/20/2017 7:20 pm
You're a sweetheart. emotion_bigheart
Kobe Tajima Report | 01/20/2017 6:40 pm
That's what I ******** thought. emotion_donotwant
Kobe Tajima Report | 01/20/2017 6:34 pm
Well at least it's a hallucination I don't mind staring at. LOL


The Weaver[/color:63f4b3186a] and T'haeldin[/color:63f4b3186a][/size:63f4b3186a][/spoiler:63f4b3186a]


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