
Instead of being lazy, like I usually am, I shall actually write something here! O:!

First of all, my name is Kirstin and I live in Scotland. My birthday is the 25th of September and, instead of publicising my age, I shall tell you that I am not yet able to drink alcohol legally. There's a little puzzle for you to solve xD.
Not really. >>;

Things I like, next? Well, they're numerous. I love manga, anime, chocolate, pocky, books and reading, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, English, foreign languages... I'm learning French and German at Secondary school and I'm teaching myself Japanese at home. In the future, I want to be able to speak lots and lots of languages! x3 I get called a 'nerd' at school because I get good grades in class, and a 'teacher's pet' because I treat teachers like human beings. >>;

I hate tomatoes, asparagus, aubergine and courgette. D; But on a whole I love vegetables. I don't eat beef - it's just a thing in my family, but it doesn't make me a vegetarian. D< I also hate wasps, clowns, lifts (elevators) and hospitals. I hate not being able to get to sleep at night. And there are plenty of other things I hate, but nothing springs to mind.
I get slightly claustrophobic in some places (see 'lifts' above).

I listen to Metal music, mainly. (Unintentional alliteration there. O_o) I love Blind Guardian, Muse, Disturbed, Demons and Wizards and Dope. And there are others, although I can't remember. ^^;

I'm a bit of a Grammar Nazi, so please do not be offended if I correct you. I correct myself all the time. >>; And I'm also a bit of a perfectionist, I will admit.

I love computer games! I play (or have played) Morrowind, Oblivion, Heroes of Might and Magic III and IV, Audiosurf, Half-Life 1 & 2, Project Nomads, the Command & Conquer games - I do play more than that, but I can't recall them all. I used to play some of the old ones (really old ones, like Lemmings and Alone in the Dark) on the BBC Emulator, etc. But that was when I was a little kid. >>

Well, was that okay? I hope you feel a little enlightened about me and I thank you if you read through it all... Even if it was all just useless things. ^^;

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Yeah, I know I'm a little insane but a girl can dream right? >>;
Anyways, donations would be very much appreciated. <3



Kaze's Ongoing Saga

Well, those who donate, any random thoughts I have, and maybe stories I've written will be put in here. I hope people enjoy having a peek inside my head - I know I wouldn't.


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.

Black Flame Vampire

Report | 10/18/2008 5:18 am

Black Flame Vampire

I posted for you
Sand Fluff v2

Report | 10/15/2008 5:27 pm

Sand Fluff v2

*glomps back!*
Black Flame Vampire

Report | 10/12/2008 2:12 pm

Black Flame Vampire

Your avi looks so cute now!!!

Report | 08/30/2008 3:27 pm


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