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Last Login: 10/25/2016 8:42 pm

Registered: 03/19/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Providence,RI

Birthday: 10/22

Occupation: Student,Artist,Writer,RP'er

Avy Arts Made By People!! X33


MeltDown【メルトダウン/炉心融解】- Kagamine Len【鏡音レン】


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Oh? Want to know me better?

I HAVE A NEW PROFILE! My username is LordHisaya

People I Love!! <3

Calmi Cuori Appassionati - Because she's awesome and ish really cool and will bare meh babies! >B I'm her stalkah naw~ 8D
UltimaMage3 - She owns me... xDD;

Do You See Me?

If you just open your eyes.
You would be able to see.
What's really around you and me.
The errors, the fakes and mistakes.
The lies and the truth.

What are you looking for? Perfection?
It doesn't exist. Come back.
Sit here and let's think back.
To those good times and bad times.
Are you happy now? To realize what you have?

If so, why do you always walk pass me?
Do you see me?

By Nomino