Nonno Romolo

Nonno Romolo's avatar

Birthday: 03/28


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Frenchie Baguette Report | 04/09/2013 1:16 pm
Frenchie Baguette
cool avi
Syrian Arab Republic Report | 07/15/2012 10:04 am
Syrian Arab Republic
Julchen und Gi-- Gil...burt, Gilburt!
Zhey kept calling me Italian, und not German.
Syrian Arab Republic Report | 07/01/2012 10:55 am
Syrian Arab Republic
Du named me Holy Rome.
Vati said du insisted on calling me zhat.
Syrian Arab Republic Report | 06/02/2012 6:46 pm
Syrian Arab Republic
Psst. Du.
Vati told me somezhing very... um, vierd. Vierd zhing du did zu me.
Germania-sama Report | 03/16/2012 9:26 pm
Oh fine, you can have a smile.

<<She gave him a small smile then a kiss.>>

Ja, but I vant to be vith you for avhile longer before I go to sleep.

<<Zelda sighed. She had gotten really used to and attached to him. For some reason, he appeared less annoying to her. Then again, perhaps that was because she had fallen in love with him.>>

Are you really that dense? I mean, it ist a bit unexpected, but can't you put two und two together?

He ist our Sohn. I gave birth to him vhile I vas visiting mein Bruder.

Don't ask me vhy he didn't come out vith his Schwester, but he ist our Sohn.

As for vhy he doesn't smile, I don't know vhy. Perhaps he hasn't learned how yet.
Germania-sama Report | 03/15/2012 11:40 pm
<<As tired as she was, after she put Nebula in her crib, she went back to her husband-to-be. She had to at least tell him what was going on, although, once she heard the sound of crying coming from where she left him, the blonde realized he should quickly discover the newborn in her cloak. Even so, Germania decided to go to him and let him know how that little one came to best as she could deduce anyway.>>

Mein liebe...

<<At first, the infant cried louder, but when the ancient empire started to sing, ceased its wailing. The baby looked up at him with eyes the same shape and color as the other, but did not smile. Zelda stumbled around a bit, but eventually made her way next to her babies' daddy and sat next to him.>>

I can tell you exactly vhere he came from.

<<The blonde leaned against the Roman and looked down with tired eyes at the baby boy.>>

It ist veird how he und his Schwester look exactly alike.
Germania-sama Report | 03/15/2012 10:56 pm
<<Germania returned to Rome's home, her face devoid of color. She looked exhausted and her cloak was off her back. Little baby Nebula was asleep, carefully cradled over one shoulder. In her other arm, she had something wrapped in her cloak.>>

Romulus. Ve're back.

<<The ancient had gone to introduce her and Roman Empire's daughter to her relatives, well, her German relatives anyway. The blonde looked worse for the wear, and although she looked physically drained, she seemed to be moving more easily now, although she was clearly exhausted.>>

I brought you back a surprise.

<<She didn't wait for him to seek her out, Zelda immediately entered and went looking for him. Once she found him, she kissed him on his lips and spoke weakly to him.>>

Ich liebe dich.

<<The blonde cautiously handed him her cloak, careful to keep it bundled up just right.>>

I'm going to put Nebula in her crib then I vill take a nap. Vill you be able to vatch them vhile I rest?

<<Immediately she made her way to the nursery to put their daughter in her crib. While she did that, something started to move inside of her cloak. A tiny little hand poked hand and the fabric removed revealing a face, exactly identical in appearance to their newborn daughter's. The infant instantly started to wail loudly.>>
Master El Dorado Report | 03/15/2012 1:59 pm
Master El Dorado
I d-do not do anything to anger people, b-but that does not stop others from h-hurting me for fun.
*looks down*
Germania-sama Report | 03/10/2012 11:49 pm
<<The ancient woman was exhausted from her labor, but she was not entirely relieved. At least, not as relieved as she had hoped she would be. She smiled when he brought their child to her.>>

Ve have...a Tochter? She ist beautiful.

<<She looked down at the newborn he had placed in her arms. She was so tiny, even smaller than Holy Roman Empire. Still, she looked healthy and that was what mattered most.>>

She looks like you as vell. She has your smile, don't you think?

Danke, but you helped as vell. I don't think I vould have been able to bear another pregnancy vithout you by mein side. None of this vould have been possible vithout you.

<<The blonde leaned against him and briskly returned the kisses he gave her on his own cheek. Her hand lovingly stroked her belly. Eventually, all the weight she felt hanging off of her would be gone and she would be trim and healthy again. Then, eventually, she might have to go through it again. Although, if she did become pregnant a third time, it was definitely going to be intentional.>>

Ja, I know. You don't have to tell me. I just gave birth after all.
I must look ugly right about now...I bet I repulse you.

Romulus...thank you, for helping bring her into the vorld. You must be happy, ja? You vanted a girl to dress up, didn't you? I'm glad I vas able to help make that possible.

I vas hoping for one as vell.

Ve need to come up vith a gut name. I have decide that until ve are married, she vill be a Beilschmidt.

Ja, it ist Prussia's name too, I know, but it ist also the name of mein...vell...our Sohn too.

This ist his little Schwester, so I vant her name to reflect that.

Be careful that vhen you vatch her, she doesn't punch you in the nose. Vhen I vent to tell him he vas going to be a big Bruder, I had him talk to her. He told her to help him beat you up vhen she gets older.

I expected to hear something like that from Prussia, but vell...he vas alvays looking out for his mutti und mein happiness. He may have a good head on his shoulders, but vhen it comes to his mutti, I think he has unrealistic standards for vhat I deserve.

Vell, now I'm starting to sound like you. Talking und talking vithout stopping. I better get some rest before mein hair starts sticking out of mein head like it has a mind of its own.

Ego diligo vos, mein liebe.

<<With that, she carefully rolled over onto her side, making a great effort not to harm their newborn in the process.>>

You should take her for avhile. Clean her up. Vhen I vake up, I'll clean up the mess.
Germania-sama Report | 03/08/2012 2:13 pm
[color=darkgreen][b]Idiot!  I vasn't talking about the countless sexual diseases you have!  I don't need to vorry about that because chances are, if you still have any, I've long caught them all from you, you vhore![/b]

[i]&lt;&lt;That might have been a little harsh, at least calling him a whore even when his whoring days were behind him, but she was in a lot of pain right now. She breathed with her contractions and winced with the pain. This was the moment they were waiting for after all.&gt;&gt;[/i]

[b]Und you admit to it?![/b]

[i]&lt;&lt;As another contraction passed, she started to think more clearly. The ancient had momentarily forgot that the Roman Empire was seldom serious. A sigh escaped her lips and a blushed darkened her cheeks. This of course, meant that he didn't literally mean what he said. Which then, by deductive reasoning, meant that sex wasn't the only thing he cared about. However, the blonde was pretty sure that it was at least high on his priorities still.&gt;&gt;[/i]

[b]Ja, I think I understand vhere you are coming from. You have something else you are more vorried about than the lack of sex.[/b]

[i]&lt;&lt;Zelda was happy to share this moment with the Roman, whom she loved. It was a painful moment to share, but it was not a bad pain, but a good pain. She was bringing a new life into the world...hopefully a life and not a death. When she heard him speak in German, she was completely taken aback, and forgot to breath with the next contraction she had. It hurt like hell, but the pain was nothing compared to the pleasant surprise of hearing him tell her that he loves her in German. If she wasn't being completely bowled over by contractions, she would have rolled on top of him and sexed him so hard that neither one of them would be able to walk straight for weeks. Instead of sex, she managed to give him a kiss, albeit shorter than what she would have preferred to give him, but just enough to hopefully let him know how he made her feel.&gt;&gt;[/i]

[b]Ja, vell, you are making me happy. Ve veren't trying to get pregnant und ve veren't prepared for this to happen, but I am happy that it did. This vouldn't be possible vithout you.[/b]

[i]&lt;&lt;Germania looked away, her cheeks red as roses. A hand rested on her enlarged belly. She worked her way through another contraction before speaking again.&gt;&gt;[/i]

[b]Romulus...I vant to get pregnant again.[/b]

[i]&lt;&lt;It was completely out of the blue. With all the pain she was going through, one would thought that going through all of it yet again would be the last thing she would want to do. Another contraction washed over her and she worked through it, but the idea of having another baby with the Roman was not beaten from her mind.&gt;&gt;[/i]

[b]Not right avay! Mein body needs to recover. Ve should vait until our kinder or older, at least valking, talking, und potty trained. After that, ve could vork on getting me vith child again if you vant.[/b]

[i]&lt;&lt;She sincerely did not mean to bite his finger, but now the contractions were becoming too much for her to bear. They were starting to come one on top of each other now. Zelda squeezed her lover tightly, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. They were partly tears of pain, and partly tears of joy, but mostly they were pain. The blonde was silent and didn't answer him for a few moments. She wanted to be next to him for just a little longer, but then that urge to push became too overwhelming for her. Ready or not, the baby was going to come out.&gt;&gt;[/i]

[b]Ja, ja, JA! Hurry![/b]

[i]&lt;&lt;A pained look was painted across her body as she already started to push.&gt;&gt;[/i]


[i]&lt;&lt;There were times she felt like giving up, that she couldn't continue any more, and other times she felt like she was going to be torn in half. In the end, she felt like a little weight had been lifted. The ancient blonde

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