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My name's Taylor, I'm seventeen, and a senior in high school. I can be a b***h and an a*****e, but I can also be a sweetheart.
I learned that always treating someone nicely can’t be done.
Treat me nicely; you’ll get the same treatment back.
However, if you treat me badly you can expect to hear me say something you’re not going to like.
I’ve learned that in certain cases you just need to stick with what you know, and for me, when I’ve not followed that I’ve regretted it.
I don’t want regrets, they haunt me down until I can’t handle it anymore and I just repress the memory.
That’s another thing that I’ve learned that is necessary. I’m a nice person, get to know me.
You’ll never have to hide a part of yourself.
I’m very open, and you can talk to me about anything.
I like making people feel comfortable, I like feeling comfortable with people.
It just makes life easier.