
Just because no one understands you, doesn't make you an artist.
Live together, die as one.
Love is not finding the perfect someone, but seeing someone imperfect, perfectly.

Anyway! Enough philosophical crap. Heyo, I'm Destion Dreadvale. Hah, you really thought I'd tell you my name? I bet you'd want to know, huh? PERVERT!

Aside from that, I'll just be rambling on here about myself. I haven't updated this page in forever, so... Wow, how long has it been... No idea...

But I spend most of my time at school, but when I get home, I usually get right to the computer and get on here and a little game called Guild Wars.

Uhm, I'm into roleplaying, most anime shows, Band, both school band, and rock band types. I play percussion, so... I also enjoy Tim Burton, and the light-hearted dark stuff. If this doesn't make sense, don't worry, you're not alone. *doesn't understand it either*

So, uhm about my person, I have red hair(which is a dying gene, I'll have you know), I'm white-skinned(though I personnally don't think it should matter), I have freckles(so yes, I'm a ginger kid), I realized I'm doing(this a lot).

I can be a grammar nazi, and total jerk, but I'm not usually, I try to be as kind and caring as possible, but don't try and piss me off. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice back. But the same goes for if you're a d**k to me. I'll bring hell down on you.

Uhm, I'm typing this at 12:20am, so forgive me if I ramble on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... Yeah.

I have a tendency to be OCD, and I think I'm bi-polar, though my parents refuse to believe that anything is wrong with their son. I laugh when I think about this.

Uhm, I use microsoft word for spell check(even though I'm usually right when I spell something). I am a PC. I use internet explorer, as opposed to firefox. I am very smart, dispite what implications on me you may have acquired from reading this. (I even used word in this paragraph.)

I have no problem recieving random pms from people I've never met, and if I get a text from someone whom I have no idea who it is, I'll carry on a conversation, so long as they don't insult me. Donations are always welcome, as are profile comments. (HINT HINT)

Speaking of profile comments, Choco said I don't have enough, so please, don't be afraid to leave one. I really don't mind. (ANOTHER HINT)

If you really must know my name or something about me, such as phone number, myspace, facebook, house address(STALKER), just pm and ask, and I may or may not answer, depending on what it is.

Oh, I'm also saving money for the book Death Note, Another Note: The Los Angeles B.B. Murder Cases, band trip to London next year, band trip to China senior year, a Wii, and an external hard drive. Because my computer has only 80gb of memory. My iPod has the same amount of memory. Sad, innit?

Uhm... That's it for now, but if I think of something else to add, I'll add it here!


Viewing 12 of 18 friends


A day in the life of...

There is a basic need for human interaction. In the new age of electronics, we are becoming more and more xenophobic. Reading, is the closest thing to interaction, for you can see what the author cares about enough to write down. Enjoy my ramblings.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/06/2010 12:50 pm


As soon as u read this u cannot stop. u must read or u will have bad luck for the rest of your life. SO READD TILL THE END!!!!!

Hi, my name is Jim. I loved bowling so my parents took me to a bowling alley every Saturday.

One day I had to go to da washroom... but my parents were in a rush and forgot me there.

I spent a whole week in the washroom without any food, water, or entertainment. And at home my parents didnt even care I was missing.

But whut I didnt know was that der was a escaped physco killer on the loose.

One day the killer decided to go to the bowling alley for a killing spree, he killed 90% of the people der, and after he went to da washroom.

I was in a stall balling my eyes, wen the killer tried to open the stall door, my heart was pounding.

The killer knew dat I was there and he wanted to kill me.

At the age of 13 I was murdered in the bowling alley washroom. I was stabbed, then after the killer took a knife and cut out all my organs.

The next day I was found dead on the toilet, with an empty chest. I had only one eyeball, half my nose, half my mouth and had no brain or arms.

After the incident, they rebuilt a new bowling alley on top of the old one, so I was buried underneath.

From then on, my body is still beneath da alley but my soul is wondering around lookin for revenge for my parents and my murderer.

Wherever this mail goes, I follow. And since I dont know whut my murderer looks like, i will assume dat ur da murderer becuz u didnt send this, so SEND IT!!!

If u send this to 0 ppl:I will find u and wait till ur in the washroom, and wen ur der I will murder u just like the way i got murdered.

If u send this to 10 ppl: I will be stalkin u till ur 40.

If u send this to 15 ppl: U will see me in ur washroom

If u send this to 25 ppl: u are safe from me and i will be out of ur life.


-Sincerely, Jim

ps. i will come for my REVENGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Report | 02/21/2010 5:24 pm


How've you been?

Report | 02/21/2010 5:15 pm


I'm good. <3

Report | 02/21/2010 4:48 pm


Hey you! How've you been?

Report | 08/18/2009 4:43 pm


Copy/paste this to 10 pll then press f9 and f5 at the same time. you will get 100,000gg
leqit o_o

Report | 03/17/2009 2:57 pm

leqit o_o

I had a feeling you were close to my age. ;3 Although, I'm 14 going on 15 but I've been told I look younger...and on Gaia, people think I'm older. xD
leqit o_o

Report | 03/17/2009 2:46 pm

leqit o_o

Woah, that's alot of money to be saving up, how old are you, anyway?
leqit o_o

Report | 03/16/2009 7:36 pm

leqit o_o

And I just read the Interests part of your profile. xD A big DN fan, huh? Have you read Death Note Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases?
If you have then you've reached DN royalty, 'cause no one really knows about the spin-offs unless you're a super fan or something. xDD
leqit o_o

Report | 03/16/2009 7:08 pm

leqit o_o

It's a pretty cool game. ;3
Umm, go on Nexon.net and you'll see the tab on the side for the game.
leqit o_o

Report | 03/16/2009 6:29 pm

leqit o_o

Oh, I get cha. ;3 I don't socialize well with other people unless it's an argument or something. xD I had a friend who tried getting me to play that game and I couldn't stick with it for too long. Do you play Mabinogi?


OMG IT'S KIRA[/align:fe2333cc52][/color:fe2333cc52]