
Name: Kratos Renova

Age: 2034

Height: 6'7

Weight: 175lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Grey

Allegiance: Villain

Home: The Old Gaian Sand lands.

Sand Manipulation
He can create Sand and form it into any object he can think of. The Sand he creates is much stronger than normal Sand though he rarely uses it for offence.
He can create Sandstorms strong enough to pick up small objects. He can create creatures much larger than himself from Sand but they don't last for that long.

Increased Strength
His blood is mixed with his Sand, giving him extra weight and power. The key to taking away his strength is making him bleed.

Kratos uses a Pitchfork that was created by his father. His father was the leader of many war's but later, in his old age he taught men how to hunt and kill.
The people of the Gaian Sand lands traditionally used spears but Kratos insisted in using a Pitchfork.

Pride, Anger and bleeding Kratos of his Sand.

The Sand lands is were Kratos was born, it was the home of a proud and strong race of warriors. The men would be the hunter's, the providers and the women would be slaves until they were married. Kratos was taught how to hunt and kill by his father, who happened to be the tutor for most of the men in the villages surrounding the Sand lands. Kratos quickly gained a reputation as the best warrior around, but only through hard work and dedication.

He grew tired of hunting animals, killing theives and bandit's, so he began killing innocent people just because he enjoyed it. The higher authority noticed this and decided to give Kratos his own small group of men to take command of. They told him to leave the village and look for an old legend that Gaians had been talking about for years, it had been said that a tall black beast, standing upright could be seen after every bloodshed battle.

(Will update to present day..)


Viewing 12 of 27 friends


Parkour and pics.

Just pictures of me.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/18/2009 10:29 am


cool profile lol
comb my chest hair

Report | 06/20/2009 9:02 am

comb my chest hair

nice avi :]
Deadly Forsaken

Report | 02/22/2009 3:05 pm

Deadly Forsaken

cool profile xD
Red Gray Dragon

Report | 12/02/2008 8:41 am

Red Gray Dragon

I have an aunt that lives over there.

Report | 10/25/2008 2:14 am


Cool avi User ImageUser Image
teh Deb

Report | 10/08/2008 9:16 am

teh Deb

Tempted? Really you should join, you have a cool username....User Image
Sir Jing

Report | 02/15/2008 12:04 pm

Sir Jing

User Image

Report | 11/08/2007 3:35 pm


Ouuh, I really like your profile.
Dorklord aka Vinta

Report | 09/15/2007 2:52 pm

Dorklord aka Vinta

Nice name/multimedia.

Report | 08/13/2007 12:47 am


Lol, I love your username.


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Supervillain Of Gaia