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Lunar_Lexie Report | 08/27/2024 10:41 am
sawbathroom Report | 07/31/2024 12:34 pm
kitty kier Report | 05/15/2024 2:01 pm
kitty kier
hey girl
sinslug Report | 03/12/2024 5:55 pm
Im31 Report | 02/21/2024 1:44 pm
Still upset about your hair change! scream the pigtails were so cute emotion_bigheart
Zalgo Report | 02/15/2024 12:50 am
Force of Will Report | 10/06/2023 1:04 pm
Force of Will
Poor Moira
SugarButchy Report | 10/02/2023 7:53 pm
Revisiting this website is like driving through Nevada , ghost towns heart
Mr OMG that TJs Shameless Report | 09/03/2023 11:36 am
Mr OMG that TJs Shameless
Ur page is lame
Hi I Am LOKI Report | 08/25/2023 5:27 am

Stuff you need to know

User ImageHey guys, welcome to my profile page. Just got it all spiffed up, so that's pretty cool.

So, in case you hadn't figured it out already, I'm Moira. I run the Durem Depot shop over in Durem. I know, I know, with a name like that it'd fit better over on the Isle of Gambino? I wanted to set up shop over there but Mr. Fancy-Pants Johnny K. Gambino wasn't too keen on that idea. Whatever, working in Durem worked out a lot better for me in the long run. Durem's a cool place with some pretty decent people, and we tend to kick a lot of a** when we compete against other towns in events or whatever.

Just recently got to remodel the shop; we got a lot of support from the Gaian community when we ran into tax problems, so that was really awesome. We made enough to cover our bills AND fix up the place. I think it looks a lot cooler now, and I've got a bunch of cool stuff on the shelves now, too.

When I'm not busy running the shop, I'm probably practicing with my band, Nervegas Crisis. We're still working on getting our music online, so I don't have any of that to share with you. But a little further down the page I've got some information about our upcoming tour dates, so you should definitely check that out.


  • Street Fashion
  • Loud Music
  • Bugs
  • Vampire Guys


  • Elistism
  • Closed Minds
  • Showering
  • Vampire Guys


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