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shirochanfan01 Report | 03/13/2017 5:29 pm
Hi! I hope you have a great spring break!
Multicolored Emotions Report | 08/18/2016 3:39 pm
Sorry nice profile,just stopped by to say hello ^^
Bellicide Ru Vante Report | 11/22/2013 1:05 pm
Yes i do,That's bad?
Bellicide Ru Vante Report | 11/20/2013 8:26 pm
Oh....Oh,I see what you mean now.sorry it's been awhile.
And can you come to towns?
Bellicide Ru Vante Report | 11/20/2013 7:54 pm
Hmm,Now what made you say something like that?
(Sorry late reply)
Bellicide Ru Vante Report | 11/05/2013 10:23 am
yes I did,AND no I have'nt lost my trust from you.
Bellicide Ru Vante Report | 11/04/2013 4:20 pm
I'm not a dog crying
And i have no idea what to role-play about.
Bellicide Ru Vante Report | 11/04/2013 4:09 pm
Yup,Yup.Why is that bad?and can i talk to you in towns?
Bellicide Ru Vante Report | 11/04/2013 11:23 am
Ah I see,I'm 21/taken/pan.And moved out.
Sadly still can't drive....yet.
Bellicide Ru Vante Report | 11/04/2013 10:50 am
Okie dokie,How you been?

Basic Informatives

Name: Jeremiah McClinton
Gaian Name: Namuskai Tokura
Location: Ohio, USA

smile Being Around Friends
smile Experiencing new thoughts
smile Roleplaying
biggrin Romanticism
biggrin Swordplay
biggrin Beautiful smex
xp Having fun

stare Depression
stare Trolls
stare Being ignored
mad Liars
mad Jealousy
mad indecencies (Like excessive profanity)
scream Suicidals

I'm A pretty cool guy, with a split personality of the all too sweet were-wolf pup named Winter, and the Dark sadistic demon spawn known as Shadow. Each does a specific part of me that really clashes down with each other and until I can get to be one for the rest of my life I think it'll just be best to describe them both.

Winter Green the wolf pup: A cute, sweet, Cookie-addicted boyish personality. Most girls can come to terms with him as the "brotherly love" type of guy. I normally turn "winter" when things get sour in my life, and let him cuddle with the nearest pair of open arms whenever he could. He's pretty submissive when I get into roleplaying, and as I said he's boyish, like a child in a .. grown up stick-man body.

Shadow the Incubus, Demon of lust: Everyone who knows Shadow knows to fear him. He is charged into my body for one thing, and that's to steal people's lives and create his own hell in people's minds. He's a Dominant Sadist whose will is to have a slave completely hypnotized in his way of thinking. In my dealings with Shadow he tried to force women into being his by causing an issue between me and them anyway he can. And has already caused a number of suicides to commit in the world because of it. He's a real bully and someone I wouldn't want to be when on a date, period.

Jeremiah/Namuskai: At the middle of it all is the body, me, My spirit mixes in, battles out, and goes back and forth through most of my life. I have felt both of them understand each of their ways of thinking, and wish for a life where I can have a harmony. A true tranquil life where I'm no longer the cause of someone's suffering. I know there are many who have bad lives and want to end it, But if you're reading this I want you to know that everyone has demons, And they influence you whether you cause the chaos or is affected by it. To go on, though, is to make you stronger each and every day of your life, and that if you end it here and now, you're only gonna give your demon to another newborn who will have the same terrible task as you. Save your soul, make your own story, and find that happy ending, that accomplishment, to start your life like your grandparents before you.

Remnants of the Past

View Journal

Namuskai's Lost Thoughts

Events written down during my many adventures. (The Journal is only used as a First Person Commentary to the Story in my profile. No matter how real it seems, It's only a story haha... Fiction People, Fiction)


[i:d53b1d07fa]-->For Everything You missed, You gain Something New.
For Everything You gained, You lose Something else<--[/i:d53b1d07fa][/size:d53b1d07fa]
[b:d53b1d07fa]It's about your own outlook in life, You can either...[/b:d53b1d07fa]

Regret[/color:d53b1d07fa] or Rejoice[/color:d53b1d07fa][/size:d53b1d07fa][/align:d53b1d07fa]


Namuskai: New Millenium

NuMilleniumNamuskai's avatar

Last Login: 12/30/2023 3:59 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 10/30

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