
NuraXross's avatar


RANK: Knight
NAME: Nura Xross
AGE: 23
RACE: Brood
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FAMILY: Adopted by the Xross family of the X'ross empire
HERITAGE: Xross empire. Oriental like culture
RELATIVES: Xross family's bloodline
PERSONALITY: Nura is a calm fun-loving individual with a courageous nature and the desire to prove himself. Nura can also be brash ignorant headstrong and a bit full of himself but he's also kind and loving and a bit awkward around women.
LIKES: Nura's greatest love lies in the family that accepted him as one of their own and the friends he's made along the way as well as his blessed beings who keep him company throughout his travels. Nura once cared for material possessions quite greedily but after his vision given to him by Cynthia somehow he began to care less and less about such things. But now his interests lay more in academics and his Newfound love for Magic and the Mystic Arts as well delicious food and beautiful women.
DISLIKES: Greed, Hate, Anger, And those who seek to exploit others or dominate others.
CLASS: Juggernaut
TYPE: Brutal fencer

Strength: *********
Power: ****
Speed: *********
High: ********
Low: ***
Skill: *******

SKILLS: Mastery of several sword styles, Graduate of the royal magic Academy, Dragon transformations, Superior education, First aid, Minor healing, Hunting and tracking, Fishing, Cooking, Survival training, Divine Beast hunting, Beast core removal,
FAMILY SKILLS: Fishing, Cooking, Hunting, Tracking, Skinning, Superior education, Warfare&tactics, Public speaking, Political subterfuge,
SIGNATURE MOVES: Brutal charge, Shining swing,

Serene blade: Fills the blade with pure energy, The blade will begin to glow with the faint white light. Slash's from this blade will cause extreme pain burning and will momentarily stop healing factors to all demonic and undead creatures.

Glacial strike: The blade will begin to radiate with sheer cold, Upon contact with this blade flesh will freeze solid slowing the target as well as leaving shards of ice embedded along the Slash the shards will continue to grow in density and size if contact persists or if struck again in the same spot.

Welcome oblivion: Type unknown: Breath of the void Dragon: Nura absorbs all life energies surrounding him this may kill flora and fauna in the surrounding area as well as low to mid level enemies, Nura then can release an solutely devastating blast of extreme power very few creatures can with stand it, This breath attack can be let out bit by bit instead of all at once. Welcome oblivion Cost: Depending on how much energy is released if all at once Nura will go into a comatose like state for about 24 hours, If Nura lets it out bit by bit it will cause extreme exhaustion to the point of fainting.

WEAPONS And Gear: Red Fang Saber, Amulet of Omens heirloom of that Xross nobility heightens the wearer's danger sense as well as reflexes. Crimson spider garb, A blade proof spider silk robe in lined with divine Beast fur that repel's most strikes and arrows but not their impacts. Sword of the Ba'Heer a living sword that can take the form of its original beastial form, weapon type beast blade, Beast blade are living weapons that have the ability to devour materials to improve themselves or repair.

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