
She lives in a booooooosh.
She like to go smoooooosh.



I thought I should probably add something better here, and it seemed a good way to procrastinate doing my homework. XD

I am Moosh. Nice to meet you. blaugh
I live near the bottom of Down Under. I go to a private all-girl's school and spend most of my free time doing homework. I row in my school's first VIII, which eats all my free time. I have to train about five or six times a week (1-2 hours per session) during the rowing season. XD If I finish my homework and rowing trainings and still have time left, (yeah right. XP) I like to come online. I have a breedables store called Pet Rock Island, which I sometimes get around to running. I also like to hang around my friend's shops and RP my Wethkin Kianga. *points to her siggy* It's in there.

And that's about all I can think of at the moment. Yay! XD


Viewing 2 of 2 friends


Invasion of the Kei

Trees. o__O;

Kei needed to have a journal showing up on Nyargh's profile to test the codes... XD


Viewing 10 of 11 comments.


Report | 10/04/2007 7:00 pm


Lol, Thanks.

Report | 12/27/2006 12:13 pm


Hello, random person.

I heart your username!

Byebye >_>;

Report | 08/24/2006 3:49 am


Not really. Hehe, I just make stuff up. *nods*

Report | 08/22/2006 5:28 am


-eeps- Thank you very much! Moosh must be quite good at all this coding stuff too... XD

Report | 08/21/2006 3:23 pm


I removed part of the code (I shoved it at the bottom incase you wanted to put it back in) and now the people aren't all to the right. Yay! XD

Report | 08/19/2006 1:10 am


I fixed the white bits, but I couldn't fix the headers. XP


But the theme looks awesome! *huggles Kei* You're really good at this stuff. *nods*

Report | 08/18/2006 6:59 am


Oh, and if you want to, working out how to get rid of the white-ness on the comment boxes would be good! But you don't have to, of course. XD

Hrm... Kei estimates that it took her about 3hrs 15 mins to get this far, which is far less than she spent on her own profile to get to a similar stage... Kei is happy that she is getting faster at this, even though the CSS codes never cooperate and she just makes things up as she goes along and fiddles randomly with codes and gets them wrong all the time and wonders why everything's suddenly smooshed up into one corner or suddenly out of alignment. o___O;;;

Battling with CSS codes is still good relaxation though... well, when they don't get their own way /too/ much, that is. XD

Report | 08/18/2006 6:52 am


-nodnoddles- The Kei did, thank you very much! ^^ Though she thinks it is somewhat of a shame that only Moosh's reiatsu shows up in Firefox. XD Which was why Kei was working with profile-ness on IE, so Kei and Nyargh were about at the same time but on different browsers... though Kei is rather used to Firefox's peculiarities now, so she doesn't like IE as much any more. o___O;

Though if the Moosh wants to, she could try and work out how to remove the 'About' and 'Friends' default headings that are lurking about and making things unsightly? Kei tried, and thought it should work because it worked on her profile... but they don't seem to want to go away. o___O; But for some reason could remove the 'Nyargh!' header, but put it back on since is probably not good to change the username and confuse people... XD;

Kei hopes though that Moosh is liking the profile because Kei wonders if the orange and light blue are working together or not... XD;;;

Report | 08/12/2006 6:31 pm


Hehe, I was fiddling with stuff last night Kei, but if you don't like it or it doesn't suit your plans, feel free to change it. *nods*

Report | 04/28/2006 4:43 am




-Impromptu signature for testing-