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Elizabeth Ambrea on 04/15/2022

Character Diary/ Dream journal

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Character HeadQuaters

In this journal, our heroines write about personal matters, feelings towards eachother, and the harships of protecting their world from the vicious Maitryx as it get harder and harder.

About the characters

My name is Nyght Rose, I'm a Third Level Telekinetic, and I have green eyes.
Now, to get past the obvious, I read and write any chance I get.
I think Purple is the most beautiful color on the planet and I wish I could dye my hair silver, black, AND purple.
I enjoy listening to other people when they're down and helping them, and I think rainy days are the absolute best for meditating.
Singing isn't a dream for me--it's a passion.
I sing when i'm feeling excited, sad, or even angry. (You can tell how i'm feeling by the type of music i'm singing.)
My favorite pastime is practicing my Magyk and learning new skills.
I have a two best friends, but I don't have a secret love. Bummer, I know.
I'm just...Me.

Thanks a million
Nyght Rose

What people think of Fatal Ecstasy

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Lenora Cain Report | 08/18/2009 12:38 pm
Lenora Cain
You don't have a best friend?? crying
Elizabeth Ambrea Report | 08/16/2009 7:18 pm
Elizabeth Ambrea
Aw... Thanks^^ That makes me happy.
Elizabeth Ambrea Report | 08/16/2009 6:21 pm
Elizabeth Ambrea
Miss me...? How so? And why?
Elizabeth Ambrea Report | 08/16/2009 5:30 pm
Elizabeth Ambrea
*cocks head* I was just reading your About Me... You don't have a Best Friend?
rikkixtails Report | 06/30/2009 5:52 pm
oh i bet it have you been?
AnonyaUAmbigou Report | 06/29/2009 12:41 pm
Your avi needs clothes...
rikkixtails Report | 06/28/2009 3:59 pm
whats wrong? sad sad sad
rikkixtails Report | 06/28/2009 2:00 pm
hey i miss you ... i'm also having problems wit my profile
Elizabeth Ambrea Report | 06/25/2009 3:52 pm
Elizabeth Ambrea
Watchin a hilariously accurate Mao vid on YouTube over and over again... XD
Elizabeth Ambrea Report | 06/25/2009 2:01 pm
Elizabeth Ambrea
What's been up with you this summer?

Level 1 telekinetic- has weak abilities with telekinesis
and a feeble projection range
Level 2 telekinetic- has average abilities and can
project to at least fifty feet in range.
Level 3 telekinetic- has above average ability, an impenetrable forceefield, and witty humor.
(Edited by: Nyght Rose smile )

(Future Gazers called Sight-seers)
Level 1 Sight seer- Can see only minutes into future
Level 2 Sight-seer- can see atleast an hour into future
Level 3 Sight-seer- can see two hours or more into future

(Mind Readers)
Level 1- can only hear what object is thinking at the time
and can only hear one person at a time
Level 2- can hear more than one person and only what
they are thinking then.
Level 3- can hear many people and every thought and
feeling they've had between full moons
Level 4- Can overtake a person's mind (Mind control... Known as Mind stealers.)

There's a difference between Nymphs and Fairies people!
Nymphs don't usually have wings and leave behind a trail
of pixie dust! Nah, Just kidding.
Nymphs usually have a phsycic touch with nature and some
can even speak with animals and plants without shapeshifting.
Nymphs usually have pale green or blue skin and razor
sharp teeth. Most are webbed between fingers and toes.

Fairies tend to have elemential powers that connect them to
Earth, air, fire, and water. Most can manipulate their
selected elemnt to the degree of created an object in an
empty room.
They have thin, translucent wings and pointed ears...oh, and they're ungodly beautiful.

Metamorphs have the ability to shape shift into almost any plant or animal. But, sadly, some can't.
Metamorphs are catagoreized like Us Mind-freaks:

Level 1 Metamorph- can shift between 3-8 animals/ plants
Level 2 Metamorph- can shift between 9- 14 animals/ plants
Level 3 Metamorph- can shift between 15- up animals/plants

This is the--for use of a better word--Fan Profile for
Fatal Ecstasy.
To view the actual Profile for the series, Go to Community and type in the Username: FatalxEcstasy.
Visit that profile and proceed to the journal.
Make sure to read the text on the profile before you
start the story, please, or you won't really understand what's going on. Thanks!
--Personal Assistant--
Sasha Gloomswood

I'm the F. E characters' Personal assistant. I manage thier Diaries and Dream Journals while thier busy saving the world! Please proceed to the box labeled: character Diary/ Dream Journal to view recent entries.

Remeber to read from BOTTOM to TOP, as the oldest entries remain at the bottom and the newest at the top. If you have any questions, feel free to message or comment! --Sasha Gloomswood

Pictured Above: Sasha Gloomswood
Personal Assistant to the Fatal Ecstasy Cast

Yes, actually, i AM reading Nyght's diary. It's my job. I'm their P.A, remember?

Click on me to visit the main story profile, where you can read updates of Fatal Ecstasy in the box labeled: Fatal Ecstasy!

Scroll all the way to the right to see one of the Author's suggestion.

Click on me, Abigail Gloomswood( the Author's Personal Assistant), to view the Author's personal profile and get exclusive looks at upcoming events in the story of Fatal Ecstasy!

Nyght Mitchell

Abigail Gloomswood