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With a brief introduction about me, here I go:

I am Seraphine. It isn't my real name but, I prefer Gaians to call me by my username. I got my name after finding about "seraphim" in the bible. They are fiery angels who belong to the highest rank of angels - the ones who stand at the presence of God. So, I guess that's enough said. Yeah? *^-^*

I can be really weird sometimes. ;] I do lots of crazy stuffs. Sometimes, I do things because of two things: (1) that's just me and (2) curiosity won't let me go.

I love our Heavenly Father, my family, my relatives, and those people who knows how to accept the way I am. I love and adore people who are nice to me. You guys should know that you've got my back, just like how I've always got yours.

To anyone who have been completely close to me, they would always have that special place in my heart. Always.

I've never been one to say things like, "all you people think you know me, well you don't" because, I’m not that complicated.

When I am down, praying is always my best solution. I believe that when you put all your trust to our Heavenly Father, miracles happen. ♥.

I believe that people haven't always been there for me, but GOD always has.. and I thank Him for always being there when nobody else was.

I live every single day of my life in a way that would make me happier than I was yesterday. Not always successful because, life can be tragic too; but that's just how life go sometimes, right?

I don't like making decisions when I don't have to; and I need everything to be organized. All the time. I'm a thinker and an over-analyzer.

Words are important to me; that's why writing is one thing that I would always thank God for. It helps me figure things out in life and it improves the way I cope and handle situations I may encounter. Words are my bestfriend but, using it to attack me could hurt me more than anything else (emotionally). Trust me when I say "words hurt" because, I've been told things before that I still haven't forgotten until now.

I also keep a personal diary in my room where I try to put everything into words. I put everything I wanted to remember in there - names, dates, time, places. I don't hold anything back; because, someday, it would remind me of memories and feelings that time have forgotten or erased.

If you're that girl who listens to music at night and cries herself to sleep or in the bathroom floor just so no one could see and hear you, I can assure you right now that you are not alone and I know how you feel. I've been through the darkest situations of my life and it keeps me haunted sometimes.

I can easily love, admire, adore, or appreciate something and that's one thing that makes me enjoy life in my opinion. Like, I love how the sun shines or the rain falls through my window. Sometimes, I find peace with the sound of the dripping water - I love that because, I find rhythm and music within them.

I adore photographies, especially the vintage looking ones - they are admirable! I also like antique stuffs. Something that seems very sentimental that you can treasure it forever, or give them to your grandchildren when you're 87 years old.

I would always have that huge fascination about fairy tales. ♥.

I LOVE glitters and sparkly things. To me, there's nothing more wonderful than seeing things that are all bright and beautiful.

I'm that girl who usually look at the stars in the evening sky. I have lots of prayers, dreams and wishes. But I don't expect that all those things would come true in an instant. I just hope for them.. someday.. eventually..

I think it's important for people to know that I would never change; but I'll never stay the same, either. :]

I'm that kind of girl who tries her best to see the beauty in the world and in every little thing she does because, God is beautiful. <3. I adore and worship God. He's my tower of refuge and strength, and I know everything that I am is not enough to show Him how much I love and praise Him; but still, I lift up everything back to Him - all for His glory.

You don't have to psychoanalyze me. All you have to do to understand and like me is to listen.. and be my friend. :]

- - - - - - - Seraphine.. and this virtual community - - - - - - -

- I've been here in Gaia since February 2006. But still, I have just enough to satisfy my virtual and pixelated life. This is my second account which I made last June 2009. I'm not always active but, I always find my way back here in Gaia because, this is has been a great part of my life - especially during my teenage years.

- I'm rich with friends and that's just more than enough for me. I wouldn't last this long here in Gaia if not because of my precious and oh-soooo wonderful friends. I want you guys to know that I always thank God for each and every one of you. <333.

- I love Gaiaonline; and I wish the staffs know that. I would always appreciate all their hardworks and efforts deep down inside. <3.

- Gaia would always be one of my favorite virtual communities! <3. It has taught me some other things that school can't teach me. For example: CBers taught me how not to take all things seriously, plus the language of sarcasm. A-ha! =P
I rarely go in Chatterbox now, though.

- I usually hang out in Gaia Aquariums. It's my favorite part of the forum. :3 Most of the people I know are from GA and, as a matter of fact, I actually met a lot of wonderful people because of it. ♥.

- I play booty grab - a lot. You could invite me to your booty grab guilds / threads too, and summon me to your glows by quoting me. I would love to bump your glow too.

- I also play zOMG on my free time.

- Questing? Yes. =) I'm trying to get each item off of my wishlist. I've actually crossed out some items, and I update them everytime I got one item off of my list.. and I'm not in a hurry to get each one of them. They're just wish lists. :}

But.. If you would want to give me some love, I would truly appreciate such kind and sweet action of yours -and thank you so much! *^-^* *big hugs!*-

- I don't have dream avatars. I used to make one when I was still new but now, I don't like the pressure of questing for an specific item just to complete the avatar I designed in Tektek. Hahaha. I do use "inventory tektek" instead. ;>

- I don't mind random friend requests; but I would love it more if we could actually become friends, rather that have each other as a display on our friend list. :}

- I love random comments and random private messages. <3. I once received a random PM from Awkward Anarchy, I didn't know how to respond. Hahaha! But I appreciate the effort and thought, to be honest. He doesn't know this (not unless he'd go here to my profile.. and then he'll find out). =P

- Last few words? Enjoy Gaia. Please, just do. <3. It loves you more than you could imagine. *^-^*

If you want to know and ask me more: just send me a message or leave a comment in my profile. I won't bite. :>

With much love,


Viewing 12 of 54 friends


Message in a bottle.

If you see it floating in the water, please open it and hear me out.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Elyria Stone

Report | 01/11/2017 9:50 am

Elyria Stone

Happy Birthday!
Elyria Stone

Report | 01/11/2016 5:38 am

Elyria Stone

Happy Birthday
Miya Pyon Tori

Report | 05/03/2015 5:19 am

Miya Pyon Tori

Hello I miss you ;w; emotion_bigheart

Elyria Stone

Report | 01/11/2015 7:09 am

Elyria Stone

Happy Birthday!
Vivacious Villain

Report | 02/05/2014 10:49 pm

Vivacious Villain

Come back!
sycophantic courtier

Report | 01/18/2014 8:05 pm

sycophantic courtier

happy birthday! emotion_bigheart

Report | 01/11/2014 2:36 pm


Happy Birthday! yum_cupcake
Blood Pop

Report | 01/11/2014 1:46 am

Blood Pop

Happy Birthday~

Report | 01/11/2014 12:56 am


Happy birthday, dear smile

Report | 12/25/2013 8:25 am


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