
o0Starheart0o's avatar

Last Login: 01/16/2011 11:00 am

Registered: 12/19/2008

Location: My own world!

Birthday: 02/23

Occupation: Dreamer,thief,reader and other things you wouldn't want to know...

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I just adopted a Chibi!
Name: Sora
Likes: Kairi, Riku and Meeee!!!
Doesn't Like: Evil people and heartless.
Owner: Meeee!!! (o0Starheart0o)
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I just adopted a Neko!
Name: Koneko
Likes: Catnip, hugs, cookies and Meeee!!!
Doesn't Like: Meanies, veggies, fighting and scary dogs.
Owner: Meeee!!! (o0Starheart0o)
You can adopt one too!
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o0Starheart0o's view of the world...

So I just thought maybe people would like to know what I see and think of certain topics/people/things/animals/plants/etc. XD

Blue Moon

So lately I've been into blue moons... They happen once every two and a half years... This year there will be a blue moon. Now if only I can figure out when... The next blue moon is on December 31st at 7:11 on GMT. But can someone tell me what GMT is? I know it stands for Greenwich Mean Time... This is important to me cuz when the blue moon is depends on your time zone. So can someone help me? sweatdrop
I saw a blue moon on Dec. 31st 2009 on New Year's Eve. Turns out the moon wasn't blue at all... It was a normal white color. It was unusually bright though, and it had a ring of blue light around it.
Here's a picture of a blue moon!
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Welcome! I'm Starheart and I want you to buy something! Yeah I know not very formal but still! But isn't that what the point of stores is? You just want someone to buy something? Well... even if it isn't I still want you to buy something. So, Thank you come again!


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"I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior."
Hippolyte Taine

"I'm not crazy, I'm insane."

"You're never alone in the world. Never."

Currently interested in...
-Final Fantasy X heart (and beating the game! scream )
-Wondering how to get UNstuck in my other Final Fantasy games gonk been stuck and quit the games for a while... burning_eyes
-Wondering about mankind's fatal flaws cuz I'm bored... xd (Yes when I'm bored I start thinking about complex stuff xd )
-Daydreaming in school... even though I end up wondering what I've just done the past hour cuz I've been daydreaming... xp
-Promoting the guilds I'm in (JOIN THEM!!!)
-Waiting for my avi art... (you know who you are... making me wait!... XD)

Hello, my name is o0Starheart0o but you are welcome to call me Starheart, Star, Sen or Sora. I'm called Sen because simply because I like that name. I am called Sora because my friend in real life, Sadie, has given me that nickname and I like it. My friends and her agree that I act most like Sora from kingdom hearts. And after watching The Sora Show I completely understand! XD I like to watch Demyx Time and The Sora Show on Youtube... :3 Kelly and Jen are great cosplayers. I absolutely love cats and the color purple and video games and anime and movies and reading and... Well there's too many things to list! XD I can be rather forgetful and insane at times whee but whatever I do I do because I think it's the right thing to do... My birthday's on Feb. 23rd so I'm a Pieces! The description of Pieces describes me so well it's almost creepy... So if you want to know more you can simply look up Pieces! whee Sometimes I accept random friend requests but most of the time I find them annoying... I would like to know you better before I can call you my friend. But it's not hard to make friends on Gaia cuz I'm so cheerful and cuz I'm fuzzy and cute >w< Feel free to leave a comment on my profile or pm me any time! I'm in school at the moment and I will not tell you my grade!!! But I will tell you that I hate math! Ugghhh! But I find english and science pretty easy. I would like to become a number of things... Like maybe I'll be a sculptor or a photographer or maybe even an astronomer! I love looking up into the night sky and looking at the stars... I love looking at the light blue sky and watching the white clouds float by as well... Well I guess that's all for now although I'm sure I'll remember something I forgot to put on here later and add it on... X3

Yay! I'm in a family! In gaia at least... My older sister is Luna!(Spica-Moon) She is awesome!... ummm... We pretty much like the same things(epsically purple...mufufufu...) She's a fox girl and I'm a cat girl... I'm pretty used to it already but Luna isn't. Kath(Katherina) Since I'm new to this family... I don't really know her very well... same thing with Kentaria(Spica-apprentice) too...XD but I will!!! Count on it! ;3
If I was a cat girl I would look like this...(Or close to it XD)
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Here is the myth of Endymion and Diana, as told on the shores of Saginaw Bay, in Michigan, by Indians who never heard of Greeks. Cloud Catcher, a handsome youth of the Ojibways, offended his family by refusing to fast during the ceremony of his coming of age, and was put out of the paternal wigwam. It was so fine a night that the sky served him as well as a roof, and he had a boy's confidence in his ability to make a living, and something of fame and fortune, maybe. He dropped upon a tuft of moss to plan for his future, and drowsily noted the rising of the moon in which he seemed to see a face. On awakening he found that it was not day, yet the darkness was half dispelled by light that rayed from a figure near him--the form of a lovely woman.

"Cloud Catcher, I have come for you," she said. And as she turned away he felt impelled to rise and follow. But, instead of walking, she began to move into the air with the flight of an eagle, and, endowed with a new power, he too ascended beside her. The earth was dim and vast below, stars blazed as they drew near them, yet the radiance of the woman seemed to dull their glory. Presently they passed through a gate of clouds and stood on a beautiful plain, with crystal ponds and brooks watering noble trees and leagues of flowery meadow; birds of brightest colors darted here and there, singing like flutes; the very stones were agate, jasper and chelcedony. An immense lodge stood on the plain, and within were embroideries and ornaments, couches of rich furs, pipes and arms cut from jasper and tipped with silver. While the young man was gazing around him with delight, the brother of his guide appeared and reproved her, advising her to send the youn man back to earth at once, but, she flatly refused to do so, he gave a pipe and bow and arrows to Cloud Catcher, as a token of his consent to their marriage, and wished them happiness, which, in fact, they had.

This brother, who was commanding, tall, and so dazzling in his gold and silver ornaments that one could hardly look upon him, was abroad all day, while his sister was absent for a part of the night. He permitted Cloud Catcher to go with him on one of his daily walks, and as they crossed the lovely Sky Land they glanced down through open valley bottoms on the green earth below. The rapid pace they struck gave to Cloud Catcher an appetite and he asked if there were no game. "Patience," counseled his companion. On arriving at a spot where a large hole had been broken through the sky they reclined on mats, and the tall man loosing one of his silver ornaments flung it into a group of children playing before a lodge. On of the little ones fell and was carried within, amid lamentations. Then the villagers left their sports and labors and looked up at the sky. The tall man cried, in a voice of thunder, "Offer a sacrafice and the child shall be well again." A white dog was killed, roasted, and in a twinkling it shot up the the feet of Cloud Catcher, who, being empty, attacked it voraciously.

Many such walks and feasts came after, and the sights of earth and taste of meat filled the mortal with longing to see his people again. He told his wife that he wanted to go back. She consented, after a time, saying, "Since you are better pleased with the cares, the ills, the labor, and the poverty of the world than with the comfort and abundance of Sky Land, you may return; but remember you are still my husband, and beware how you venture to take an earthly maiden for a wife."

She arose lightly, clasped Cloud Catcher by the wrist, and began to move with him through the air. The motion lulled him and he fell asleep, waking at the door of his father's lodge.

His relatives gathered and gave him welcome, and he learned that he had been in the sky for a year. He took the privatations of a hunter's and warrior's life less kindly than he though to, and after a time he enlivened its monotony by taking to wife a bright-eyed girl of his tribe. In four days she was dead. The lesson was unheeded and he married again. Shortly after, he stepped from his lodge one evening and never came back. The woods were filled with a strange radiance on that night, and it is asserted that Cloud Catcher was taken back to the lodge of the Sun and Moon, and is now content to live in heaven..

According to legend, dreams are messages from sacred spirits. It is said that the hole in the center of the web allows the good dreams through while bad dreams are trapped in the web until they disappear in the morning sun. Dream Catchers are believed to bless the "sleeping one" with pleasant dreams, good luck and harmony.
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NarProfiler Report | 10/18/2010 12:49 pm
*poke* I see you online, razz
NarProfiler Report | 09/29/2010 8:27 pm
hehe, I knew the puppy dog eyes would win, razz

I'll be sure to head over to DeviantART sometime too then, ^^
NarProfiler Report | 09/29/2010 8:15 pm
yep yep... labs are fun... it's much more interesting to be able to put things you learn to use and see it happening vs. reading that x = y in a book and taking it as is. One of my favorite teachers in school was my Math-Physics teacher (the course wasn't titled Physics... it was supposedly accelerated... so it was named Math-Physics... odd, eh?). We got into some really complex stuff, but it was fun when we got to apply it. Chemistry isn't without it's fun too though. One of the chemistry teachers was leaving the school, so he decided it'd be nice to show off a little experiment. So entire classes got to go outside for a day and fill up Hydrogen balloons and pop them with candles at the end of yardsticks, razz

Loud explosions... and quite eye-opening and fun. What could a guy ask for more? Got quite a few bonus glances out the other classroom windows to boot.
NarProfiler Report | 09/29/2010 8:01 pm
razz hehe, sounds like you'd like physics more than chemistry. Newton and bodies in motion vs. mathematical equations (and cooking). Usually if people like science they tend toward one more than the other. I tried to make science homework act like puzzles, and it became more tolerable.
NarProfiler Report | 09/29/2010 7:52 pm
Science, eh? I like science, razz
NarProfiler Report | 09/29/2010 7:46 pm
You're back, ^^
NarProfiler Report | 09/10/2010 10:16 pm
Am I like, the only one who has posted in the anime rp guild in the last 2 months? O.o
NarProfiler Report | 09/10/2010 9:15 pm
Actual name is Mikan from Wanko to Kurasou
NarProfiler Report | 09/10/2010 8:41 pm
Did you know that the little girl in the orange box is actually a puppy?
Mistress Lancelot Report | 08/23/2010 7:40 pm
Mistress Lancelot
Yes I am one of those people ><
I have the same issue O.O Well, I sound like a I have an accent but I've never left America ><

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I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile!

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