
User Image
Total Value: 761,699 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Plasma Gear
Plasma Gear
Bouncy Antennae
Mythrill Halo
Mecha Form
Oculus Magica
Western Zodiac
Western Zodiac
Black Polka Dotted Inner Tube
Baby Seal Slippers
Black Fishnet Stockings
Doll Ears
Gwee the Dragon
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Spirited Scarf

I wonder how many of my friends have the Jingle Me Hat on right now. >.>

I need a new "About Me". <.<

Prepare yourself for an "about me" in second person.

I mish you tooooo! Sweetness! >w< I love how the bass clarinet sounds!

User Image

User Image

Your name is Marie. You're a sophomore in high school. You are a part of a band called the Crimson Cadets. Most would say you overreact to most things, but not more often than when you use your witty sarcasm. You tend to be too energetic and giddy at times when most people are still in bed waiting for their alarm clock to play them a catchy toon. You prefer waffles to pancakes and pop tarts to waffles. And you drown your morning milk with an unhealthy amount of dulce de leche syrup. You love to randomly dance in the middle of the street and shout lines from your favorite movies when the cars pass on by. You like to be frappe'ed not stirred or shaken because you are a little agent 007.1569. You are practically constantly on the road, but forget the radio when you can have a little Disney sing-a-long until your loving family poiltely request that you shut you trap. You enjoy sniffing candles of the sugar cookie and fruity sort. Bowling and ice skating are your sports and you do them quite well. But not as well as you write and sing. You can be quite conceited at times. But only when you're not putting yourself down. You’re either one way or the other, not really ever in between. You can be quite perverted at times and act like a hypocrite when you spaz out about others perversion. You have an odd sense of humor, but a good one, none the less. You tend to laugh at the oddest of times at the oddest of odd jokes. You are quite slow and don't get most things that are told to you the first time and usually ask for a repeat "por favor". You like to be real, but can be a poser when you feel like posing. You hate those little noobs who think they're God's greatest gift to all humanity and plan on killing them 10 years from now. You hate dumping your problems onto your friends for you do not want them to worry or turn it into a problem of their own. Therefore, you keep most things to yourself unless someone truly wants to know. You’re not secretive, but unless they specifically ask, they will get no answer. You can be quite deceiving at times. Most people can think you are utterly giddy and completely fine when underneath it all, you are breaking down. You hate being selfish, but can’t help it at times. You love to lie down on a nice piece of grass and guess what the clouds are attempting to tell you in their own special way, but not as much as you love to lie underneath the stars standing in space while you spout random philosophies. You prefer the cold. And dread the heat. But somewhere in between is pretty neat. Yeah that rhymed. You are such a little geek.

User Image

.: Oh Noes! :.

-Peanuts of any sort-
-Overheating laptops-
-Spam... of the computer sort-
-The warm side of the pillow-
-Sugarfree jello-
-Online Predators-
-Coconut, bleh-
-Overusage of profanity-
-Cliche movies-
-Coin change-
-The wasting of food-
-Real Live Noobs-
-30 minute wait times for rides-

User Image .: Icky Lub! :. User Image

-An a**//jerk//"guy"-
-Has absolutely no trouble saying “I love you, too” to anyone that says they love him-
-HxC tease-
-Truly conceited-
-Never truly experienced pain-
-Can't take a joke-
-Gets into fads-
-Boring as a stump-
-Dumb as a stump-
-No emotional baggage what so ever-
-Walks away and doesn't come back-
-Drops Conversations-
-Never gets offended-
-Hates PDA-
-Under protective-
-A "Rebel"-
-CONSERVATIVE [you know who you are]-
-Dislikes sarcasm-
-Is a "Bottom"-
-Overly Health conscious-
-Excessively obnoxious-
-Tad too much Self Conscious-
-Close minded-
-Unable to be serious-
-Worry Wart-
-Lies to make one happy-
-Lies in general-
-A sissy-
-Overly Vulgar-
-Excessive usage of profanity-
-Smex demon-
-Overly obsessive over one thing (Anime, game, etc...)-
-Absolutely, positively unorganized in one's mind-
-Extremely forgetful-
-Has to be reminded [constantly] that I exist-

Just Realize.

.: Oh Eyes! :.

-Strawberry Marshmellows-
-Chocolate Marshmellows >w<-
-San Frans-
-Strawberry Cheesecake Frozen Yogurt-
-Techno,indie,new wave/powerpop-
-The cool side of the pillow-
-Sour/gummy candy-
-Frozen chocolate bars-
-Scented candles of the sugar cookie and fruity sort-
-Crispy MnMs-
-The essence of random-
-The words spiffy 'n' nifty-
-Pretending to be Brit-
-Cinamon flavoured Altoids-
-Yugioh The Abridged Series-
-Dance Dance Revolution-
-Lime Jello-
-Stargazing/Cloud watching-
-Spouting random philosophies-
-An assortment of RPG's-
-Cabage Patching in the middle of the street-
-Charlie The Unicorn-
-Potter Puppet Pals-
-The scrolly thing on mice of the computer sort-
-Screaming in an ultra high pitch-
-Car Karaoke-

User Image .: Smexy Lub! :. User Image
-The Essence of humor-
-A smexy slice of humble pie-
-Somewhat of a smarty-
-Buckets of fun-
-HxC truth teller-
-Spontaneously Romantic-
-Full of Surprises-
-Family Oriented-
-Open minded-
-Risk taker-
-A gentleman-
-Knows how to worry-
-Won't take no for an answer-
-Gets into my business-
-Shyly confident-
-A "Top" or "Switch" XD-
-Extremely open-
-A tad bit pervy-
-A Gamer-
-Openly expresses feelings-
-Not over emotional-
-Non secretive-
-Fine with one's self-
-Considerate of others-
-Outdoorsy type-
-Goes "Dutch"-
-Loves to cuddle//hug//embrace-
-A Glomper-
-Subtly Sweet-
-"The Little Things"-
-A bit childish-
-Fine with a little vulgar humor-
-Has a high tolerance for emotional baggage-
-Owns some emotional baggage, himself-
-Loves to play games-
-Loves to tease and be teased-
-Musically talented-
-Gets jealous-
-Fine with a little PDA-
-Knows what they want-
-Lets eyes speak for himself-
-A shoulder to cry on-
-A shoulder to nap on-
-Good at knowing when something is wrong-
-Spur of the moment sing-a-longer-
-The epitome of amazing-
-Loves to smile-
-Loves to laugh-
-A tad bit overprotective-
-Not afraid of commitment-
-Gives good advice-
-Stands up for me-
-My nerd in shining aluminum foil-
-Loves music-
-Very close friend-
-Can put up with me and my overly complicated tendencies-
-A smidge blunt-
-Beats up any lechers that invade my personal bubble XD-
-Stands up for what they believe in-
-Doesn’t make promises he couldn’t keep-
-There for me when I need someone-
-When it comes to love, he means what he says-
-Doesn’t hand out his love so easily-

Oh it is Love.

User Image

User Image

User Image


Viewing 12 of 22 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lenore Dirage

Report | 05/14/2009 6:14 pm

Lenore Dirage

"Erectus Trouserius" - or the trouser snake its the world's most dangerous snake... Colors vary from pink to black. Its fangless, average length is 5-6 inches, although some are rummored to reach 8 or more inches (depending on the honesty of its owner); It usually appears in derooms and attacks women in the mouth or lower abdominal area;It's high venomous spit can cause swelling that lasts 9 months AND infection, if proper protection is not worn while handling; Some mutant species have also been known to attack men from behind. ~~P.s. Keep this going by sending to all of your friends.

Report | 01/18/2009 9:11 pm


Awesome sauce profile =3

Report | 09/25/2008 11:52 pm


your avatars amazing @_@

Report | 07/25/2008 8:59 pm


Ello Mar-Mar,how u be?
Chibi Tai-Kun

Report | 05/31/2008 10:21 am

Chibi Tai-Kun

Nevermind, I might be cosplaying...but it will look pretty cheap User Image Again, I'm sorry.
Chibi Tai-Kun

Report | 05/28/2008 7:24 am

Chibi Tai-Kun

I'm sorry. User Image And being observant is what I do best...or is it being oblivious...I forgot XD

Yes, you did say that on my Myspace...and I think I was busy hanging out with your other friends other than you. I'm sorry User Image But don't worry, it will definatly not be like that at AX...oh, and some bad news. I won't be cosplaying...but if I dress up like a total otaku, would that be good?
Chibi Tai-Kun

Report | 05/26/2008 10:26 pm

Chibi Tai-Kun

Damn, someone beat me to it! >.< Your profile seemed comment dead so I was going to break the silence Dx Oh wells....I had fun at your B-day ^^ It was awesome, especially when I sung Guilty Orange x3 Oh...and Tanith got food poisoning or something like that....i hope your happy >User Image

Report | 05/25/2008 8:02 pm


i miss you and next year imma be playing bass clarinet for concert season.... they aren't marching bass clarinets cuz they are getting a new shipment of them and tehy don't wanna damage them, how gay... LOL!! but I LOVE YOU!

Report | 05/25/2008 11:09 am



Report | 03/19/2008 12:37 pm


Is it for Band?? lol, well I miss yah lots...


One song.
One boy.
One girl.
Six-Hundred faces.
Seven Words.
A moment that marked the beginning of an eternity.

The Moment.