I'm Just Such a Happy Mess

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HI! I'm Janine, and you just lost the game<3
I'm really dorky, and tell the corniest jokes you will ever hear, but you start to just over look them after a while. X3
I love 「Fall Out Boy」.
They will always be home, and Grand Theft Autumn will always be my anthem.
Call them sell outs, and I will question your intelligence. x] Fair warning.
I'm pretty laid back, and love random comments/pms, so talk to me!
I know the secret thing is the wrong lyrics, but I didn't make it. :/
We may be best friends and not even know it! ;]
I Love 「hugs」, Let's 「cuddle」<3

I'm probably the only girl around my age that sits around her living room in her Glamour Kills shirt,
Playing Mario Brothers on her Gameboy Color,
Yelling that the turtles with the knives are meanie heads,
Between singing Pretty In Punk so loud the neighbors can hear<3
Ha ha, you think I'm kidding.
I'm good to go, and I'm going no where fast.
I'm good to go, but it looks like I'm still on my own.
"I'm always walking home head down, taking myself to pieces.
Smile at the grass pushing up through the cracks in the sidewalk.
A teammate.
Sometimes I look at my reflection in car windows and say "Worry on your own time"."
~ Straight outta p33ner's mouth. :]]