
  • Lawn Gnome Clipper[122]
  • Mushroom Cannon Thumper[128]
  • Gnoman's Land[222]
  • Durem Blockade[224]
  • Bronze Survival[351]


Obiwan-in-a-pudding's avatar

Registered: 12/23/2012

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/12/1996



Come in, lovely stranger! Sometimes I sell alchemy items. PM me if you have any questions, like: " Can we negotiate the price" "Do you have more of the Item in your inventory you might like to sell/trade me?"


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Covet Venus Report | 06/03/2019 4:36 pm
Covet Venus
okay, well thanks! yea, it was just a really unusual comment and I couldn't tell you were joking or what was happening >..> I'm glad you priced it that way. Its actually gone from the mp now last I checked so I'm glad I got one!
Covet Venus Report | 06/01/2019 1:38 am
Covet Venus
I see you deleted my reply so that none of your nice friends will see that you left a nasty comment on my profile so why don't you just apologize and maybe not treat people that way in the future?
Covet Venus Report | 06/01/2019 1:11 am
Covet Venus
btw, lowball is only when you OFFER to pay an unfairly low amount for something. you can't lowball yourself, lol.
You said you gave me a "lowball price" (lol) then said you ripped me off.. which was it? (and you called me dumb!)
that was a limited time release, theres limited supply, few are selling and the price is likely to rise a lot more, so 50k was a damn good deal. Thanks, bruv!
takemetotheotherside Report | 07/31/2018 3:21 pm
thank you for buying from my shop
booopies Report | 07/31/2018 2:17 am
that'd be lovely! gaia_moon
booopies Report | 07/31/2018 1:37 am
omg thank you! i made it today 4laugh yours is too! i always love when people run with a color scheme

also thanks for purchasing btw!!
LumiSky Report | 07/22/2018 5:44 pm
Oh my godd I love your avi! heart w heart
Lillith - DeaD MaRiOneTTe Report | 07/17/2018 9:43 am
Lillith - DeaD MaRiOneTTe
Thanks for buying from my store! whee

Have a nice day! heart
Instant Xoi Report | 05/31/2018 7:40 pm
Instant Xoi
Thank you!!! ; u ; emotion_bigheart
Instant Xoi Report | 05/31/2018 7:04 pm
Instant Xoi
Very accurate.
I usually update every single time I manage to get at least one thing from it.


Forum janitors coming through. Don't talk to them; they haven't learned their place yet.
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Well done. It's much less dusty now.
Not a furry.


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