
This was originally Mike's account, but because he doesn't use it anymore he gave it to me, so I didn't need to get an account of my own heart Love ya Mikey whee

Hi, my name is OhMahGawsh and I'm a music student. I've been on a guest account for a little while and I finally got a proper one!!

Yay me whee

I LOVE Battle Royale heart - more the Manga than the Movie, and I've yet to read the book, but I love it nether the less...

Kawada heart

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I have my own patch now!! Thanks Axenblade!! heart

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Hooray!! I've been looking round and I've found an outfit to save for!!

I'll put a checklist here;

User Image = GOT IT!! 4laugh

User Image = GOT IT!! 4laugh

User Image = GOT IT!! 4laugh

User Image = GOT IT!! 4laugh

User Image = SOOOO QUESTING FOR ( I didn't realise how expensive they were @o@ )

User Image = GOT IT!! 4laugh

User Image = GOT IT!! 4laugh

That's about it for now, see you guys later ^.~