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Kagome Higurashi - SBU's avatar

Report | 06/29/2021 5:08 am

Kagome Higurashi - SBU

Happy advance notice to your DOB,
just on the off chance I am still at/in the future,
away from your era in a few days!

sweatdrop emotion_yatta
カ ⠀ゴ⠀メ⠀|
🎀⠀か⠀ご⠀め |
Blake Byron's avatar

Report | 01/19/2020 5:34 pm

Blake Byron

awesome Sango costume
China Doll`'s avatar

Report | 11/04/2019 1:58 pm

China Doll`

No worries! 4laugh

Report | 09/04/2017 10:53 pm


Hello Sango!
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 02/05/2017 8:10 pm


"My wounds are bothering me and I am feeling lightheaded.", Sesshomaru responded. No sooner than Shippo had just finished speaking, than his own stomach gave a growl, in response to the young kit's words of food. A faint blush stained his porcelain cheeks in embarrassment, at the sound.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 02/04/2017 7:55 pm


"We should take things slow with them.", Sesshomaru then advised.

Soon after, he cringed and and leaned into Miroku for support.
While he was busy combating the wave of lightheadedness he was assaulted with, he could feel eyes watching him.
None of them belonged to the other experiments, being as all of those individuals were sound asleep.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 02/02/2017 7:38 pm


I'm glad you remember because it's been so long that I was wondering if you did or not. xd
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 02/02/2017 6:52 pm


Hooray! Remember it's your turn to respond. wink
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 01/31/2017 6:56 pm


You've got that right!
It's a shame you aren't on more often. emotion_kirakira
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 01/31/2017 6:39 pm


HEY!! emotion_hug
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 07/13/2016 3:10 pm


When the twins were finished, they made certain to lick away the blood from each other's mouths.
After all, they had already finished cleaning up the sides of InuTaisho's neck and it was just one more way that showed how close the two were.
Once this was accomplished, the two began to show just how tired they, truly, felt.

Their eyelids began to droop and before long, they fell asleep against the Dog General's chest.
They still retained their hold on his silks and their expressions looked, surprisingly peaceful.
Apparently, they felt safe enough to, actually, get some real rest.
It was pretty obvious, by their condition, that neither of them had any form of proper sleep in the Phantom Prison.
They even seemed to be beginning to trust InuTaisho, given they allowed themselves to fall asleep in his arms.

"I feel rather disoriented, but I believe that to be caused by the aura of the Phantom Prison and the length of time I was exposed to it.
My stomach hurts as well, but I'm uncertain if it's being caused by the exposure of that energy or if, simply, because I need to eat for the pups."

While he was answering Miroku's question, Sango looked about the old temple and procured a large blanket.
Bringing it over to InuTaisho, she knelt down, unfolded it, and spread it out around the twins.

"They fell asleep so quickly and it looks like they're resting soundly..."
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 05/30/2016 4:30 pm


Sesshomaru ended up blushing, despite himself, and nodded.

"I am and even though it occurred, when I couldn't remember myself or anything else, it's still welcomed.
Miroku's the father of them and he's the monk friend of Inuyasha's in the black and purple robes.", He said, pointing him, out, without going into details about what had happened to him.

Meanwhile, the twins moved closer to InuTaisho because of the invitation he extended to them.
Both seemed quite weakened from expending their powers to change back the other prisoners to the people they once were, before their capture.
The positioned themselves on either side of him, carefully moved his collars aside, and sank their fangs into the sides of his neck.
Their free hands moved to lay over each other against the Dog General's chest, as they used their power to ensure his body would replace the blood their were drinking from him as fast as they were taking it, so it wouldn't harm him.
When they had their fill, their powers receded and they licked the punctures shut, making sure to lick away any stray droplets of blood, so it wouldn't get on his silks.
The two seemed rejuvenated and relieved now, rather than ready to collapse from pain and being so weak.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 04/18/2016 12:04 am


The twins found themselves tilting their heads, softly, in confusion.

"Do you mean that you want us to bite you, anytime we need blood?", They asked in unison.

Meanwhile, Sesshomaru watched Miroku head out to gather food for the other prisoners that had been freed.
His focus then returned to InuTaisho and he, finally, said to him,

"Father, there's something I have to tell you...."
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 04/03/2016 1:34 am


Looking up to InuTaisho, the oldest twin admitted,

"I have no idea what to even ask for.
The two of us have only ever been given rotten things and blood.
Now, we can't go without the blood....and using that much power to return everyone else to their previous states has left me needing to bite someone for their blood."

"Can we try whatever it is you usually eat, if that's okay?", The younger twin asked, as he unconsciously hid behind his older brother.

Sesshomaru blushed rather darkly, when he caught wind of what the older monk had said.
When he motioned to InuTaisho, he finally spoke up.

"The one you just motioned to is my father, Inu No Taisho."

Before anymore could be said, the oldest twin looked to Miroku and said.

"It has something to do with us and I'm sure we'll find out more later.
My twin and I will have a look around, when we reach this castle in the West.
After all, I have an idea of where to look, based on a few bits of certain conversations I was lucid enough to hear...."
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/21/2016 9:23 pm


"The doctor is the one in charge of conducting the experiments.
Once the alterations have been made, we're then thrown into a pit called the 'arena' and we battle another person that was also experimented on.
The winner lives, but has no choice but to be put through more experimentations.

Even so, I'm sure we'll find out more, if we go to that place called the Western Lands and find some sort of a castle there.
I did hear it being mentioned before, so it HAS to have something to do with my twin and I, though I have no idea what.
Perhaps we'll find something there......All I truly know on the matter is that, for some reason, they wanted 'the power of a kami'", The older twin explained, having no idea he was speaking of InuTaisho's home.

He then turned to the other experiments and his enormous, devilish wings stood straight up into the air, as they fanned out.
Slowly, he closed his eyes and black, misting shadows swirled around him.
Glimmering balls of crimson light were then seen forming, within that darkness, as he controlled the energy to slowly wrap around them, one person at a time, and gradually reverted them back to their normal appearances.
When he was finished, the energy died down, his wings relaxed, and his hair floated back down, in a mesmerizing way.

Though Jaken had watched in utter awe of what just occurred, Sesshomaru's attention had been arrested by the monk requesting Miroku to come closer.
It made him curious to know what he wished of him, so he chose to observe the interaction.

Sango couldn't help but to smile, when she saw the others being changed back to how they once were.
She even began to wipe at her eyes, as some of them began to cry in both relief and joy.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/13/2016 10:36 pm


"Rather well, all things considered.
I do feel sick from all the stress and the aura the very prison itself had been exuding.
At any rate, I still have to tell him the news and it's only adding to the stress.
I'll have to wait until the others have been restored to their normal selves, so they can all return home.
Besides, for all we know, the monk in that group may actually own this temple.
I did find it strange that an abandoned temple like this was in such good condition."

The younger twin eyed Jaken wearily because he could sense his staff was more than just decoration.
However, his older brother then warned the imp, with a dark look in his golden eyes,

"If you point that thing at us again, I'll rip out your soul and use it for a lantern in hell......."

Seeing the dog general approach, he then asked,

"Are you wanting to wait to feed them first, before I change them all back, one by one?"
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/13/2016 4:13 pm


Sesshomaru nodded, knowing that would be best.
He kept close, as the Inuyasha was leading everyone to the exit.
Like Kirara, the fur on his tail began to bristle from the sound.

"I do not....
However, I did manage to catch a bit of information that may lead me to that very answer.
It has something to do with this place called the House of the Moon or Western Castle being involved.
Apparently, there's some sort of document carefully tucked away there that explains the experimentations on us.

As for a name, neither I or my twin were given one.
All I can remember from before we woke up in this place, were large, strong arms holding us, while we struggled to breathe.
I suppose we were newborns at the time, which is why I have no recollection of ever seeing a face.

From there, we ended up on the floor of some empty hall, crying, yet no one ever came.
Eventually, we grew enough to explore and it was strangely as empty as that very hall had been.
Oddly enough, whenever I'd look through a mirror I'd find, I'd see the exact same room I'm in.
However, it would be bright and there were other people in it.", The oldest twin explained, as he guided the other experiments through the exit, via following Inuyasha's lead.

He then gathered everyone up in a massive orb of light and traced the trail of auras Inuyasha and the others left behind, bringing everyone back to the abandoned temple.
Upon arrival, he dismissed the orb of light and looked about.

"This place seems safe enough.
I can begin changing the other experiments back to their normal selves inside that building...."
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/10/2016 5:48 pm


While the youngest twin eyed Sesshomaru, seeming to be committing every detail to memory, the oldest twin observed the Tessaiga.

"That sword......"

Just then he heard the snarling of the other demons and blasted the ceiling with just a small portion of his powers.
This easily ensnared their attention and quieted them down.
While they calmed down, he slowly walked forward through the blood pooled all over the floor and approached them all.
The ones that were clearly too far gone were then devoured by his serpents, but the rest that showed promise were left alive.

"Those of you left alive now have a choice...
Either remain as you are or be changed back, when you've made it to safety.
Regardless of what you decide, follow the group behind me and they'll lead you to the exit.

The entire time this had went on, InuTaisho had been holding Sesshomaru close.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/09/2016 11:17 pm


InuTaisho nodded, before saying in a stern tone, "DON'T threaten those twins like that again...."

The oldest one couldn't help but to observe him closely, after having been caught off guard by the dog general's words.
After all, it had been his first experience being defended, besides his sibling.
Needless to say, he was intrigued...

Once the younger of the two finished sucking the prison guards blood, the body began crumbling apart into dust.
Reason being, it had begun to mummify, as he fed from him, since he was taking all of the blood, as apposed to a few mouthfuls.
This allowed the bones in his legs to heal and he clawed off the bandages and makeshift splints that had bound them, showing the difference.

"I won't spare ANY of you wretches....
You vermin damned us at birth only to drag us into a whole new hell, so a quick death would be too GOOD for the likes of you....
The doctor wanted a monster.....well, now he's got one!!
Prepare to reap what you've sown!", The oldest exclaimed, as he threw his hands out to the sides and laughed, as he summoned horrifying creatures and corpses alike from the walls and floor.

The menagerie of of twisted creatures shot forth and ripped apart the other two guards.
Any that came to investigate the commotion met similar fates or were offered as offerings for the twins.
They body ravenously drained their blood, allowing their body to move from the likes of a living skeleton to showing the two were actually ripped and just as ethereal as Sesshomaru or InuTaisho.
The older twin then called off his assault, leaving the room now empty save for the twins and the group.

He, too, was ripping away the bandages, now that they were much to tight for either of them.
Carefully, he helped his sibling to his feet and given how he had his strength back, he began to speak.

"Who are you people?
You clearly aren't from this wretched place, so that must mean you know where the exit is..."

His eyes then flicked to InuTaisho.

"As for YOU, I can clearly see you didn't have the opportunity to be experimented on.
You have no idea how fortunate you are....
I suggest you get out of here, before your luck changes and you end up as either another pet project or a personal plaything for the warden...."
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/08/2016 10:24 pm


It worked like a charm because the one that noticed their escape charged forward.
This was a huge mistake because the oldest twin merely sidestepped and backhanded him with enough force to send him flying behind him.
He ended up striking the stone slab InuTaisho had been retrained to moments ago and his skull exploded on contact.

Slowly, a raspy chuckle left him, as he turned and looked at the mess he made.
He then watched his younger sibling crawl to the headless body and bury his fangs into the throat and begin ravenously devouring the blood.
This sight pleased him because he was glad to be able to feed him.
After all, both he and younger twin had been forced into relying on blood to heal and stay healthy, as a form of restraining method, giving how powerful they had become.
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