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Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/08/2016 10:24 pm


"Sesshomaru....Inuyasha....", He uttered, softly, greatly shocked to see that they were standing.

He then quickly looked about the room to determine where he was.
Unfortunately, he had to shake his head at the question.

"I believe that I had been kept under a heavy sedation to prevent the chance of my escaping from this place.
We need to leave this place as soon as possible."

When it became silent, he froze and got ready to fight, slowly.

"They're coming....."

"Ahhhhhhhhh.....", Came a sudden moan from the oldest twin, as he slowly began regaining consciousness.

He slowly opened his eyes and it took a bit for his vision to come into focus.
Once it did, the blurry form of his twin became clear.
He then weakly propped himself up on his elbows.

The younger twin then came around as well and his body gave a sudden convulsion, as his lungs forcefully expelled the water that had become trapped inside from the tank.
The poor thing hacked and wheezed for a bit, as they burned for the oxygen they so desperately needed.
After the attack was over, he whimpered and scooted as close to his sibling as he could get.
It seemed clear that he must have been separated from his twin for some time and was considerably frightened.

In response, the older sibling drug him closer by the back of his neck, with his fangs and hovered over him, as he warily looked over the group.
Kagome seemed to confuse him more than anything because of the way she was dress and the bizarre yellow bad she had on her back.
Moving his golden gaze away and onto Sango, she didn't draw much reaction from him, until he sensed the aura from her Hiraikotsu.
Her weapon made him snarl at her and crouch more protectively over his twin because he could tell it was made from the bones of other demons, marking her as a potential threat.

Cautiously, he looked over the remainder of the group.
The twin tail on her shoulder didn't seem worth of fuss because she was currently so tiny that she hardly looked worth being a meal.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both made him curious because the hanyou had a scent he never encountered before, while he caught the scent of Sesshomaru's pregnancy.
Miroku ended up being snarled at as well because he caught on to the Wind Tunnel curse in his hand and he labeled him as a threat in his mind as well.

InuTaisho was a different matter.
This oldest twin was strangely drawn into his appearance and slowly tilted his head, as he took in the sight of him.
He caused the greatest amount of curiosity in him and soon a memory flashed in him mind of what looked like two fluffy tails turning the corner of a hall and long silver hair tailing along with it.
The figure hard been glowing with a soft light, in his memory and it was back when he and his twin were little and were wandering through a dark and empty castle.



"Oh no, do you think they've figured out we leeched some of their powers to revive that legendary demon?!"

"If they did, I guarantee there'll be hell to pay.
You saw what the oldest twin did to Shohei, when he woke up and heard him bragging about much of a good ******** the younger one was.
He got loose and hung the poor b*****d by his own intestines and slowly sucked out all the blood in his body straight from his heart....all while keeping his a** alive too."

"I don't know about you two, but I'm more worried about what the Doctor will do to us, he he finds out that his pet experiments are loose or if they managed to reach AND wake that dog...."

Slowly the oldest twins' head moved to what was once the door and saw a few of the prison guards headed their way.
He managed to drag himself to his feet and limped over to the doorway.
Seeing as how they were stunned to see him, he went straight into a taunting tactic to make them come closer.
A devilish smirk spread across his face he flipped them off, with his right hand.

It worked like a charm because
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/08/2016 4:06 pm


"I feel as though I should....
Tenseiga is having an unimaginably strong reaction to those twins.
There's just something about them....."

Looking to Inuyasha, for a moment, he added,

"Let's follow them, in case we discover something else.
We can lead them out of this vile place, after that.
Keep in mind that we need to be patient with them.
More than likely, all they know is whatever horrors they've endured here...."

He then began following the twins, at his own pace, unconsciously wrapping his arms around his stomach because of the sight of children in cages.

Eventually, the oldest twin tracked his own energy source to a sealed off section of the prison.
He snarled in irritation at the obstacle and freed one hand from his sibling's body to lay on sealed door.
Giving a brief surge of his power, he burned away all the sutras creating the barrier around the door and even blew the door clean off.

Readjusting his grip on his twin he leaned heavily on the door frame, what was left of it anyway, and gasped for breath.
Once his vision fell back into place, he limped inside and his energy trail led him to a large figure bound up in cloth, metal restraints, and a strange looking helmet that fully covered the face of this captive.
Clearly, he was important to be locked up with such specific restraints.

The oldest twin then summoned up his shadow hands and began tearing away the restraints that bound this figure to the stone slab behind him.
After he was freed, two of the hands gripped the helmet, until it shattered.
All the while, the rest ripped off the clothing binding his body so tightly.

The shock then set in and the oldest of the twins collapsed, before coughing up blood terribly and losing consciousness.
He still managed to retain his hold on his younger sibling, who was now out cold as well.
However, Sesshomaru was experiencing a different kind of shock.

The figure standing before them, completely unharmed, and getting his bearings back was none other than InuTaisho himself.
Taking a few unsteady steps forward, the taiyoukai's eyes widened slowly and he breathed, as if this could be nothing more than illusion,

Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/08/2016 11:27 am


It was clear that he was in agony, but he was still insisting on protecting his younger twin.
With a harsh breath that made even the battle hardened Inuyasha cringe, he lifted his twin into his arms because both of his lower legs were broken and he was barely holding onto consciousness.
He then began limping away, ironically enough in the same direction that Tenseiga was trying to drag Sesshomaru off to.

(What the twins look like and just add in the description from my post - http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/trinityblood/images/8/8f/Abel_lol_hui.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110721185532
His Wings, just giant - https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Arch-Demon-Wings-in-Dark-Red-Demon-Flexi-Scripted-Wings/1380449?id=1380449&slug=Arch-Demon-Wings-in-Dark-Red-Demon-Flexi-Scripted-Wings
The Serpents - http://gamesdbase.com/Media/SYSTEM/Microsoft_Xbox_360/Snap/big/The_Darkness_-_2007_-_2K_Games.jpg
The Shadow Hands, (only in actual nightmarish hand form) - https://anotherbloodyanimeblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/shot0400.png )
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/08/2016 11:27 am


"No, but Tenseiga's managed to keep a lock on its location, regardless of where it decides to manifest itself next.", Sesshomaru explained, as he prepared to depart.

With this said, he nodded to Inuyasha and took to the air on his cloud of demonic aura because of Tenseiga giving an impatient pulse.
Using the fang's senses to guide him, he led the others to a tranquil field and Sesshomaru opened up the barrier, so everyone could pass through it.
Inside was a dilapidated mansion, but it was nothing more than a clever ruse to fool anyone who happened to pass by, assuming they were lucky enough to stumble open this place in the first place.
The interior was actually a disturbing prison with bones littering the cell floors, chains softly rattling from the slight breeze, blood splattered and drug across various surfaces, eerie indistinguishable sounds drifted through the air off and on, and the lightening was rather dim, but not pitch black.

"This place is very hard to find because it spontaneously moves around and when we leave, we'll be in a new location, such as a mountain, old battlefield, lake, you name it..", The taiyoukai cautioned.

"Hey, I see something...", Sango said, as she pointed to a cell with a figure chained to a wall and a mask covering his mouth.

She then walked over and kicked it down with the power of all the training of her demon slaying training in her legs, but this wasn't actually a good idea.
Even though they now had access to the cell, the noise woke the oldest twin and his hissed devilishly.
Though his body was emaciated to the point of looking like a living skeleton, his split tail that was identical to InuTaisho's own being matted with blood and dirt, and his hair being a wild wreck, his jagged, blue, single set of demonic stripes were growing larger and his slowly turning red eyes looked utterly bloodthirsty and vicious.
What made it worse was he was staring at Sango like food.

With this distraction in place, Sesshomaru removed the mask and then tried to remove the shackles, but was shocked by them.
This caused the oldest twin to howl out in pain because it hurt him as well.
Seeing as that failed, he used to spell to remove the shackles, now causing him to be freed and drop to the floor, where he slowly pushed himself onto his hands and cautiously looked around the room.
However, he became distracted, when he realized his twin was missing.

This caused him to leap towards Inuyasha, vanish mid-air in a cloud of misting shadows, and reappear on the wall behind him, before shooting down the hall, leaving large claw marks behind.
Even though he was terribly ill and covered in all kinds of wounds, he still had it in him to search for his sibling.
Once he reached the arena, he hovered protectively over his twin and a pair of large devilish wings erupted from his back and stood high in the air.
Then nightmarish clawed hands shot up out of the shadows beneath him, tearing apart the demons that had survived, while serpents he controlled appeared out of thin air and circled around them.
When he pointed at the few trying to escape, they rushed forth and began devouring them alive.

They were easy enough to kill, but now that they were separated from there master, a larger tank rose out of the floor, sealing the twins inside.
It rapidly filled with water and shortly after it was filled a current ran through making both twins writhe in agony.
The oldest one began to beat against the glass and it eventually began to crack.

Just as another fresh current ran through the water, he gave one last desperate lunge against the glass, shattering it.
The water rushed out the hole that he made and his younger twin slid out with the rush of water, without further injury.
However, the older twin ended up gutting himself, as he climbed out, causing his organs to be on display.

Even this didn't seem to stop him.
It was clear that he was in agony, but he was still insisting on protecting hi
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/07/2016 9:12 pm


"I feel weak, but overall far better than before....", He answered honestly.

Sesshomaru then nodded at Kagome, to let her know he had heard her, and looked to the monk, next.
The sheer relief and gentle look in his eyes caught the taiyoukai off guard and he found himself actually blushing.
Forcing it aside, he focused his attention towards explaining the unusual happenings that caught his eye, prior to the incident with the deflected sutra.

"I've been seeing some very bizarre happenings that seems to have both demons and humans on edge.
The last full moon had been a deep RED, for starters.
There's even how on a rather recent sunset, the sky began to rain blood.

What I've noticed is that every new occurrence is beginning to come closer and closer together.
That's why I've decided to listen in on different rumors I've been hearing.
They seem to be more than just wild speculation though.

I've been hearing that it might have something to do with how people have been vanishing in the night.
It can't be coincidence, since it keeps happening around a specific location.
I believe it means they're being kidnapped and brought to the Phantom Prison.

Originally, I thought it was just an old story to tell pups that refused to go to sleep.
However, I've been finding more and more evidence that it really exists.
The Phantom Prison is the absolute worst prison in all of Japan.

It not only moves around, so it's near impossible to track, but you aren't simply sent there for committing a crime.
You can just be unfortunate enough to spirited away to that place, merely because someone there has a use for you.
Rather than being left in a cell to think about what you've done or await execution there, like you would in a normal prison, you would undergo various experimentations.", He explained, looking like he had more to say.

"I was actually on my way to investigate, three months ago.
However, I was held up by that little foul up of that monk's, turning me into female with no memory.
Also, before you tell me, 'No', Inuyasha...I HAVE to go.

Tenseiga has been practically in an uproar lately and seems to be pushing me go there.
I would like to know why and I'm sure if I have to stay behind, there might be some very unpleasant consequences.

At any rate, I can't say for certain what has happened to the people that had gone missing lately.
They may have ended up as fodder for a new creation or become test subjects themselves.
What I DO know is that I've put down a few strange looking demons that seemed to have been forcefully fused together.

It's downright revolting....
Here, I even made a sketch of it, since it's rather difficult to describe and still be accurate.
Judging by some of the muscle structure, a human seems to have been thrown into that as well....."

With this said, he reached into his empty left sleeve and removed a blank sutra that he had scrawled down an image on.
Extending his arm, he gave it to Kagome.

(Drawing - http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/godofwar/images/a/a3/Chim%C3%A8re_GOW_III.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101202202940 )
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/07/2016 8:31 pm


When he next awoke, it was morning and his fever had broken, thanks to Sango's medicine.
Even his wound had made progress in healing and all the deep bruising he had was now gone.
His golden eyes then locked with those of his younger brother's.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/07/2016 5:54 pm


"UWAAAAAAAA!!!....NO, NOT LIKE THIS!!.....I CAN'T BE DONE IN BY A HALF-BREED AND A HUMAN GIRL!!!...GAAAAHHH!!!", The giant monkey demon cried out in both pain and shocked disbelief.

Both combined abilities ripped into his body and began breaking it down.
Soon, the demon was no more than dust on the wind.
Ironically enough, the rain had chosen that moment to cease descending from the sky and the moisture in the air combined with the moon light created a lunar rainbow.

"Wow!...Rainbows really can happen at night, just like Ayame had said!", Exclaimed the awed kitsune, as he hopped onto Kagome's shoulder, for a better look.

"A-Aaaahhhh......", Sesshomaru, weakly, moaned out in pain, as the monk began to treat his wounds.

He laid still in the plush fur of the twin tail and struggled to hold onto consciousness.
Unfortunately, he ended up loosing that battle and his awareness completely drifted away from him.
This left him unaware that the demon had now been defeated and that the monk was looking at him with worry in the depths of his amethyst eyes.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/06/2016 10:52 pm


This just served to get the demon riled up even further.
He then harshly slammed his massive hand downwards on top of Inuyasha.
The collision caused him to rocket down into the ground, essentially creating his own version of 'Sit'.

While the battle was occurring outside, Sesshomaru fell to the side, landing in the monk's arms.
His fever was beginning to overwhelm him and it left his body too distracted to attempt to make any headway in healing itself.
The taiyoukai's breathing grew more labored, as his bandages became red with blood, where the gash in his side was located.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/06/2016 9:48 pm


Thankfully, he had only dropped to his knees in the sleeping pallet that had been laid out for him.
This prevented him from harming himself farther.
However, he was still forced into a coughing fit because of his high fever.

Outside, the large monkey demon caught wind of Inuyasha's voice and he quickly turned in the rain to face him, as he was coming out of the temple.

"UGH!...Not another filthy half-breed!
Are you one of that mutt's?!"
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/06/2016 9:20 pm


A sweat-drop slid down the back of Sesshomaru's head, when he heard the first words to come out of his sibling's mouth.
However, was soon caught off guard, when Inuyasha seemed to get defensive of him.
This was, of course, after said monk had taken a good whack to the head.

His face had turned a profound shade of red.
He didn't even realize it was occurring, as he all but gawked at Inuyasha in complete shock.
When it dawned on him what he was doing, he quickly looked away, embarrassed with himself.

That's when he the voice of an agitated demon out.
It was clearly looking for him, but the rain had already washed away his scent, preventing him from realizing his location was inside the abandoned temple.

"Where is he?!
Where's that mongrel pupped with a half-breed or potential litter of them?!"

Slowly, Sesshomaru wrapped an arm around himself, instinctively.
Weakly, he attempted to stand, in the event the demon discovered where he was being held.
Due to his condition and injured state, he began to fall, almost instant.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/06/2016 5:24 pm


"They are and the cave is close.......so it won't take long to find them.", Sesshomaru answered, before he took a bit to pant for breath and began on filling him in on what caused this fiasco in the first place.

"Do you remember the night you found a female inuyoukai wearing a much too large white robe for her?
You had been under the impression that perhaps she was robbed of her valuables and had to take something that didn't even fit properly for cover.
Several days had gone by, where it was just you looking after her and ironically enough, swindling your way into getting proper clothing for her.

It should have taken two or three days at best because it took a bit of time to find an abandoned hut to take shelter in, that's still close to a village.
Unfortunately, it just HAD to rain, before they got there and that made the robe transparent...
However, you kept getting distracted and that led you to mate her rather frequently.

Naturally, she ended up pupped from it.
However, you had left to go find your friends because you had gotten separated from them, initially, and you didn't want them to worry.
When she found out herself, she went looking for you to tell you the news.

Would you like to know why you haven't seen her, despite this?"

That's when he shakily took Miroku non-gloved hand and laid it over his bandaged midsection.
Taking an uneven breath, he continued on with his explanation.
After all, there was more to say...

"I had been traveling as usual, but a monk having a battle with a low level demon tried to use his sutras, but they were deflected and the energy became warped.
Those sutras ended up attached to my armor.
Rather than injuring me, they had turned me into a female and during that time, I had no recollection of who I actually was."

Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/06/2016 12:54 pm


Given the fact he now had breathing space, the taiyoukai felt more at ease.
This allowed him to begin recalling the brief series of events, just before the battle.

"I had been keeping an eye out.....for a dry place to stay, since it......appeared to be about to rain soon.
That's when I sensed.....other demons approaching and......I left Jaken, Rin, and Ah-Uhn in a cave, with vines covering the entrance.
Unfortunately, they......had been drawn in by the new scent......I'm exuding and I was attacked because of it.
I had no other alternative than to slaughter them....", He explained through his pain.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/06/2016 11:53 am


Though the sight of Sesshomaru's condition really rattled him, what was more unnerving was the fact the taiyoukai seemed utterly unresponsive to being moved about.
He didn't even stir, when Kagome began administering her remedies.
However, that soon changed.

A few hours later, Sesshomaru moaned in pain and his head began to move.
It took a bit for his eyes to open, but when they did, it was revealed that they were glassy because he was enduring a rather high fever.
Immediately, he sat up in alarm, at seeing Inuyasha and, instantly, he reached for Bakusaiga.

Unfortunately, all his hand met was air, proving the sword was not at his side.
This just seemed to further distress his already delirious mind and he weakly began crawling back away from the hanyou.
In that moment, a cold cloth was pressed to his burning forehead and clarity breached the fog in his mind, at last.
He then looked back to find it had been none other than Miroku.

Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 03/06/2016 1:27 am


It had been a gloomy day, the entire time the group had been traveling.
Finally, the rain decided to descend onto Inuyasha and his companions, much to the consternation of the humans, being as they hadn't been able to find a place to stay for the night.
Luckily for them, Kagome had pointed out an old temple that was in great condition, though abandoned.

After they arrived, Kagome set to exploring the place, in case there was a suitable room for everyone to bathe in, should they desire a bath.
Miroku had taken off to gather firewood from the storeroom, while Sango began checking the condition of the sleeping quarters and available futons.
This left Shippo and Kirara waiting for Miroku to return, so they could get the fire going.

However, Inuyasha had and uneasy feeling and had taken off to ensure the grounds around the abandoned temple were safe.
Everything seemed to be in shape, until he was about to make his way back.
That's when the sounds of battling demons reached his ears, through the sound of the falling rain.
Little did he know, it Sesshomaru being assaulted by lesser demons from all angles.

The taiyoukai was surrounded, even with all the corpses of the his felled opponents that clearly showed he wasn't going to be defeated so easily.
He summoned his poison into the tips of his claws and lashed out with his poison whip, slicing apart every last standing demon, just as Inuyasha had stepped on a twig, causing it to snap and alert the taiyoukai to there being yet another presence.
Shortly after he, quickly, turned to face the sound, the lightning flashed, allowing Inuyasha to see his sibling was actually in pretty rough shape and panting for breath.
It was strangely reminiscent of the night he had first encountered Kikyo in his human state...

Then....Sesshomaru, suddenly, dropped to his knees and collapsed to the waterlogged ground, with a splash....
TragicLadyKikyo's avatar

Report | 02/18/2012 9:38 pm


Saaaangooo~ Hello
Kagome Higurashiu's avatar

Report | 01/27/2012 6:02 am

Kagome Higurashiu

i am good and you?
Kagome Higurashiu's avatar

Report | 01/26/2012 6:25 am

Kagome Higurashiu

hi there sango!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 09/20/2011 3:32 pm


He parted his hair with both hands like a curtain and smiled at his sibling.
His stomach then growled as well.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 09/20/2011 3:18 pm


He purposefully blew some of the sections that had been thrown over his face.
This cause them to drift onto Inuyasha's forehead and he laughed with him.
Ryuu-no-Taisho's avatar

Report | 09/20/2011 2:57 pm


The taiyoukai's eyes were practically obscured from view by his long silver hair.
He turned his head towards Inuyasha, giving him a good look of how much his hair was in disarray.

"I wouldn't worry so much about it, little brother."

Shippo just took one look at Sesshomaru's hair and almost fell off the dog general's head in laughter.
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