
User ImageBio:I've attempted to write plenty of biographies and introductions about myself and can't quite seem to find the right words, or paragraphs to accomplish it. So I think I'll leave it up to whom ever you are to get to know me. Your judgments is probably more important than mine. Just take a little time to get to know one more person in your life. If you deem me worthy of your acknowledgment, I am flattered. If not, I hope you meet someone who meets to your standards, honesty. Isn't that what some of us are looking for. That one person to bond with. And if you've already found that person, more power to you. However, I am able to provide tidbits of my personality below.

1.I change constantly. Accept me as I am in the present.
2.I love strawberries.
3.I have a sweet tooth.
4.I am not a fan of chocolate.
5. If you stay in my life, I'll stay in yours.
6.I forgive easily.
7.It's hard for me to forget.
8.I am prone to pain and depression.
9.I describe myself as a beach ball. No matter how much pressure I am under, or how much people push me. I rebound.
10.I cry easily.
11.I have natural human faults.
12.I over-analyze.
13.I can be simplistic.
14.My friends mean as much to me as I mean to them.
15.I'm not one of those girls in need for a boyfriend. I'd rather take my time for someone amazing, than settle just to fit it.
16.I have strong morals.
17.I am stubborn by will, and strong willed by nature.
18.I am an romantic idealist. I believe the world will become a better place.
19.I do not give into peer pressure.
20.My emotions are my weakness and my strength.
21.When the day ends, I just want to be loved.
22.I can be insecure, but that doesn't mean I let myself get taken advantage of.
23.I love being spoken to in foreign languages.
24.My ideal date is watching the sunset over a body of water.
25.I'm all for the unusual.
26.I am easily flattered.
27.It's hard for me to remain interested in a guy.
28.I don't like to be told to change.
29.I change moods often.
30.I am eccentric by definition.
31.I am RANDOM by definition.
32.There is always more than one me.
33.I go through phasez.
34.I'm just looking for someone who cares.
35.I'm also looking for some to love.
36.Above all, I am looking for the rest of myself.

Luv. The . O.n.i <3~

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