
Heyy people this is Open Water talken. First, I hope you like my profile. I'm going to tell you about me.I hate hot pink I'm so sorry for those who like it but I don't.My fav thing to do outside is to play with my friends.I love water meats this one's name is Bob.I love the color purple.I listen to hip-hop,country,and R&B.I have 2 dogs and one snake.And I am taken.

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This my dingie his name is Bob

If you have brothers or sisters going into the Military, don't tear them down cause that mite be the last time you ever see them again.
By: Katherine (Open Water)
~To my older brother Sean~ " I love u till the end of the earth Sean"

They are there before anyone else... They shoot the first shot... And take the first hit. They never ever leave a man behind! They are the few... The proud... The Marines!!!!!!


The brave have always defined what the rest of us wish to be. But bravery is misunderstood. It is not the absence of fear, but the will to over come it.
~USMC~ I LOVE YOU SEAN!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE=we think about it, we dream about it,lose sleep worring about it.when we don't have it we search for it and when we discorver it we don't know what to do with it.we fear loosing it. it is are sourch of pleaser and pain but we can't predict which it will from one moment to the next.its a short word, easy to spell,difficult to define,and impossable to LIVE WITHOUT!

This is about a little girl only 13.Her parents beat her over everything until her mother had killed her.If you have a strong heart you can read this.

Her dad was a drank.
Her mom was an addict.
her parents kept her locked in an attic.
Her only friend was a toy bear.
It was old a worn out, and had patches of hair.
She always talked to it,when no one was around she hugged it.
Not a peep of sound until her parents unlocked the door.
Some more and more pain she'll have to endore.
A bruise on her leg.
A scar on her face.
Why would she be in such a horrible place?
But she grabs her bear and softly crys.
She loves her parents, But they won't her to die.
She sitsin the corner quiet but thinking,"Please God, why is my life so sinking?"
Such a bad life for such a little girl.
She'd be beaten and beaten for anything shed did.
Then one night her mom came home high, and the poor child was beaten.
As hours went by then her mom grabbed a blade.
It was sharp and pointy, one that she had made.
She thrusted the blade right in her chest, "you deserve to die you worthless piece of crap!"
The mom walked out leaving the slowlt dying girl.
She grabbed her bear and again stared to cry.
Police showed up at the small little house.
Then quickly barged in, everything quiet as a mouse.
One officer slowly opened a door to find the little girl lying on the floor.
It must have been bad to go though so much harm, but at least she died with her best friend in her arms.A child dies every day from child abuse. If you have one ounce of pity in you for Auroura( the little kid) just repost this. You don't have to but if you do don't forgrt that she was only 13. This was so sad, i was crying after i read this.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I Dream
about that
one day that
you are here
with your
arms around
me. I Dream
of you and
me just sitting
and taking in
the silance and
being glad that
we have each
other. I Dream
of sleeping in your
arms as you watch
over me. I Deam
of you, my love,
with me for
all enterity. I'll
wait for you as
long as it takes
for us to be
togather. That
is my dream...


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Open Water

Report | 07/30/2008 11:18 am

Open Water

Hello Peoples Hows Life?

Report | 07/29/2008 7:54 am


ohh LOL!!

Report | 07/29/2008 7:51 am


nice avi!!
Open Water

Report | 07/03/2008 6:22 pm

Open Water

If you have viewed my profile please leave a coment

Report | 02/09/2008 12:23 pm


Thx for buying fr me and havea a nice day User Image
Open Water

Report | 01/21/2008 1:59 am

Open Water


Report | 01/18/2008 6:04 pm


i like ur vid
Open Water

Report | 12/24/2007 12:19 pm

Open Water


Report | 08/11/2007 5:03 pm


hi. cute avi

Report | 08/10/2007 6:30 pm


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Have a great day.From are family to yours

finding a love is hard, but losing a love is harder...