

Beautiful Sounds

Beautiful Sounds

The Man who Walks the Shadows.

Ophidion Hex's avatar

Birthday: 10/01

What you need to know...

Name: Ophidion Hex
Aliases: The Man who walks The Shadows, Demens, SeƱor Demente, Jacob Benjamins
Age: 26
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 225lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Identity: Public
Universe: New Earth
Alignment: Evil
Operates out of: Gotham City
Relationship Status: SIngle
Relatives: Hollis Benjamins ( Father, deceased ), Debora Benjamins ( Mother, deceased )


Ophidion is what you would call...a problem child. He grew up as Jacob Benjamins, in an everyday, average family. His father was a pen-pusher working for Wayne Industries. His mother was a home maker. Everyday, at 6, they would have dinner and talk about the day. He went to school. He had a normal life. But the kid was anything but. He never had a single friend. Mainly because people were terrified of him. Not just his classmates...but the teachers. He rarely spoke, but when he did, people listened. His demeanor was not of a little boy. Not of a child that lead such normalcy. No. He hated it all. Getting up at seven in the morning, going to school, his mother loving him, his father providing...he hated them. They were stuck in a wheel, they became part of what he had slowly begun to hate. So, one night, he took a hatchet to them. They slept in their beds, cuddled up, loving one another so deeply and happy in their little oblivious life. He had heard his mother was pregnant...little brother eh? He didn't want one. He decapitated them and put their heads on the bedposts. He vanished from the suburb they lived in, sank into the alley ways of Gotham, hiding under sewer grates, eating whatever fell. He answered to no man. He was finally free. Free from his name. Free from the illusion of control. Free from the ratrace called life. Free from his ties. You would think that a little boy would feel something for his parents as he carved them like turkeys...but he didn't. He honestly felt nothing but pure, unequal, joy. In the wake, he took the name Ophidion Hex. A symbolic name which meant "Cursed Serpent". A play on the old saying "snake eating it's own tail". A parody of the world he was disgusted with. So he wanted more. He started killing drifters, bums, anyone nobody would miss, just for safety. he didn't want the cops stopping him, or that pesky Bat, or anyone else. He would mangle their bodies, see how much pain it took to kill them...experimented on how to kill them and how much they could take. This is how he learned how to kill efficiently. he took his knowledge and turned it to profit. Around the age of Eighteen, he started to circulate in Gotham's underground, whispered as a "Mysterious Fighter" in pit matches. He fought for money...for thrills. His first few fights got him banged up...but he always won. Either by bitting his opponents neck off, or stabbing his fingers through their eyes. nobody wanted to kill a 'kid'. But he would certainly kill them. he only felt joy. Happiness. not just by killing anymore, but by committing these crimes. At the age of 24, he had assembled a small group. They took on small jobs here and there. Diamond Heists, Bank Robberies, Home Invasions, Murder, Assassination...anything he could get his hands on. Sionis Industries, Private Contracts, Lex Corp, anything he could get his hands on. However, he started to hunger for more. Now, he sets his eyes on Gotham. The Joker, Quinn, Black Mask, Penguin, Freeze, Bane, Zsasz, Arkham Asylum, Blackgate, all of it. He would kill and conquer. He hungered...and his appetite is massive.


-Peak Human Physicality: His body is at the pinnacle of humanity. He can lift nearly 2.5x his own body weight and can run at a peak level. He has mastered his agility, which has lead him to be great at parkour and other free running skills.

-Mind Over Matter: He can ignore pain to an incredible extent. However, whatever wounds he sustains are not nullified, simply ignored. Enough damage can slow/stop him or even kill him.

-Master Combatant: His abilities with fire arms, melee weaponry, or hand to hand combat are at an extreme level. This is due to him having to fight in "death pits" since he was young, which trained him by fire to wield weaponry of all types and to handle himself in unarmed CQC.

-High Intellect: He is not at a Genius level, nor does he have knowledge of advanced sciences, but he has a great learning capacity. He learns things faster than average humans, and has extensive knowledge about the human anatomy due to his "experiments" in torture. He knows every single torturing method ever used in recorded history and how to construct the devices thus. He also has learned many methods of serial killers and their M.O.'s and how to mimic or downright copy them, framing many criminals for crimes they did not commit.

-Truly Psychotic: Born with absolutely no sense of morality, no matter how hard people tried to teach him, he simply viewed everything as inferior beings. He has no sense of loyalty and is a true sociopath. He is capable of unspeakable acts.


-Pursuit of Entropy: His constant pursuit of chaos often causes him to do harm to his goals or the goals of his current allies. He always does what he thinks is in the best interest of chaos.

-Humanity: He is in no way a super being and thus has no resistance to death. He can die like any normal human. He ages and can catch sickness.

-Hatred For All Things "Pure": He has absolute distaste for things he considers "pure" either of heart, soul, body, or mind. This often causes him to self-destruct when he feels any sense of happiness, causing either pain to himself, or killing the person that caused him to feel it, deeming that the world did not deserve happiness, him included.


View All Comments

Madame Crane Report | 10/31/2013 12:58 pm
Madame Crane
I don't do much serious RPing anymore, honestly. Once in awhile, but I'm mostly here for friends. You should try getting in touch with Worlds Greatest Detective.
Madame Crane Report | 10/31/2013 12:40 pm
Madame Crane
Hard to say. I wouldn't know, I tend to stick to a smaller group these days.
Madame Crane Report | 10/31/2013 12:23 pm
Madame Crane
Good to have you back then.
Madame Crane Report | 10/04/2013 5:27 pm
Madame Crane
Well, I'll be damned. Look who's back.
Professor Cypress Report | 10/01/2012 4:11 pm
Professor Cypress
Happy Birthday Yo! Hope it's an awesome one!!
Lady Lyonne Report | 06/18/2012 6:48 am
Lady Lyonne
Nice OC darling.
Celes Brooks Report | 04/24/2012 2:07 pm
Celes Brooks
Such a lovely name?? anyway I hope we could roleplay soon in the guild..I get a little nervous posting
Celes Brooks Report | 04/24/2012 1:59 pm
Celes Brooks
~Oh dear forgive me for not introducing myself my name is Celes Corleone~
Batman of Gotham Report | 04/19/2012 4:57 pm
Batman of Gotham
((I just noticed that you meant to grab my attention with that thread... Now I'm disappointed I didn't get there before Chaos. Feel like an RP?))
The Mighty Grodd Report | 04/10/2011 8:34 pm
The Mighty Grodd
o.o your last post actually seemed to stretch out the page xD


"In the world of the blind, the one-eyed man is King."