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O p p r e s s o r ❤ P l u t o n i u m

Oppressor Plutonium's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Viletown, CA

Birthday: 07/31

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GreenBruteAngry Report | 11/06/2011 9:30 pm
Hello ~ Oppressor Plutonium u hugs . . . stare scream
BlueBratBad Report | 11/06/2011 9:19 pm
Hello ~ stare Brat u hugs !~ Oppressor Plutonium ~ evil
Berserk Plutonium Report | 11/02/2011 8:08 am
Oh Really?
powerpunk_Brat Report | 10/26/2011 7:38 am
Hi Mr. Plutonium
iGotokuji Miyako Report | 09/12/2011 12:09 pm
Hi.. Uhm,Welcome to Gaia. gonk Sorry I'm sad.. crying
Anon Valoe Report | 08/28/2010 9:36 pm
Meh, pretty bored.

Haven't seen you on the TSF. D:

But it pretty much died after being removed from the HotTopics.
Anon Valoe Report | 08/28/2010 9:25 pm

Lol no problem. XDD

How have you been? ;o
Anon Valoe Report | 08/28/2010 8:57 pm
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