
Need to update this s**t later, lolk.


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Demon's Diary



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/04/2009 2:32 am


Well, good luck on the paperwork. D:

Haha, too true. If I fit the stereotype, I'd probably spend my free time studying textbooks for fun.

Man, it's been too long since I've talked to you.
I'm leaving for a leadership conference in two hours though.
We'll catch up a lot more when I get back. :]

Report | 08/04/2009 2:13 am


Niiice. :]

D: Good luck with that... I don't know if there will be a problem like that for you.
The state colleges here are notorious for "WTF" on their financial aid applications.
My friend already sent in her proof of citizenship, and it was on file. Yet, they want her to send again to confirm. They COULD just go and check her file...

Haha, it's just the Asian influence. Even in high school, I hung out with the most elitist, racist Asian bastards ever imaginable. I guess their thirst for ambition rubbed off on me slightly. Not so much that I'd do ANYTHING to get in, like they thought of, but still...
I've always been the good kid. I think my brother will probably end up at a top tier school for his undergraduate studies too. He's a senior now, and he's starting up his applications.

Report | 08/04/2009 1:48 am


No kidding. I've visited my friends at their fast food work places. They always tell me how terrible it is.
I know what you mean. I drive a '96 4-Runner, and that thing drinks gas like crazy. It takes me about forty bucks to fill it up, and that lasts me three days or so. :[
I was offered to tutor my cousin, but she's about as smart as a bag of rocks. Or rather, she makes no effort at all. She listens to my words, but it goes in one ear and out the other. Eventually, I got fed up with her lack of cooperation and told her that if she failed, it was her fault. Surprisingly enough, she's been doing decently.

No kidding. biggrin My teacher told me about it because she used to work there. First day of Junior year, that was part of her introduction. After that, I knew I wanted to work there at least once in my life. The people that call you are supposed to be the greatest experience for a future Psychologist. Though, I'm specializing in Children's Psychology, so... Maybe I'll get some creepy 5 year old kid calling me...

Student loans will be a b***h. I was helping my friend put her financial aid request through, and the process was hellish.

Haha, Harvard's overrated. Though... My plans for the future are going pretty decently right now. I've finished all my basic education, so I'll be focusing on major-specific classes. Never have to take another Math or English class again. I'll either graduate early, or do a bunch of electives. For graduate school, I was shooting for Stanford. I talked to the Dean of Admissions, and he said I had a pretty good shot of getting in. Only problem is... Money is scarce. :[

Report | 08/04/2009 1:30 am


I made a vow not to work with fast food, or food of any kind. So that basically ruled out 80% of all the potential places to get a job.
I'm really picky, and I HATE touching other people's food. Or rather, I just don't like getting my hands dirty for any reason. Perhaps it was the 12 years of playing the violin and the words "Always take care of your hands" being drilled into my mind.
I've applied for a Psychological Disorder Hotline. Basically, you pick up the phone, and just listen to them. Sometimes, they call because they just want you to listen, and other times, they ask for a diagnosis/you have to help them out. It's pretty important stuff, so you need to be in the Psychology field to get a job. My Psych teacher recommended me, so I think I've got a decent shot at it.

Ooh, community college is MUCH cheaper than university.
The cost of college is terrible. :[ My friend's going to Harvard, and she has to pay 75k a year.
Nursing/med field is good, but I heard the workload was incredibly hard.
I have to get a minor in Pharmacy as well, since I'm leaning towards becoming a Clinical Psychologist.
Yay for prescription Prozac?

Report | 08/04/2009 1:19 am


Haha, sounds like my life right now.
It's been hell finding a job though. I've applied to work for the college, so I'm hoping I get the job.

Nice. Did you get into all the schools you applied to? What college did you decide on?

I got into some good schools, but I couldn't afford it. :[
I decided I'd just complete my undergraduate studies at the state college. I'm making about 12k a year, just for attending.
Majoring in Psychology and Sociology, with a minor in Foreign Linguistics.

Report | 08/04/2009 1:11 am


Yeah, I still have means of contact with Linds and Jenn, but...
Jenn's always busy at work or some place, and Lindsay's usually out with her boyfriend or doing something.

Ooh, Sis PMs me once in a while to check up on how I'm doing.

So how have you been spending your days?
You graduated now, right?
Future plans?

Report | 08/04/2009 1:05 am


Haha, same old, man.

I've been out of touch with them for a while now too. I stalk Lei off and on, and I talk occasionally with Linds.
Serene is off in her own world. I talk to Jen once in a blue moon. As for Ra, he's been on and off Gaia.
The thing that saddens me most is that I lost contact with Kit. :[ She was like my best friend, and one day, she just upped and vanished.

Report | 08/04/2009 12:58 am


Long time no talk, Cody!
How've you been?
Seth Electro

Report | 05/26/2009 8:30 pm

Seth Electro

Not sure if you remember me bro...Its SETH!. Sup man.
iBold and Delicious

Report | 03/21/2009 10:48 pm

iBold and Delicious



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